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ays rations in Dalton; to have sent the trains and engines to some place of safety beyond the Etowah; to have held our position until the arrival of Polk's Army, when a grand assault upon Sherman's left flank and rear could have been made near Tunnel Hill, by passing over the northern slope of Rocky-faced Ridge, with an Army of over seventy thousand (70,000) effectives, which might easily have been increased to seventy-five thousand (75,000) by lessening the extra duty men. This move, in my e Creek Gaps, the short line of retreat, since the railroad south of Kingston deflects greatly to the east One blow in rear of an army is always more to be feared than ten in front, and it would have required only a good roar of musketry, near Tunnel Hill, to have hastened the enemy back to the firing. I have too high a regard for General Sherman's sagacity, as a soldier, to believe that he would have moved the main body of his Army down the valley between Rocky-faced and Horn Mountains, in th
r successful resistance as soon as possible by assembling here the troops you enumerate. Again, Johnston's Narrative, page 296. I would have the troops assemble here without delay, to repel Grant's attack and then make our own. It is hereby evident that as long as General Johnston endeavored to obtain the transfer, to his own command, of Longstreet's Corps in Virginia, and of Polk's Army in Mississippi, he spoke continually of fighting at Dalton; when, however, Sherman appeared at Tunnel Hill, in front of Rockyfaced Ridge, and he was given an Army of over seventy thousand (70,000) available troops — as I have demonstrated — he decided to retreat. What followed at Resaca? Retreat. New Hope Church? Retreat. Cassville? Retreat. Kennesaw Mountain? Retreat. Would we have fought at Atlanta after our inglorious campaign, the abandonment of the mountain fastnesses, and the foreshadowed intention of our commander to fall back to Macon? I shall now glance at his two plans for the d
ne and then give battle. I accordingly decided to move further north and again strike his railroad between Resaca and Tunnel Hill, thoroughly destroy it, and then move in the direction of the Tennessee, via Lafayette and Gadsden, with no intent, hon miles below Rome; and moving up the west bank of the Oostenaula, hope to destroy his communications from Kingston to Tunnel Hill, forcing him to fall back or move south. If the latter, I shall move on his rear. If the former, I shall move to the finally acceded to at 4 p. m. The garrison consisted of about one thousand (1000) men. As the road between Resaca and Tunnel Hill had been effectually destroyed, the Army was put in motion the next morning in the direction of Gadsden, and camped tha (the 12th), completely destroying the railroad, including block houses from that point to within a short distance of Tunnel Hill; and about four miles of the Cleveland Railroad, capturing Dalton and all intermediate garrisons, with their stores, a
t one corps, from Atlanta to Marietta, threatening an advance in the direction of our position at Lost Mountain; but not deeming our Army in condition for a general engagement I withdrew it, on the 6th of October, to the westward, continuing to march daily, and crossed the Coosa river near Coosaville, and moved up the west bank of Oostenaula, and striking the railroad again between Resaca and Mill Creek Gap, just above Dalton, on the 13th of October, destroying the railroad from Resaca to Tunnel Hill, capturing the enemy's posts at Tilton, Dalton, and Mill Creek Gap, with about one thousand (1000) prisoners and some stores. I again withdrew the Army from the railroad, moving from the southwest towards Gadsden, Alabama, the enemy following and skirmishing constantly with our cavalry, then under the command of Major General Wheeler, who had joined the Army on the march just before it crossed the Coosa river. The Army reached Gadsden, Alabama, on the 20th of October, at which point G