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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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dable result of weakness, were ascribed to the incapacity or cowardice of the officers. Suggestions of treachery were even whispered, and the prejudices of the New Englanders against Schuyler — for even the North, at that time, was divided and distracted by bitter sectional prejudices, of which now, fortunately, hardly a trace remains — broke out with new violence. But all this disaster and confusion did not prevent, within two or three months after, the glorious days of Bennington and Bemis Heights, and the total capture of all Burgoyne's invading army. Not to dwell any further upon the disasters of the war of the Revolution, of which it would be easy to multiply instances, let us now cast a cursory glance at some of the occurrences of the war of 1812. Let us note, by the way, a curious circumstance with respect to that war — a circumstance eminently instructive as to the total change which has taken place of late years in the objects, ends, and aims of leading Southern polit<
my, he took command of a regiment of militia, which he held a long time) modestly entered the side door. This was the distinguished officer who commanded a company in the Eighth Regiment, under the command of Colonel Brooks, in the battle of Bemis' Heights, between the armies of Generals Gates and Burgoyne, during the Revolutionary War, on the 7th of October, 1777. After the usual salutations between these two officers, who had so much distinguished themselves on that occasion, General Brooks k the office to which the people have elected me, and I fear I do not possess the qualifications for it; but I can truly say that if, in the office of governor, I have such support as I had as colonel of a regiment in taking Breyman's Fort on Bemis' Heights, I shall hope to do the State some service. The cavalcade now entered the streets of Medford amid the acclamations of the citizens. General Brooks mounted his charger, and by his request, I rode by his side as volunteer aid. On the way, a