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openly acting with the unconditional submissionists. The Governor, Magoffin, was unequal to the difficulties by which he was surrounded. William Preston was absent, as minister to Spain. Humphrey Marshall, and some other men of ability, were hampered by their positions in Congress. Under the circumstances, the situation seemed more in the hands of General Simon B. Buckner than of any other one man. Buckner was a native of Kentucky, and thirty-eight years of age. He was graduated at West Point, where he was subsequently an instructor in ethics and in tactics. In the Mexican War he was wounded at Churubusco, and brevetted for gallantry. After a varied service, he resigned in 1855, and in 1858 settled in Louisville. Though the care of a large estate occupied much of his time and attention, yet, being an enthusiast in his profession, he undertook, as a congenial pursuit, the organization of the militia of Kentucky. Of this, with the title of inspector-general and the rank of ma
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Wilson's Creek, and the death of Lyon. (search)
try, and asked to have the remains buried on her farm till they could be removed. To this she gladly consented. The body was left in custody of surgeons who were to remain behind, and the next day Mrs. Phelps took possession of it, and General Lyon was laid to rest in her garden, just outside the town. His body was subsequently removed to his home in Connecticut and buried with military and civic honors.-W. M. W. Lyon was born in Ashford, Conn., July 14th, 1818. He was graduated at West Point in 1841, and served in the army in Florida and in the war with Mexico. He was brevetted captain for gallant conduct at Churubusco and Contreras. Front 1849 to 1853 he served in California, winning special mention for his services in frontier warfare. He served afterward in Kansas, and from that State was ordered to St. Louis in January, 1861.-editors. On reaching Springfield, Sturgis found that Sigel had arrived there half an hour earlier. Regarding him as the senior, the command w
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Appointed Colonel of the 21st Illinois-Personnel of the regiment-general Logan-March to Missouri-movement against Harris at Florida, Mo. --General Pope in command-stationed at Mexico, Mo. (search)
to him was for use with his regiment as well as mine, it was difficult to make him understand that this was not an unwarranted interference of one colonel over another. No doubt he attributed it for the time to the presumption of a graduate of West Point over a volunteer pure and simple. But the question was soon settled and we had no further trouble. My arrival in Mexico had been preceded by that of two or three regiments in which proper discipline had not been maintained, and the men hadied in the school of the soldier beyond the company drill, except that it had received some training on the march from Springfield to the Illinois River. There was now a good opportunity of exercising it in the battalion drill. While I was at West Point the tactics used in the army had been Scott's and the musket the flint lock. I had never looked at a copy of tactics from the time of my graduation. My standing in that branch of studies had been near the foot of the class. In the Mexican wa
g the United States troops victorious. The loss of the rebels was fourteen killed, including two officers, and several wounded; while that of the United States forces was only one killed. At 12 o'clock the United States troops continued their march, crossing Grand River, but they were compelled to leave three of their baggage wagons on the bank of the river in consequence of high water. Major Van Horn left Kansas City on the 17th for the purpose of reinforcing Maj. Dean, now holding West Point, Missouri, with a small force, he having routed 1,000 rebels at that place. Major Van Horn's command was attacked while at dinner. They planted their flag-staff at 2 o'clock, never giving way an inch nor removing the flag till after the rebels withdrew. The rebels endeavored to flank them on the left with a company of cavalry, but were completely routed by a detailed force under Captain Butler.--N. Y. World, July 23. The Federal army left Fairfax Court House, Va., this morning and took
ions, and such other things as may be useful to the soldiers, to the amount of ten thousand dollars, on the inhabitants of the county, and five thousand dollars on the citizens of Palmyra, as a penalty for this outrage.--Baltimore American, August 19. The Sixteenth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Powell T. Wyman, left their encampment at North Cambridge for the seat of war. Colonel Powell and a majority of the staff and line officers are graduates of West Point. Quarter-master Livermore is a son of Hon. Isaac Livermore, of Cambridge, and Gov. Banks (now Gen. Banks) has a brother in the regiment in the person of Capt. Gardner Banks, of Company H.--N. Y. Times, August 19. Governor Yates issued a proclamation to the people of Illinois, stating that he has obtained instructions from the Secretary of War to accept all companies that offer themselves for three years service; and announcing that all companies which shall report fully organized with
