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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 9 (search)
And our late war gave us the example of one who in all respects was a fitting complement of the former. Among the many able general officers which the exigencies of the late war called to the front, Ramseur is entitled to rank high, and gave the most flattering promises of still greater achievements. Stephen D. Ramseur, the second child of Jacob A. and Lucy M. Ramseur, had Revolutionary blood in his veins through John Wilfong, a hero who was wounded at King's Mountain and fought at Eutaw Springs. He was born in Lincolnton the 31st day of May, 1837. His surroundings were well calculated to promote a well-developed character and a strong self-relying manhood. His parents were members of the Presbyterian Church, and did not neglect to see their son properly instructed in their religious tenets. They were possessed of ample means for their section, and gave to him the best advantages of social and intellectual improvement, without being exposed to the devices and snares of the o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Washington Light Infantry, 1807-1861. (search)
special guard of honor to Lafayette, upon his entrance in the city in 1825. Captain W. H. Miller, commanding the Escort Battalion, announced all his orders in French! On the 19th April, 1827, the venerable widow of Colonel William Washington, of the Revolution, delivered to Captain R. B. Gilchrist in front of her residence, at South Bay and Church streets, her husband's crimson battle-flag, which had been identified with the battles of Cowpens, Guilford Court House, Hobkirk's Hill and Eutaw Springs, in 1781. This great distinction has ever since had a marked influence on the life of the corps. In the ante-bellum career of the corps there was maintained an esprit de corps, watchful and virile. Success was the rallying cry, and without a single failure, uniformly crowned all company efforts. Witness the great parade of 4th July, 1846, under Captain W. D. Porter, with one hundred and forty-six members in line; and, fourteen years later, on 4th July, 1860, under Captain C. H. Sim
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.45 (search)
no insults upon the memory of the brave men who fought on the other side. Only kindly admiration was expressed for gallant Scotchmen who died there. Nor is it expected of their descendants, our fellow citizens of to-day, as proof of present loyalty, that they shall condemn the action of their fathers. With General Frank Nash our kinsfolk went to death at Germantown, in the long ago. With Mad Anthony Wayne they went to that desperate bayonet charge at Stony Point; with Jethro Sumner at Eutaw Springs; with Morgan and Greene; with Davie, Davidson and Graham; with Hogan at Charleston-wherever duty called or danger was to be dared they were to be found until the end of that long struggle which ended successfully for them. Well, the swift years flew by, and in 1861 our State, whose behest we were ever taught is paramount to all, again summoned her sons to repel invasion and to uphold the right of self-government—and it cannot be too often or too strongly emphasized that they fought only
mpted at a later day, but only after the death of Balfour, to throw on that officer the blame that belonged especially to himself. The ship in which Rawdon embarked was captured by the French at sea, but his rights as a prisoner of war were Chap. XXIV.} 1781. Aug. respected. After a short rest, Greene moved his army from the hills of Santee in a roundabout way to attack the British at their post near the junction of the Wateree and Congaree. They retreated before him and halted at Eutaw springs. He continued the pursuit with so much skill that the British remained ignorant of his advance. At four o'clock on the morning of the eighth of September, his army was in motion to Sept. 8. attack them. The centre of the front line was composed of two small battalions from North Carolina, and of one from South Carolina on each wing, commanded respectively by Marion and Pickens. The second line was formed of three hundred and fifty continentals of North Carolina, led by General Sumne
rmament in letters of living light, "Liberty and Union now and forever, one and inseparable!" No tongue can describe, no imagination can conceive the horrors of a civil war in America among this Anglo-Saxon race. Conceive only that we exasperate each other until a federal army marches against South Carolina.--Georgia has voted a million or dollars for defence. Alabama marches to sustain her sister State. A hundred thousand Southern men as brave as we, men whose fathers fought at Eutaw Springs and Guilford Court-House, who retreated with Greene and stormed the redoubts at Yorktown side by side with our Pennsylvania line, now stand in deadly opposition to the federal troops. And suppose that Mississippi and Tennessee and Kentucky at last, and Virginia, cry out that though opposed to secession they will not see their Southern brethren trampled under our feet. And so millions of men of American ancestry, of equal courage, the picked legions of mankind, the elect of the world, t
The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1860., [Electronic resource], American Battles during the Revolution. (search)
American Battles during the Revolution. British Loss.Amer. Loss. Lexington27384 Bunker Hill1,054453 Flatbush400200 White Plains400400 Trenton1,0600 Princeton400100 Hubbardstown180800 Bennington800100 Brandywine5001,200 Stillwater600350 Germantown6001,200 Saratoga5,752--surrendered. Red Hook50032 Monmouth400130 Rhode Island200211 Briar Creek18400 Stony Point600100 Camden375600 King's Mountain95096 Cowpens80072 Guilford Court-House532400 Hobkirk's Hill400400 Eutaw Springs1,000550 Yorktown7,072--surrendered. Total24,8517,897
3d of September 1659, he died. There are few coincidences in all history more singular than these. On the seventh of September, 1812, was fought the great battle of Borodino, in Russia, seventy miles from Moscow. According to some accounts, the loss on both sides was ninety-seven thousand men. One account makes it out one hundred and seventeen thousand.--It was one of the bloodiest battles of modern times. On the 8th of September, 1781. General Green defeated the British army at Eutaw Springs. On the 8th of September, 1847, General Taylor defeated the Mexicans at Monterey. On the 8th of September, 1855, the Allies stormed Sebastopol. On the 10th of September, 1813. Perry defeated and captured the whole British fleet on Lake Erie. This battle was fought on Sunday. On the 11th of September, 1709, Marle Rough and Eugene fought the battle of Malploquet, against Villars commanding the French army. It was the greatest battle that had been fought in modern Europe to that time.
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