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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 17: events in and near the National Capital. (search)
the President of the Monument Square meeting, and others, counseled resistance to any Northern or Western troops who might attempt to pass through the city. There was much feverishness in the public mind in Baltimore on the morning of the 19th of April. Groups of excited men were seen on the corners of streets, and at the places of public resort. Well-known secessionists were hurrying to and fro with unusual agility; and in front of the store of Charles M. Jackson, on Pratt Street, near Gay, where lay the only railway from Philadelphia to Washington, through Baltimore, a large quantity of the round pavement stones had been taken up during the night and piled in a heap; and near them was a cart-load of gravel, giving the impression that repairs of the street were about to be made. Intelligence came at an early hour of the evacuation and destruction of the public property at Harper's Ferry, on the previous evening. The secessionists were exasperated and the Unionists were jubi
He was mortally wounded. John McCann, of No. 2 North Bond street, was mortally wounded. A man named Flannery, residing on Federick street, near Pratt, wasmortally wounded, and died shortly after. --Carr, residing at the corner of Exeter and Bank streets, was wounded by a musket ball in the knee. The wound is severe. John Staub, clerk with Tucker & Smith, on Charles street, shot in the fore finger of the right hand. A young man named Malony was shot on Pratt street, near Gay, and died at the central police station. James Keenan was wounded by having a Minuie ball pass through his body. He was one of the stranger soldiers. His wound was supposed to be mortal. He was taken to the office of Dr. Hintze, where he received surgical attendance, and was then taken to the Protestant Infirmary. At the police station, an old man, who did not give his name, was badly wounded. How many were wounded it is impossible to ascertain, as many of the soldiers who l
Searching coffins and Churches. --The Baltimore Sun contains the following item in it local column: The search of premises in this city by the Federal police continues, but for several days past no seizures of arms have been made. On Wednesday afternoon the coffin warehouse of Mr. John H. Weaver, on Fayette street, near Gay, was visited, and the whole establishment thoroughly searched. Several hundred coffins and metallic burial cases were opened in all parts of the building, but without any successful result. The search occupied several hours. After leaving the establishment of Mr. Weaver, a window of Christ Church was forced, and that temple of worship was searched, but no arms could be found. Late on Tuesday evening the premises of Mr. John Staylor, Jr., on Greenmount Avenue, were visited by a squad of eleven Federal policemen, who demanded to search the premises. They stated that they had received information that a quantity of arms were buried in the yard, three
On the morning of the 20th the Confederates advanced, burnt some houses near the town, and retired: A few minutes before the conflagration the enemy opened a battery near the front of our centre, and fired four or five shots into the town. They were apparently aimed at the cotton-bale battery on Gay street. The missiles, as they came whizzing into town, caused considerable panic, and for a few moments the impression prevailed among the citizens that the grand shelling had begun.--The Gay street battery, as well as two other to the right and left, replied rapidly, their reports shaking the town. Spectators went scurrying for shelter to the neighboring buildings; teams skedaddled up Gay street, and citizens took to their cellars for protection. For some cause the rebel batteries ceased firing, probably from a fear of blurting somebody in the town — ours followed suit — and there was a great calm. Meantime the heavens were illuminated by the lurid flames of the burning buildi
tleman under arrest. A resolution by Mr Pruyn, in Congress denouncing the act of suspension as "subversive of the principles of civil liberty," was laid on the table — ayes 79, noes 54. The Baltimore America has an announcement of a suspension in that city, as follows: Yesterday afternoon Maj Gen Lew Wallace, commandant of the Middle Department, issued an order prohibiting the further publication of the Evening Transcript, published by Mr. Wm H Nelison, on Baltimore street near Gay, on the charge of disloyalty, in publishing as a telegraphic dispatch a statement giving a grossly exaggerates estimate of the losses of the Army of the Potomac, and crediting the same to the Associated Press correspondent at Washington thereby seeking to establish its reliability. The dispatch reads as follows: Washington, May 15--I have no facts to send you. The report that a great battle was in progress yesterday is not believed. As to the result of the ten days fighting, we have n