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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 11: the disbandment. (search)
the meaning of our principal term. There are two conceptions of great generalship: one regarding practical material effects; the other essential personal qualities. In the former view we regard Attila, Genghis Khan, and Tamerlane as great generals. In the latter conception,--that of intrinsic qualities,--there are two views to be taken. This rank may be accorded to one who has the ability to accomplish great things with moderate means, and against great disadvantages; of this William of Orange is an example. Or, on the other hand, it may be applied to one who can command the situation, gather armies, control resources, and conquer by main force. Examples of this are familiar in history: Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon. A current and I think correct definition of great generalship regards not so much the power to command resources, or the conditions of a grand theater of action, as the ability to handle successfully the forces available, be they small or great. And this, it wil
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., How S-overheard his death-warrant. (search)
his detachment. This was the signal for S— to descend, which he did at once. A brief reconnoissance through the window revealed the dark figures posted at stated intervals around the housebut these only made him laugh. He did not fear them, and had only one regret — the impossibility of getting his horse off. The attempt would reveal his presence, involve the family in danger, and might fail. He accordingly resolved to retire on foot. This was at once and successfully accomplished. S- bade his kind friends farewell, stole out of the back door, glided along the garden fence, beneath the shadow of the trees, and gained the wood near by without being challenged. In an hour he was safe from all pursuit, at a friend's, on one of the spurs of the Blue Ridge. Soon afterwards he was relating this narrative to the present writer, near Orange. I was interested in it, and thought that the reader might share this interest. He knows, at least, how S- overheard his death-warra
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., How S-- captured a Federal Colonel's hat (search)
How S-- captured a Federal Colonel's hat Another adventure of S— , the scout, will be here narrated. He related it to me in my tent near Orange more than a year ago; but the incidents come back, as do many things in memoryliving, breathing, real, as it were, in the sunshine of to-day; not as mere shapes and recollections of the past. In the summer of the good year 1863, S— went with two or three companions on a little scout toward Warrenton. Do you know the pretty town of Warrenton, good reader? 'Tis a delightful little place, full of elegant mansions, charming people, and situated in a lovely country. Nowhere are the eyes of youthful maidens bluer-au revoir bien-t6t, sweet stars of my memory!--nowhere are truer hearts, or more open hands. Here Farley, the famous partisan-one of the friends I loved-used to scout at will, and when chased by his foes, rein up his horse on the suburbs, and humorously fire in their faces as they darted in pursuit of him; laughing quietly
of Illinois, instantly offered a resolution to expel Mr. Harris, which received eighty-one votes against fifty-eight; but two thirds being required, the resolution was not adopted. Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, then offered a resolution, severely censuring Mr. Harris, declaring him to be an unworthy member of the House, which was adopted. The proceedings were very turbulent, and the debates very sharp. The heaviest freshet known in Virginia for ten years occurred this night on the line of the Orange and Alexandria road. Several bridges were seriously damaged, and one was washed away entirely. This morning, about two o'clock, a small tug was discovered approaching the flag-ship Minnesota, lying off Newport News, Va. She was hailed, and answered in reply to the question, What boat is that? The Roanoke. Still approaching, she was warned to keep off or she would be fired upon. Regardless of the warning, she came on, drifting with the tide, and when quite near, steamed straight at t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., New Orleans before the capture. (search)
New Orleans before the capture. George W. Cable, Co. 1, 4th Mississippi Cavalry. The Confederate cruiser Sumter, Captain Semmes, leaving New Orleans, June 18, 1861. from a sketch made at the time. In the spring of 1862, we boys of Race, Orange, Magazine, Camp, Constance, Annunciation, Prytania, and other streets had no game. Nothing was in ; none of the old playground sports that commonly fill the school-boy's calendar. We were even tired of drilling. Not one of us between seven and seventeen but could beat the drum, knew every bugle-call, and could go through the manual of arms and the facings like a drill-sergeant. We were blase old soldiers — military critics. Who could tell us anything? I recall but one trivial admission of ignorance on the part of any lad. On a certain day of grand review, when the city's entire defensive force was marching through Canal street, there came along, among the endless variety of good and bad uniforms, a stately body of tall, stalwart
