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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
Superviele--of his diplomatic operations in Mexico, which convinces me that the French authorities there favor the Confederate States cause, and anticipate closer relations before long. When he parted with Almonte, the latter assured him that his sympathies were with the South, and that if he held any position in the new government (which he does now) he might say to President Davis that his influence would be exerted for the recognition of our independence. Mr. Jeptha Fowlkes, of Aberdeen, Miss., sends a proposition to supply our army with 200,000 suits of clothing, 50,000 pairs of shoes, etc. etc. from the United States, provided he be allowed to give cotton in return. Mr. Randolph made a contract with him last year, of this nature, which our government revoked afterward. We shall see what will be done now. It is positively asserted that Gen. Bragg has arrested Lieut.-Gen. (Bishop) Polk and Brig.-Gen. Hindman, for disobedience of orders in the battle of Chickamauga.
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
en done. The establishment of this and other mills requires prompt attention. The chief difficulty in the use of corn or meal is the danger of heating in depot. This might be obviated by the establishment of kilns for drying the corn. The coarseness of the meal as issued is another objection. This might be remedied by issuing sieves, or, better still, by bolting at the mill. The bran is valuable as forage. The best points for depots are at Montgomery, Ala., and at some point near Aberdeen, Miss., on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. Much waste occurs in the quartermaster's and commissary departments from the improvidence, negligence, and dishonesty of those in charge of the public stores on the railroads and at the depots. Greater precautions should be used in the selection of the guards for these stores and a more rigid accountability exacted of those in charge, and a system of mercantile shipments and receipts adopted and enforced with the railroads. I respectfully submi
egard: Thomas Jordan, Assistant Adjutant-General. Memorandum.Corinth, Miss., May 5, 1862. From Corinth to Jacinto and Fulton, good; too far to eastward. From Corinth to Rienzi, via the Morrison House and Danville, good. From Corinth to Jacinto, via Kossuth and Danville, good. From Rienzi to Ripley, good road, 27 miles. From Ripley to Pontotoc, good road, 32 miles. From Pontotoc to railroad, 16 miles. From Pontotoc to Houston, good road, 28 miles. From Houston to Aberdeen, good in dry weather, 35 miles. From Houston to West Point, good road, 40 miles. From Booneville to Carrollville, good road, 13 miles. From Carrollville to Saltillo, good in dry weather, 12 miles. From Saltillo to Harrisburg, bad. From Saltillo to Mooresville, good road, 10 miles. From Mooresville to Harrisburg, bad road, 8 miles. From Harrisburg to Tupelo, good road, 28 miles. From Tupelo to Okolona, good in dry weather, 19 miles. From Okolona to West Point, goo
na, capturing some prisoners, arms, and a large amount of confederate government supplies. Camped five miles south. Nineteenth, marched at eight A. M. toward Aberdeen, capturing forty-five prisoners and a large amount of government supplies, etc. Crossed the Tombigbee River, and encamped five miles south of that river on an abwas moved southward along the line of the railroad; MeCrellis's a few miles to the west, and in the same direction; and Hepburn's to the east, toward and through Aberdeen, at Prairie Station, where a number of cars and penis of corn were destroyed on the night of the day the command was united. At three P. M. on the twentieth of a crossing of the Tombigbee. On the next morning, Hepburn's brigade, commanded by General Grierson in person, was sent out to support the Ninth regiment, and at Aberdeen, with directions to threaten Columbus strongly. With the remaining two brigades, General Smith swept down the railroad toward West-Point, tearing up the railroa
hin two miles of Tupelo, we learned from the occupant of a house near by, (who mistook us for rebel cavalry,) that Federal troops from Corinth had that day been at Saltillo, eight miles north of Tupelo and that the rebels had fled south, abandoning Tupelo. Fearing that Major Coon might encounter too strong a foe, Lieut.-Col. Prince, Seventh Illinois cavalry, with about a hundred men, was sent promptly into Tupelo, and the rest of the force was moved back seven miles to a point where the Aberdeen road broke off to the south-cast, and on which it was ascertained that Major Coon had advanced, with a view of affording him support if needed. It was found that Major Coon had dashed into Coonawa in the afternoon, stampeded a small party of rebel cavalry, took a few prisoners, and made a strenuous but unsuccessful effort to capture a railroad train passing that station south. The train was tired upon by his advance on the full gallop, and one trooper, leaping from his horse, pistol in ha
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Meeting at the White Sulphur Springs. (search)
