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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., The Roman Catholic Church in Medford. (search)
e did, and the request was granted. Father Doherty discontinued his visits to Medford, and in November, 1854, Father Ryan received his appointment to the new parish. It included Malden, Medford, Melrose, South Reading (now Wakefield), Reading, Stoneham and Winchester. The first Mass was said in Greene's Hall, on the corner of Pleasant and Middlesex streets in Malden. It is estimated that more than two hundred Catholics were present on that occasion. Father Ryan called his people together ant to finish the interior of the upper church. Alas! he did not live to see his great work completed, for in 1900 he passed away, after a long and painful illness. In March, 1900, the Rev. Thomas L. Flanagan came to Medford from the parish of Stoneham, where he had been pastor for some years. He was an intimate friend of Father Gilligan, and he took up the work of completing the new church as Father Gilligan laid it down. And indeed, as we review the twelve years that he has been in Medford
casioned by the seeming needless removal of the old scientific landmark. Mr. Dame gave his High School boys at one time as a subject to write on, The Brooks of Medford, advising an actual search and tracing to their sources. Doubtless the young people found the latter interesting. One brook is today a sort of lost river—the tributary of Meetinghouse brook, which has its source near Smith's lane between Woburn and Winthrop Streets. We were told to look there for remains of the projected Stoneham railroad, but found instead that Lily pond lane (near the rock-cut) crosses the Albree brook which flows underground for many rods before it emerges to view in another enclosed field, where must have been the mill-pond of John Albree, the Medford weaver. Some rods from the lane are parallel stone walls, about three rods long, through which the brook flows, and in the open space between, the ground slopes in either direction to the brook. No, this wasn't the railroad at all, but was a
d listeners knew by the sound of the bell how brisk the last minute's patronage was. A time card, probably the earliest issued, October 4, 1847, announces trains From Medford, 7, 8 1/4 A. M., 1 1/2, 3 1/2 & 5 P. M. From Boston, 7 1/2 A. M., 2 M., 2 1/4, 4 1/2 & 6 P. M. Saturday evening. From Medford, 6 1/2 P. M. From Boston, 9 P. M. Fare 12 cts. There was a time when it seemed probable that the Medford station would become a way-station by the building of an extension to Stoneham (see Register, Vol. XVI p. 90), but the project failed to materialize and a terminal it has remained. It has been remodelled at times, the entrance moved nearer the square, a somewhat pretentious waiting-room made in it, now somewhat dimmed in its lustre but more than equal to the demand at the present writing. The Medford Branch carries people safely, brings freight into the city, carries away a little, but its palmy days have passed, unless, indeed, by its electrification or rearrangem