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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 12 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 12 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 8 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 2 0 Browse Search
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l the excitements of the moment. Breathed's fire, however, repulsed the charge; and as night drew on, Stuart set his column in motion — the wagons in the centre — toward Jefferson. One ludicrous scene at that moment I perfectly remember. A fat Dutchman who had been lounging about, and reconnoitring the strength, etc., of the Confederate force, was regarded as too well informed to be left behind with the enemy; and this worthy was accordingly requested to come along on the back of a huge Conestoga. This request he treated with calm disregard, when a cavalry-man made a tremendous blow at him, which caused him to mount in hot haste, with only a halter to guide his elephant. He had no sooner done so than the Conestoga ran off, descended the slope at full speed, bounded elephant-wise over an enormous ditchand it was only by clinging close with knees and hands that the Dutchman kept his seat. Altogether, the spectacle was one to tickle the ribs of death. The last I saw of the captive
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 9 (search)
as he replied: Well, no; I was n't there myself. I had some business in another direction. He did not explain to her that Vicksburg was at that time commanding something of his attention. Said she: I notice our boys got away with lots of 'em Conestoga hosses up thah, and they brought lots of 'em back with 'em. We've got a pretty good show of 'em round this section of country, and they're jes the best draft-hosses you ever see. Hope the boys'll get up thah ag'in soon, and bring back some moro my bahn last night, and stole the only boss I had, and I want you to send some of your folks out to find him and bring him back. The general listened to her story, and when she had finished remarked quietly: Madam, perhaps it is one of those Conestoga horses you spoke of that belong up in Pennsylvania, and some of our men have made up their minds to take him back home. The old lady at this remark was rather crestfallen, and said with a grin: Well, I reckon you've got me on that; but you Yan
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
le Artillery (Va.), 185, 194-96, 210, 212 Chesterfield County, Va., 322 Chickamauga, 340 Church of England, 91-92. Civilians, Northern, 200-206. Civilians, Southern, 229-31. Clark's Mountain, Va., 186, 232 Cobb, Thomas Reade Rootes, 113, 138 Cold Harbor, 26, 238, 263, 270-309, 339, 347; Ellyson's barn at, 301 Columbia University, 32, 145 Combat conditions described, 104, 278-80, 282-83, 330-34. Committee on the Conduct of the War, 106, 126, 180, 211,219, 306 Conestoga horses, 200 Confederate enlisted men, tributes to, 19, 48-58, 358-68. Confederate Infantry: Naval Battalion, 329, 333 Confederate Museum, 357 Congressional Globe, 29 Conkling, Roscoe, 62 Connecticut Infantry; 27th Regiment, 174-75. Couch, Darius Nash, 165 Courts-martial, 351 Cowardice, 135, 274, 276-77. Crouch, Frederick William Nicholls, 49, 296 Crowninshield, Casper, 62 Culpeper Court House, Va., 73, 127, 192 Cumming, Alfred, 113 Currency, 63, 87-88
eches were made by Lyman Tremaine, Benjamin Nott, and the Rev. A. D. Mayo, the Unitarian preacher. The gunboats Tyler and Lexington had an active engagement to-day, with the rebel shore batteries at Iron Banks, three miles above Columbus, Ky. The boats left Cairo, Ill., at nine o'clock, for down-river reconnaissance, and arriving at Lucas Bend, got sight of the rebel gunboat Jeff. Davis, which, on chase being given, put about with all possible despatch for Columbus. The Lexington and Conestoga, while in chase, and throwing shot, were suddenly fired upon by masked batteries on each side of the river. The shots, however, generally fell short. A battery of rifled cannon on the Iron Banks, threw balls over and around the gunboats, cutting close, but fortunately doing no damage. Parties on board represent the scene for a time as particularly exciting. Shot and shell were flying in uncomfortable proximity, making the air ring with music. The guns of the boats were admirably manne
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
(flag-ship), Commander Stembel; Carondelet, Commander Walke; Essex, Commander W. D. Porter; and St. Louis, Lieutenant Commanding Paulding; and the wooden gun-boats Lexington, Lieutenant Commanding Shirk; Tyler, Lieutenant Commanding Givin; and Conestoga, Lieutenant Commanding Phelps. (four of them armored), moved up the Ohio to Paducah, and on that evening was in the Tennessee River. He went up that stream cautiously, because of information that there were torpedoes in it, and on Tuesday mornored gun-boats (Essex, St. Louis, Carondelet, and Cincinnati) were sent forward by Grant, with orders to move slowly and shell the woods on each side of the river, in order to discover concealed batteries, if they existed. At the same time the Conestoga and Tyler were successfully engaged, under the direction of Lieutenant Phelps, in fishing up torpedoes. Information concerning these had been given by a woman living Rear the banks of the river. The Jessie scouts, a daring corps of young me