42, and fully equipped. They have camp equipage, company wagons and ambulances, and sixty horses, a band of twenty-five pieces enlisted for the war, twenty-five thousand rounds of ball cartridges, and twenty-five thousand rounds of buckshot, and, in fact, all the paraphernalia of war ready to fit them for immediate service in the field. Of the officers, many are specially qualified for their positions. Col. Barnes is distinguished for having been in the same class with Jeff. Davis, at West Point, graduating A one, when Jeff. was No. twenty-seven, in a class of thirty-one. Lieut.-Col. Ingraham was in the Massachusetts Fourth, stationed at Fortress Monroe. Major Hayes is a graduate of Harvard College, and quite popular. Adjutant Hodge was an officer of the Massachusetts Fifth, and distinguished himself at Bull Run, saving the life of Col. Lawrence. Surgeon Smith was educated in Paris, and was connected with Major Cobb's battery. Other officers of the regiment have seen active se
papers were found in the baggage and on the person of the accused, justifying the vigorous measures adopted. He was sent to Fort Lafayette.--N. Y. Times, September 22. Gen. Robert Anderson assumed command of the State and Federal troops in Kentucky and issued a spirited proclamation, calling upon Kentuckians of all parties to assist in repelling the invaders of the State. Gov. Magoffin also issued a proclamation, directing Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden to call out the State troops to resist the invasion of the State, and Gen. C. accordingly called out the militia.--(Doc. 56.) The Fourth regiment of Vermont Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Edwin H. Stoughton, left its encampment at Brattleboro for the seat of war. The regiment numbers one thousand and eighty rank and file. Colonel Stoughton is a native of Vermont, and a West Point officer, having graduated from the Military Academy in 1854, and being breveted Second Lieutenant in the Forty-second Infantry, July 1, 1859.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 19: events in the Mississippi Valley.--the Indians. (search)
Legislature to assemble in extraordinary session at Jefferson City on the 2d day of May, for the purpose, he said, of enacting such laws and adopting such measures as may be deemed necessary and proper for the more perfect organization and equipment of the militia of this State, and to raise the money and such other means as may be required to place the State in a proper attitude for defense. The Governor was acting under. the inspiration of a disloyal graduate of the Military Academy at West Point, named Daniel M. Frost, a native of New York, who was then bearing the commission of a brigadier-general of the Missouri militia, and was commander of the St. Louis District. So early as the 24th of January preceding, we find Frost giving the Governor assurances, in writing, of his treasonable purposes, and of the complicity with him of Major William Henry Bell, a native of North Carolina, who was then commander of the United States military post at St. Louis, and having in charge the Ars
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 23: the War in Missouri.-doings of the Confederate Congress. --Affairs in Baltimore.--Piracies. (search)
k, who were asleep in two barns, fifteen miles north of Warsaw, at a place of rendezvous called Camp Cole. Jackson and his followers continued their retreat fifty miles farther southwest, to Montevallo, in Vernon County, on the extreme western borders of Missouri, where he was joined by General Price, July 3. with troops gathered at Lexington and on the way, making the whole force there about three thousand. At the same time, General G. J. Rains, a graduate of the Military Academy at West Point, was hurrying forward to join Jackson with a considerable force of insurgents, closely pursued by Major Sturgis, of the regular Army, who was leading a body of Kansas volunteers, who were eager to be avenged on Jackson for sufferings which they alleged he had caused them a few years before, when they were struggling with invaders from Missouri, called Border Ruffians, of whom the now fugitive Governor was a conspicuous leader. Satisfied that the northern part of the State was lost to the
Doc. 60. capture of Osceola, Mo. A correspondent of the Neosha Register gives the following account of the capture: West Point, Sept. 27. I have the painful task of informing you of another death in our ranks. Thomas Stanfield departed this life on the night of the 26th inst., receiving his death wound on the night of the 25th. Thomas is missed very much both on the field and in the camp; always cheerful and ready to obey every call, in fact he was the pet of the company. He was buried to-day. We left West Point on the 23d Sept. for Osceola, with four hundred cavalry, under Col. Montgomery, assisted by Col. Ritchie, the infantry under Col. Weer numbering one hundred and sixty. We passed through Papinsville, arriving there on the afternoon of the 23d, at two o'clock. On the morning of the 24th we left Papinsville, and took up the line of march for Osceola. We crossed the Osage within four miles of Osceola at ten o'clock on the night of the 25th. The enemy, hearin