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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 20 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 14 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 12 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 12 0 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 8 0 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 8 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 6 0 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 4 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 2 0 Browse Search
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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The right flank at Gettysburg. (search)
Salem Church road. In order to appreciate the positions of the opposing forces, it becomes necessary to examine the official report of General J. E. B. Stuart, now in the possession of the War Department, but which has never been published in full. After mentioning that his advance (Hampton's Brigade) had arrived in the vicinity of Gettysburg, on July 2d, just in time to repulse an attempt by some of our cavalry (under Kilpatrick) to reach the rear of the Confederate line, by way of Hunterstown, Stuart proceeds to state that he took position on the York and Heidlersburg roads. On the morning of the 3d, he moved forward to a new position to the left of General Ewell's left, and in advance of it, where, from the elevated ground, there was a view of the country for many miles. He was thus enabled to render Ewell's left secure, and at the same time to command a view of the routes leading to the rear of our lines. His purpose, as he himself states, was to effect a surprise on the r
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Gregg's cavalry at Gettysburg (search)
d, seventeen officers wounded, and one officer missing; enlisted men killed, thirty-three; wounded, forty; missing, one hundred and three. On the morning of the 4th, I advanced to the enemy's position, but found him gone. Following toward Hunterstown, I found many of his wounded abandoned. From these we learned that the enemy had been severely punished and his loss heavy. One general officer of the enemy was seriously wounded. It will be seen that General Gregg fought a defensive fihe defeat of his forces in the greatest effort made by him during the campaign — the battle itself. My advance reached Gettysburg July 2d, just in time to thwart a move of the enemy's cavalry Under Kilpatrick. upon our rear by way of Hunterstown, after a fierce engagement, in which Hampton's Brigade performed gallant service, a series of charges compelling the enemy to leave the field and abandon his purpose. I took my position that day on the York and Heidelburg roads, on the left w
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 23: at York and Wrightsville. (search)
ed road to York, and during the night I sent him a company of French's cavalry and Tanner's battery of artillery to accompany him. With the rest of the command I moved at light next day (the 27th) from Mummasburg towards York by the way of Hunterstown, New Chester, Hampton, and East Berlin, halting and bivouacking for the night after passing the latter place a few miles. I then rode across to the York pike to Gordon's camp to arrange with him the means of moving against the town next day idlersburg, where I found him with Rodes' division. I was informed by him that the object was to concentrate the corps at or near Cashtown at the eastern base of the mountain, and I was directed to move to that point the next day by the way of Hunterstown and Mummasburg, while Rodes would take the route by Middletown and Arendtsville. My march so far, to the bank of the Susquehanna and back, had been without resistance, the performances of the militia force at Gettysburg and Wrightsville am
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 24: battle of Gettysburg. (search)
Chapter 24: battle of Gettysburg. Having ascertained, after I left General Ewell on the night of the 30th, that the road from my camp to Hunterstown was a very circuitous and rough one on the morning of the 1st of July I moved to Heidlersburg, for the purpose of following the road from that point to Gettysburg until I reached the Mummasburg road. After moving a short distance for Heidlersburg on the Gettysburg road, I received a dispatch from General Ewell, informing me that Hill, who had crossed the mountain, was moving towards Gettysburg against a force of the enemy, which had arrived at that place and pushed out on the Cashtown road, and that Rodes' division had turned off from Middletown towards Gettysburg by the way of Mummasburg, and ordering me to move on the direct road from Heidlersburg to the same place. I therefore moved on until I came in sight of Gettysburg. Hooker had been supplanted in the command of the Federal Army by Major General Meade, and the advance o
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
231-34, 236-37, 253, 266, 277, 285 Hop Yard, 166 Hotchkiss, Major J., 340, 438-39, 440, 442 Howard, General (U. S. A.), 148, 266 Howe, General A. P. (U. S. A.), 198, 231-32 Howison House, 207 Huger, General, 76, 83, 84, 86, 87, 105 Hughes' Cross-Roads, 361 Hundley's Corner, 361, 362, 363 Hunter, Andrew, 401, 478 Hunter, Colonel, 32 Hunter, General (U. S. A.), 32, 37, 40, 364, 370-72, 375-76, 378-382, 391, 393, 396, 399, 401-02, 415, 417, 455, 465, 475-76 Hunterstown, 258, 264, 266 Hupp's Battalion, 244 Imboden, General, 191, 326-29, 333- 34, 339, 369, 370, 374, 376, 378, 381-82, 386, 389, 391, 398, 402, 406, 416, 423 Jackson, Colonel, Wm. L., 328-331, 381, 389, 397, 399, 402-03, 416, 421 Jackson, General T. J., 10, 11, 31, 32, 37, 43, 51, 74-79, 84, 86-90, 92-94, 97-109, 111, 112, 114-16, 119, 120, 122-27, 129, 131-32, 134-145, 149, 151, 153, 155-56, 158, 162-66, 170-72, 174, 177-78, 180-81, 183, 187-88, 190, 194-97, 212-217, 234-236, 241
