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into Dante's library.
We find Aristotle (whom he calls the philosopher, the master) cited seventysix times; Cicero, eighteen; Albertus Magnus, seven; Boethius, six; Plato (at second-hand), four; Aquinas, Avicenna, Ptolemy, the Digest, Lucan, and Ovid, three each; Virgil, Juvenal, Statius, Seneca, and Horace, twice each; and Algazzali, Alfrogan, Augustine, Livy, Orosius, and Homer (at second-hand), once.
Of Greek he seems to have understood little; of Hebrew and Arabic, a few words.
But it wan into the city chosen of God.
De Monarchia, Lib. II. § 4. In the Convito we find Virgil speaking in the person of God, and Aeacus wisely having recourse to God, the god being Jupiter.
Convito, Tr. IV.
c. 4; Ib., c. 27; Aeneid, I. 178, 179; Ovid's Met., VII. Ephialtes is punished in hell for rebellion against the Supreme Jove,
Inferno, XXXI. 92. and, that there may be no misunderstanding, Dante elsewhere invokes the
Jove Supreme, Who upon earth for us wast crucified. Purgatorio, VI