Jeff. Forrest's brigade was at Grenada, watching the forces at Yazoo City, and Bell, at Oxford, organizing. On the 10th Smith started from Collierville. On the 11th McCulloch moved to Oxford on converging lines with him. By the 14th it was manifest that Smith was moving for the prairie, and Forrest ordered a concentration of his command near West Point to intercept him, and this was accomplished by the 18th--Jeff. Forrest reaching there on the 17th. His brigade was thrown forward towards Aberdeen, and continued skirmishing with the enemy until the 20th. On the 20th Bell's brigade was sent to keep on the flank of the enemy and cover Columbus, and McCulloch and Richardson moved up to support Jeff. Forrest, and all fell back, slowly skirmishing to West Point. A telegram received here announced that General S. D. Lee, with three brigades, would be with us early on the 22d, and Forrest retired behind Suqua-ton-cha creek, of steep banks and miry bottom, and over which there were but few
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General Forrest of operations against W. Sooy Smith in February, 1864. (search)
and Yazoo rivers and moved rapidly to Starkville, which place I reached on the evening of the 18th ultimo. On the 19th the enemy were reported at Okalona, but his movements or intended course was not developed; and fearing he might cross the Tombigbee, I ordered Bell's brigade to Columbus, and also dispatched General Ruggles to use all his effective force to prevent them from doing so. At the same time, I ordered Brigadier-General Chalmers, commanding division, to send Forrest's brigade to Aberdeen, or in that direction, to meet and ascertain the movements of the enemy, and also with McCulloch's brigade of his division and Richardson's brigade, under Colonel Neely, to move out to West Point — leaving General Richardson at Starkville in command of all the dismounted men of the command, to protect my wagon train, and send out scouts in the direction of Houston in order to give timely notice, should the enemy divide his forces and move in that direction. On the morning of the 20th, Co
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's Meridian expedition and Sooy Smith's raid to West point. (search)
to within a few miles of Houston, when he moved almost due east to Okalona, which he took without resistance. He then moved south again down the Mobile and Ohio railroad to Prairie station, where he concentrated his command, and on the 20th moved on and through West Point — Forrest retiring across the Sookatouchie, in accordance with his understanding with Lee, to avoid an engagement till his arrival. Jeff. Forrest commmenced fighting Smith with his brigade on the 18th February, towards Aberdeen. Forrest soon divined Smith's intentions at Wyatt, and concentrated his command at West Point, where they commenced to arrive on February 17th--the average march of his brigades being about 92 miles, while Smith marched double that distance before meeting Forrest in the vicinity of West Point. On February 20th, at West Point, Forrest received a dispatch from Lee, saying he would arrive on the 22d. Smith, at West Point, the same day heard of this dispatch, and also had it confirmed from
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Operations of the cavalry in Mississippi, from January to March, 1864.-report of General S. D. Lee. (search)
lle, the point indicated by General Forrest, leaving only Colonel Perrin's Mississippi regiment to cover Demopolis and observe the enemy. The command moved as rapidly as the jaded condition of the horses would admit, and at daylight on the 23d arrived at Line Creek, where General Forrest was on the 22d, and found, much to my surprise and regret, that the enemy had commenced to retreat twenty-four hours previously. On the 19th, Forrest moved from Starkesville, through West Point, towards Aberdeen, and again retired before the enemy, across the Suckatinchie Creek. The enemy, on reaching West Point, heard of my approach on the 21st, and immediately commenced their retreat. Forrest, on the 22d, in the evening, commenced the pursuit, and caught up with their rear-guard, inflicting severe punishment on them, capturing six pieces of artillery and many prisoners. My command was much disappointed at the result of this action, having anticipated a fight with their own arm of the service a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's campaign in Mississippi in winter of 1864. (search)
he operations of the cavalry under my command from the 28th of January to the present time. On the 26th of January, in obedience to telegraphic orders received late at night, the Second Tennessee battalion, my brigade, was ordered to report to Major-General Forrest; the Twelfth battalion, Mississippi cavalry, then on a scout to the line of the M. & C. railroad, was recalled, and the commanding officer directed to join me at Jackson by the most direct route; Owens's battery was ordered from Aberdeen to Egypt Station, at which point its guns and baggage, and the baggage of the balance of the brigade, were shipped to Jackson in charge of the dismounted men and the sick. On the 28th of January, having relieved myself of every incumbrance, I broke camp and marched with my command for Jackson, but on reaching Canton (February 3d), in obedience to telegraphic orders there received, I moved rapidly to Clinton to meet the advancing columns of the enemy, sending artillery horses and horses of
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