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 8: the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
ail service, 224. the Army mail at Washington, 225. a voyage on the Cumberland River, 226. visit to Fort Donelson, 227. Nashville, 229. The fall of Fort Henry was followed by immediate preparations for an attack on Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland River. Preparatory to this was a reconnoissance up the Tennessee River. Lieutenant-Commander S. L. Phelps was sent up that river on the evening of the day of battle, Feb. 6, 1862. with a detachment of Foote's flotilla, consisting of the Conestoga, Tyler, and Lexington, to reconnoiter the borders of the stream as far toward its upper waters as possible. When he reached the bridge of the railway between Memphis and Bowling Green, he found the draw closed, its machinery disabled, and some Confederate transports just above it, escaping up the river. A portion of the bridge was then hastily destroyed, and the work of demolition was completed the following day by Commander Walke, of the Carondelet, who was sent up by General Grant for.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
f 1866, but three tall chimneys, ruined machinery, and heaps of brick. On the 19th, the commodore, with the gun-boats Cairo, Lieutenant-commanding Bryant, and Conestoga, Lieutenant-commanding Phelps, ascended Fort Bruce and its vicinity. the National troops completed the work and named it Fort Bruce, in honor of the loyal Cs force, who encamped at Edgefield, opposite Nashville, and there awaited the arrival of General BuelL That officer came on the 25th, and on the same morning the Conestoga arrived from Clarkesville, as a convoy to transports bearing a considerable body of troops, under General Nelson. These had not been opposed in their passage uptembel; Carondelet, commander Walke; Mond City, Commander Kelley; Louisville, Commander Dove; Pittsburg, Lieutenant Thompson; St. Louis, Lieutenant Paulding; and Conestoga (not armored), Lieutenant Blodgett. The mortar-boats were in charge of Captain H. E. Maynadier, commander of the squadron Captain E. B. Pike, assistant commande
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
ham.   Cotton, 27 bales 6,576 15 406 43 6,169 72 Springfield June 11, 1864 Conestoga.   Cotton, 42 bales, etc. 13,784 52 708 98 13,075 54 do Dec. 3, 1864 Linde Pittsburg.   Cotton, 55 bales 15,434 52 717 63 14,716 89 do June 11, 1864 Conestoga. Canoe and cargo 292 41 130 47 161 94 Washington Nov. 17, 1864 George Mang64 Lexington.   Cotton, 20 bales 4,971 70 295 20 4,676 50 do June 11, 1864 Conestoga. Schooner Charleston 13,872 49 2,646 65 11,225 84 Philadelphia Feb. 29, 18, and 5 hogsheads sugar 33,901 53 7,916 89 25,984 64 Springfield May 19, 1864 Conestoga.   Cotton, 6 bales 1,444 97 140 13 1,304 84 do Jan. 6, 1865 Pittsburg. 13 Waiting for prize list of the Conestoga. 1,175 00 1,014 39 160 61 do   Conestoga. Schooner M. J. Smith 89,809 65 7,381 35 82,425 30 New Orleans April 23, 1ashington Oct. 29, 1864 Curlew, Gen. Pillow, New Era, Louisville, Mound City, Conestoga, Marmora, Signal, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Gen. Lyon, Romeo, Carondelet, Tyler<
recting the main body of his forces, under Gen. John A. MeClernand, to move diagonally across the country and seize the road leading from the fort to Donelson and Dover, while Gen. C. F. Smith, with his brigade, advanced along the west bank of the river, and Com. Foote, with his gunboats, moved slowly up and attacked the fort from the water. Com. Foote formed his vessels in two lines: the iron-clads Cincinnati (flag-ship), Essex, Carondelet, and St. Louis, in front, while the old wooden Conestoga, Tyler, and Lexington, formed a second line some distance astern, and out of the range of the enemy's fire, throwing shell over the iron-clads into and about the fort. Thus advancing slowly and firing deliberately, the iron-clads steadily neared the fort, using only their bowguns, because unwilling to expose their weak, unsheltered sides to the heavy guns of the fort, one of them having a caliber of 128 and another of 60 pounds, and but 12 of ours in all of our front line being available.
Doc. 111. fight on the Tennessee River. Captain Foote's report. St. Louis, October 30, 1861. sir: The Conestoga, Lieut. Corn. Phelps, has again been up the Tennessee River as far as Eddyville, sixty-two miles distant from Paducah, with three companies of the Illinois regiment, under command of Major Phillips, and conjointly they have had a handsome and successful skirmish, in which the rebels broke and fled in every direction, leaving seven dead on the field. Our casualties consrs were taken from the enemy; also seven negroes and thirty-one horses, eleven mules, two transportation wagons, a large number of saddles, muskets, rifles, shot-guns, sabres, knives, &c. Lieut. Corn. Phelps, and the officers and crew of the Conestoga, as well as Major Phillips and his men, are deserving of the highest credit for their bearing in this expedition. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. H. Foote, Captain U. S. Navy, &c. A correspondent of