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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), America, discoverers of. (search)
ears his name as far as Albany. The region of the Great Lakes and the upper valley of the Mississippi were discovered and explored by French traders and Jesuit missionaries in the seventeenth century. So early as 1640 the former penetrated the western wilds from Quebec. Father Allouez set up a cross and the arms of France westward of the lakes in 1665. Father Marquette, another Jesuit missionary, pushed farther in 1673, and discovered the upper waters of the Mississippi. Father Hennepin, who accompanied La Salle, explored the Mississippi in a canoe from the mouth of the Illinois River, northward, in 1680, and discovered and named the Falls of St. Anthony. A little later Robert Cavelier de la Salle, an enterprising young trader, penetrated to the Mississippi, and afterwards visited the coast of Texas from the sea and planted the germ of a colony in Louisiana. See Americus Vespucius; Cabeza De Vaca; Cabot, Sebastian; Columbus, Christopher; Verrazzano, Giovanni da; Vasquez De Allyon.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hart, Albert Bushnell 1854- (search)
iver. De Soto found it in 1542, near half a league broad and 16 fathoms deep, and very furious, and ran with a great current. Marquette in 1673 rejoiced to behold the celebrated river, whose singularities, he says, I have attentively studied. La Salle in 1682 came to a reach where the water is brackish; after advancing on we discovered an open sea, so that on April 9, with all due solemnity, we performed the ceremony of planting the cross and raising the arms of France. La Salle did not thinLa Salle did not think he was preparing an empire for his country's greatest rival, to be occupied by the children of the Englishman. Throughout colonial history romance and adventure still hung about the great river and its tributaries. In 1699 came the first French settlers on the coast, and a few years later they founded a city known throughout the world, and named after their own beloved town of Orleans. Fifty years later a wave of English settlement came rolling up above the crest of the Alleghanies, a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Marshall, Orsamus Holmes 1813-1884 (search)
Marshall, Orsamus Holmes 1813-1884 Historian; born in Franklin, Conn., Feb. 13, 1813; graduated at Union College in 1831; admitted to the bar in 1834; and practised in Buffalo till 1867. His publications include Champlain's expedition in 1613-15 against the Onondagas; The expedition of the Marquis de Nouville in 1689 against the Senecas; La Salle's first visit to the Senecas in 1699; Historical sketches of the Niagara frontier; The building and the voyage of the Griffon in 1679; and The history of the New York charter, 1664–;74. He died in Buffalo, N. Y., July 9, 188
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Niagara, Fort (search)
Niagara, Fort A defensive work on the east side of Niagara River, near its mouth. Its building was begun as early as 1673, when La Salle enclosed a small spot there with palisades. In 1687 De Nonville constructed a quadrangular fort there, with four bastions. It was enlarged to quite a strong fortification by the French in 1725. The plan of the campaign of 1755 (see French and Indian War) contemplated an expedition against Forts Niagara and Frontenac, to be led in person by General Shirley. With his own and Pepperell's regiments, lately enlisted in New England, and some irregulars and Indians drawn from New York, Shirley marched from Albany to Oswego, on the southern shore of Lake Ontario, where he intended to embark for Niagara. It was a tedious march, and he did not reach Oswego until Aug. 21. The troops were then disabled by sickness and discouraged by the news of Braddock's defeat. Shirley's force was 2,500 in number on Sept. 1. He began the erection of two strong f
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Seneca Indians, (search)
council or congress by seven sachems. There was a small family on the borders of the Niagara River, called Neuters, whose domain formed the western boundary of the Seneca territory; also the Erikes, or Eries, south of Lake Erie. On the east they joined the Senecas. By the conquest of the Hurons, most of the Neuters, the Series, and Andastes (or Susquehannas) were incorporated with the Senecas. The French Jesuits began a mission among them in 1657; and afterwards the Senecas permitted La Salle to erect a block-house on the site of Fort Niagara. They also allowed the French to build a fort on the same spot in 1712. The Senecas alone of the six Nations (q. v. ) joined Pontiac in his conspiracy in 1763. They destroyed Venango, attacked Fort Niagara, and cut off an army train on that frontier. In the Revolutionary War they sided with the British, and their country was devastated by General Sullivan in 1779. After the war they made peace, by treaty, at Fort Stanwix (Fort Schuyler
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
ng spring of......1669 Name Kingston given to Esopus......Sept. 25, 1669 La Salle, Dollier, and Galinee explore lakes Ontario and Erie; possession taken for Fra Philip of Pokanoket's, or King Philip's, War......1675 New fort built by La Salle at Frontenac......1676 Governor Andros asserts English sovereignty over the1678 French at Niagara; first mass by Father Hennepin......Dec. 19, 1678 La Salle builds Fort Conty at the mouth of the Niagara River......January, 1679 La SLa Salle begins building the Griffin, of 60 tons' burden, above Niagara Falls, at the mouth of Cayuga Creek, near La Salle, Niagara county......Jan. 26, 1679 Griffin eLa Salle, Niagara county......Jan. 26, 1679 Griffin enters Lake Erie (with La Salle, Tonti, and others on board. She proceeds to Green Bay, Wis. After leaving that place to return, loaded with furs, she is never heard La Salle, Tonti, and others on board. She proceeds to Green Bay, Wis. After leaving that place to return, loaded with furs, she is never heard of)......Aug. 7, 1679 Great comet seen in New York and New England; a day of fasting and humiliation appointed......Dec. 1, 1680 Sir Edmund Andros recalled and
ecas. He was become, by adoption, one of their own citizens and sons, and to the culture of a Frenchman added the Chap. XXIII.} fluent eloquence of an Iroquois warrior. I have no happiness, said he in council, like that of living with my brothers; and he asked leave to build himself a Charlevoix, III. 226. dwelling. He is one of our own children, it was said, in reply; he may build where he will. And he planted himself in the midst of a group of cabins, at Lewiston, higher than where La Salle had driven a 1721. rude palisade, and where Denonville had designed to lay the foundations of a settlement. In May of 1721 a party arrived at the spot to take measures for a permanent establishment; among them were the son of the governor of New France, De Longeuil, from Montreal, and the admirable Charlevoix, best of early writers on American history. It was then resolved to construct a fortress. The party were not insensible to the advantages of the country; they observed the rich soi
orces on the Ohio River, to know his reasons for invading the British dominions, while a solid peace subsisted. The envoy whom he selected was George Washington. The young man, then just twenty-one, a pupil of the wilderness, and as heroic as La Salle, entered with chap. V.} 1753. alacrity on the perilous winter's journey from Williamsburg to the streams of Lake Erie. In the middle of November, with an interpreter and four attendants, and Christopher Gist, as a guide, he left Will's Creekrations the party of Washington, attended by the Half-King, and envoys of the Delawares, moved onwards to the post of the French at Venango. The officers there avowed the purpose of taking possession of the Ohio; and they mingled the praises of La Salle with boasts of their forts at Le Boeuf and Erie, at Niagara, Toronto, and Frontenac. The English, said they, can raise two men to our one; but they are too dilatory to prevent any enterprise of ours. The Delawares were intimidated or debauched