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., General Lee in the Wilderness campaign. (search)
grand forehead and the temple veins swell on occasions of great trial of patience and doubt that Lee had the high, strong temper of a Washington, and habitually under the same strong control. Cruelty he hated. In that same early spring of 1864 I saw him stop when in full gallop to the front (on report of a demonstration of the enemy against his lines) to denounce scathingly and threaten with condign punishment a soldier who was brutally beating an artillery horse. The quiet camp-life at Orange had been broken in upon for a brief season in November by Meade's Mine-Run campaign. In this General Lee, finding that Meade failed to attack the Confederate lines, made arrangements on the night of December 1st to bring on a general battle on the next morning by throwing two divisions against the Federal left, held by Warren's corps, which had been found by a close cavalry reconnoissance to present a fair occasion for successful attack. He had hoped to deal a severe blow to Meade's army,
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 14: field-engineering.—Field Fortifications.—Military Communications.—Military Bridges.—Sapping, Mining, and the attack and defence of a fortified place (search)
ssed over trestles at each shore, and then fastened as before. Short vertical ropes attach the main supports to these side ropes, in order thai they may sustain a part of the weight passing over the bridge. Constructions of this character are fully described in Douglas's Essay on Military Bridges. For example, see the passage of the Po, near Casal, in 1515, by the Swiss; the bridge thrown over the Clain by Admiral Coligni, at the siege of Poitiers, in 1569; the operations of the Prince of Orange against Ghent and Bruges, in 1631. ; the passage of the Tagus, at Alcantara, in. 1810, by the English; the bridge constructed across the Zezere, by the French, in 1810; the bridge thrown across the Scarpe, near Douai, in 1820; the experiments made at Fere in 1823, &c. The passage of a river in the presence of an enemy, whether acting offensively or in retreat, is an operation of great delicacy and danger. In either case the army is called upon to show the coolest and most determined cour
ot had any military duties assigned to him, but has been living, unemployed, the life of a private citizen. At this moment of writing (July, 1864), he resides at Orange, in the State of New Jersey, where his home has been for some months past. In the winter of 1863, General McClellan, accompanied by his wife and two or three ocordingly, one of Judge Woodward's friends left Philadelphia on Sunday evening, October 11,--the day of the election being Tuesday, October 13,--and went to Orange, New Jersey, and laid the whole matter before General McClellan. The result was the following letter:-- Orange, New Jersey, October 12, 1863. Hon. Charles J. IngeOrange, New Jersey, October 12, 1863. Hon. Charles J. Ingersoll, Philadelphia. dear Sir:--My attention has been called to an article in the Philadelphia Press, asserting that I had written to the managers of a Democratic meeting at Allentown, disapproving the objects of the meeting, and that, if I voted or spoke, it would be in favor of Governor Curtin. I am informed that similar ass
rd in line of battle near the Chancellorsville brick mansion, our batteries at that point having been attacked, where we received a heavy artillery fire, and remained there until daylight, the brigade at that time being moved to the centre, where we were deployed as skirmishers, and remained until after noon, when we were ordered to join the reconnoissance; this we did and returned about nine P. M., and lay down that night, Saturday, to the rear of the batteries, about one mile south of the Orange road, whilst the other brigades of the division were employed with the night attack. At daylight on the morning of Sunday we moved a short distance for the purpose of making an artillery road across a swampy piece of ground. As we finished this, we received a sweeping fire of musketry from the enemy, which wounded several men. We then moved to the rear of the batteries at the brick mansion. From this point we moved forward to the One Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania volunteers, on ou
sion (among my papers in the United States) except that sent to you by Gen. Marcy. As that was simply my private memorandum, I would be glad to have it returned to Gen. Marcy when you have done with it. I was not aware that the telegrams of Feb. and March, 1862, from Gen. Halleck were among my papers. I have requested Gen. Marcy to forward to you whatever copies of telegrams, etc., he may find. From his letter to me I think that he has examined all my papers, for all that I know of are at Orange. I will do my best to aid him in making a thorough search. When I return to the United States-probably in the course of a few months — I will most cheerfully aid you, in any possible way, to carry out your wishes; but I am at present inclined to think that a close search in Washington will be productive of much better results than one conducted elsewhere. I must apologize for inflicting so long a letter upon you, and am, my dear general, Sincerely your friend, Geo. B. McClellan. Gen