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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
er crossing the Osage, Price marched quickly to Neosho, where the General Assembly had been summoned by Governor Jackson to meet. Fremont continued to follow till the 2d of November, when he was superseded by Major-General David Hunter, who immediately stopped the pursuit and turned the army back to St. Louis. On the 19th of November Major-General Halleck assumed command of the Federal Department. When I returned from Richmond, Price had gone into winter quarters on the Sac River near Osceola. Many of his men had been furloughed so that they might go to their homes, where they could subsist themselves during the winter and provide for their families. McCulloch's brigade was on the Arkansas River, and Pearce's had been disbanded. Under the treaty which had been negotiated at Richmond, the enlistment of Missourians in the Confederate army was at once begun and was continued at Springfield, whither Price moved his army just before Christmas. Before the end of January, 1862, tw
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Western flotilla at Fort Donelson, Island number10, Fort Pillow and — Memphis. (search)
ter the exchange of a few shots at long range they retired down the river. We followed them all the way to Craighead's Point, where they were under cover of their fortifications at Fort Pillow. I was not aware at the time that we were chasing the squadron of my esteemed shipmate of the U. S. Frigates Cumberland and Merrimac, Colonel John W. Dunnington, who afterward fought so bravely at Arkansas Post. On the 14th General Pope's army landed about six miles above Craighead's Point, near Osceola, under the protection of the gun-boats. While he was preparing to attack Fort Pillow, Foote sent his executive officer twice to me on the Carondelet to inquire whether I would undertake, with my vessel and two or three other gun-boats, to pass below the fort to cooperate with General Pope, to which inquiries I replied that I was ready at any time to make the attempt. But Pope and his army (with the exception of 1,500 men) were ordered away, and the expedition against Fort Pillow was aband
ile on his way to join Zollicoffer. They were taken to Camp Dick Robinson. John C. Breckinridge was with their party in Cincinnati, Ohio, but escaped.--National Intelligencer, Sept. 28. Lieutenant McCrea, with the steamers J. Bell and Seminole, made an attack on a rebel battery at Freestone Point, on the Potomac River.--(Doc. 59.) An action took place at Chapmanville, Va., between a force of National troops under Colonel D. A. Enyart of the First Kentucky Volunteers and a party of rebels. The latter were completely routed and lost sixty killed and seventy taken prisoners. The rebels in escaping were intercepted by Colonel Piatt of the German Ohio regiment, who surprised them and killed forty beside capturing a large number of prisoners.--(Doc. 59 1/2.) A skirmish occurred near Osceola, Mo., between a part of National troops of General Lane's army, and a body of rebels, the former losing one killed and four slightly wounded, and the rebels having ten killed.--(Doc. 60.)
nd and twenty men, all of whom were thoroughly uniformed and equipped, and armed with the Enfield rifle. Col. Willitts, of the Kansas Brigade, arrived at Leavenworth, Kansas, this evening, and reported the following facts: Gen. Price was at Osceola on the 1st December, with about eighteen thousand men; he made a speech, and told them he was going to Kansas to avenge the burning of Osceola. On Friday last, December 6th, thirteen persons started from near Olathe, in company with a Union mOsceola. On Friday last, December 6th, thirteen persons started from near Olathe, in company with a Union man who had been driven out of Missouri, to get some hogs belonging to the refugee. They were attacked from the border in Missouri by about thirty or forty rebels, when they retired back into Kansas, and soon raised near two hundred men, with whom they returned. They soon met the enemy, who also had been reinforced by a considerable body, and a skirmish commenced, which lasted all day Saturday, resulting in a drawn battle, with two Nationals wounded, three rebels killed, and five mortally woun
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
Wright, October 18, 1861. Fremont's army arrived at Springfield at the beginning of November, inspirited by news of recent successes in the Department, and the prospect of speedily ridding Missouri of insurgents. While it had been moving forward, Lane and Montgomery, who, we have seen, had been driven back into Kansas by Price, See page 66. had crossed into Missouri again, to cut oft or embarrass the Confederates in their retreat from Lexington. Montgomery pushed on to the town of Osceola, the capital of St. Clair County, on the Osage, but was too late to intercept Price. The armed Confederates at that place, after a brief skirmish, Sept. 20, 1861. were driven away, and the village was laid in ashes, with no other excuse for the cruel measure than the fact that it was a rendezvous for the foe, and its inhabitants were all disloyal. A month later the National troops gained a signal victory over the guerrilla chief, Thompson (who was called the Swamp Fox, and his command,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