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 11: Chancellorsville. (search)
aldy Smith, with his Pennsylvania reserves, would not surrender the place. Its probable capture the next day was prevented by news received for the first time of General Lee's position and intentions. Stuart did not know until he received a dispatch from General Lee on the night of July 1st where he was, for the Union army had been between his march and his own army. Leaving Carlisle, he marched at once for Gettysburg, prevented a movement of the enemy's cavalry on Lee's rear by way of Hunterstown, and took his position on the York and Heidelburg roads on the left of his army late on the evening of July 2d. Cavalry raids are dazzling, but do not generally accomplish enough to compensate for the number of broken-down horses and men. The cavalry chief could not tell Lee when and where Hooker's army crossed the Potomac, because, when it was crossing, he was in its rear, moving to cross the day afterward lower down the same stream, and after that he had no opportunity. It was lef
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
he division, but returned the same evening without them and reported that Gettysburg was occupied by the Federal cavalry, and that drums were heard beating on the other side of the town. So Heth told Hill if he had no objection, he would take his whole division there the next day, July 1st, and get the shoes, to which Hill replied, None in the world. Buford, with his cavalry division, reached Gettysburg on the day Pettigrew made his visit, and threw out his pickets toward Cashtown and Hunterstown. In an order of march for July 1st, Meade, not knowing Lee was so near, directed the First and Eleventh Corps, under that excellent officer Reynolds, to Gettysburg; Third, to Emmittsburg; Second, Taneytown; Fifth, Hanover; Twelfth to Two Taverns; while the Sixth was to remain at Manchester, thirty-four miles from Gettysburg, and await orders. Heth, after his coveted shoes, reached McPherson's Heights, one mile west of Gettysburg, at 9 A. M. on July 1st, deployed two brigades on eit
aded condition of the horses, it was impossible to continue the pursuit, and the command fell back several miles, and bivouacked for the night. The battle at Hunterstown. Thursday, July second, General Kilpatrick moved his whole command upon Hunterstown, and driving in the enemy's pickets, attacked the left flank of the army.Hunterstown, and driving in the enemy's pickets, attacked the left flank of the army. General Gregg's command had the day before been fighting the enemy at Gettysburgh, and held the hill west of the town until driven from it by the artillerymen attached to the Eleventh corps--a position which cost many valuable lives to retake. The column did not reach Hunterstown until four o'clock P. M., when a squadron of thHunterstown until four o'clock P. M., when a squadron of the Eighteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, headed by Captain Estes, charged through and drove the enemy back upon his reserve on the Gettysburgh road. After surveying the position, General Farnsworth's brigade was ordered on a road to the right leading to Cashtown, and General Custer's brigade was placed to the left. Company A, Captain T
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
on the part of the Nationals, they rendered very important service in threatening the wings, the trains, and the communications of the opposing Army, neutralizing the power of large bodies of infantry, and foiling Lee in his efforts to turn Meade's flanks. Buford, as we have seen, was in the National rear, while Kilpatrick and Gregg were on the flanks of the foe. Kilpatrick, who had been out trying to intercept Stuart's cavalry on their way to join Lee, had a severe fight with them at Hunterstown, on the evening of the 2d of July. It was chiefly an artillery duel by the horse batteries of each. The Confederates were worsted, when Kilpatrick, according to an order, hastened to two Taverns, on the Baltimore turnpike, in the rear of Meade's Army. On the morning of the 3d, these troopers were on and near the Emmettsburg road, on the right and rear of the Confederates, and at eleven o'clock, made a dash for the capture of their train. A heavy force of infantry was immediately sent
I   14 14   27 27 128   K   8 8   17 17 137   L 2 5 7   17 17 132   M   6 6   21 21 123 Totals 7 128 135   251 251 1,624 Total of killed and wounded, 496; died in Confederate prisons (previously included), 98. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Seneca, Md. June 11, 1863 5 Smithfield, Va., Feb. 5, 1864 2 Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22, 1864 1 Hanover, Pa., June 30, 1863 2 Todd's Tavern, Va., May 6, 1864 5 Woodstock, Va., Oct. 9, 1864 1 Hunterstown, Pa., July 2, 1863 2 Yellow Tavern, Va., May 11, 1864 3 Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864 5 Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863 1 Meadow Bridge, Va., May 12, 1864 2 Winchester, Va., Nov. 18, 1864 2 Williamsport, Md., July 6, 1863 1 Hawes's Shop, Va., May 28, 1864 18 Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865 1 Boonsboro, Md., July 8, 1863 3 Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864 2 Beaver Mills, Va., April 4, 1865 2 Falling Waters, Md., July 14, 1863 28 Trevilian Sta'n, Va., June 11, 1864 18 High Bridge,
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