, Alabama, Coatzacoalcas, Marion, Governor, and Mohican. The Atlantic led the central line, and was followed by the Vanderbilt, towing the Great Republic; the Ocean Queen, towing the Zenas Coffin; and these were followed by the Winfield Scott, Potomac, Cahawba, Oriental Union, R. B. Forbes, Vixen, and O. M. Petit. The Empire City led the right, followed by the Ericsson, Philadelphia, Ben De Ford, Florida, Roanoke, Matanzas, Daniel Webster, Augusta, Mayflower, Peerless, Ariel, Mercury, Osceola, and two ferry-boats The twenty-five coal-barges, convoyed by the Vandalia, had been sent out the day before, with instructions to rendezvous off the Savannah River, so as to mislead as to the real destination of the expedition. During a greater portion of the day of departure, they moved down the coast toward stormy Cape Hatteras, most of the vessels in sight of the shore of North Carolina, and all hearts cheered with promises of fine weather. That night was glorious. The next day was fa
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
enslaved. This appeal aroused the disaffected Missourians, and at the time when Pope was ordered to his new field of operations, about five thousand recruits, it was said, were marching from the Missouri River and beyond to join Price. To prevent this combination was Pope's chief desire. He encamped thirty or forty miles southwest from Booneville, at the middle of December, and after sending out some of the First Missouri cavalry, under Major Hubbard, to watch Price, who was then at Osceola with about eight thousand men, and to prevent a reconnaissance of the main column of the Nationals, he moved his whole body Dec. 16, 1861 westward and took position in the country between Clinton and Warrensburg, in Henry and Johnson counties. There were two thousand Confederates then near his lines, and against these Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, of the Seventh Missouri, was sent with a considerable cavalry force that scattered them. Having accomplished this, Brown returned to the main army
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
lf. Sloop Buffalo. 13,328 85 2,416 37 10,912 48 Philadelphia Nov. 23, 1864 Braziliera. Boat and cargo 390 25 201 78 188 47 New Orleans Feb. 2, 1865 Tallahatchie. Boats, 2, and 4 bales of cotton 2,700 00 261 45 2,438 55 do Mar. 27, 1865 Commodore. Steamer Bloomer     1,700 00 do Oct. 3, 1865 Potomac. Schooner Belle 26,586 74 3,430 19 23,156 25 do April 20, 1865 Virginia. Steamer Blenheim 55,778 22 3,655 77 52,122 45 New York June 19, 1865 Tristam Shandy, Lillian, Britannia, Osceola, Gettysburg. Schooner Badger 10,824 32 947 89 9,886 43 Key West June 29, 1865 Adela. Boat and sundries 194 22 90 82 103 40 do   San Jacinto. (Waiting for prize list.) Boat, no name 891 67 123 61 768 06 do Aug. 16, 1865 Ino. Schooner Baigorry 61,568 43 4,315 65 57,272 58 do Aug. 16, 1865 Bainbridge. Schs. Comet, J. J. Crittenden, and sloop America 2,600 00 322 85 2,277 15 New York Oct. 22, 1863 Commodore Perry, Morse, Underwriter, General Putnam, Whitehead. Schooner Capta
which he would not have dared to attack. He gradually retraced his steps from the Arkansas border, entering Springfield in triumph, and subsequently advancing to Osceola, on the Osage, thence pushing forward his forces unresisted over the greater part of southern and western Missouri, occupying in force Lexington and other points abandon the line of the Missouri, and retreat southward. Having, by forced marches and his strength in cavalry, gained a position between them and their base at Osceola, he forced them to a hurried flight, with the loss of nearly 300 prisoners and most of their baggage, including 70 wagons laden with clothing and supplies for Price, who lay at Osceola with 8,000 men. Meantime, a detachment of Pope's forces, under Col. Jeff. C. Davis, surprised Dec. 18. a Rebel camp at Milford, not far from Warrensburg, and compelled its surrender at discretion. Three colonels, 17 captains, over 1,000 prisoners, 1,000 stand of arms, 1,000 horses, and an abundance of ten
Doc. 60. capture of Osceola, Mo. A correspondent of the Neosha Register gives the following account of the capture: West Point, Sept. 27. I have the painful task of informing you of anoe was the pet of the company. He was buried to-day. We left West Point on the 23d Sept. for Osceola, with four hundred cavalry, under Col. Montgomery, assisted by Col. Ritchie, the infantry under two o'clock. On the morning of the 24th we left Papinsville, and took up the line of march for Osceola. We crossed the Osage within four miles of Osceola at ten o'clock on the night of the 25th. TOsceola at ten o'clock on the night of the 25th. The enemy, hearing of our approach, attempted to dispute the crossing of the river, but were not in time, their pickets coming up just as we got over. They were driven back and five of them taken prining the accursed place, we took up our line of march, meeting Gen. Lane about eight miles from Osceola, bringing up reinforcements. Here we camped. The pickets being fired on here during the night
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