Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) or search for Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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January 5. A party of National troops engaged the rebels in a slight skirmish on the mainland, near Port Royal, S. C., during which seven of the latter were captured, and marched to Beaufort. While under guard they were extremely unruly, and at one time attempted to effect their escape by beating down the guard and seizing their weapons.--N. Y. Times, January 11.
o., arrived at Lexington and arrested several of the most prominent and active rebels of the town, captured and destroyed about fifteen hundred hogs, which were being packed for the use of General Price's rebels, and took possession of a good deal of other valuable property.--National Intelligencer, January 16. In the United States Senate, the reports of the Judiciary Committee, in favor of the expulsion of Waldo P. Johnson and Trusten Polk, Senators from Missouri, were taken up and unanimously adopted. A copy of the resolutions for their expulsion was ordered to be sent to the Governor of Missouri.--New York Times, January 11. The first auction sale of confiscated cotton from Port Royal occurred in New York, under orders of the Government. There were seventy-nine bales in all, and the cotton sold at an average of nearly sixty cents per pound, with the exception of two out of the ten lots, (a very inferior quality), which sold at eighteen and twenty-five cents respectively.
were excited in the rebel camps. Several mounted rebel pickets were taken prisoners during various reconnoissances on the way; rebel couriers from Columbus were captured, and a number of roads, not mentioned on the maps, were discovered. The enemy's position at Columbus was fully ascertained, and the existence of many loyal citizens proved.--(Doc. 17.) A Report by Adjutant-General Harding to Governor Gamble, shows that thirty-three thousand eight hundred and eighty-two Missouri troops have entered the Federal service for three years, or during the war; of which twenty-five thousand are infantry, three thousand artillery, and six thousand cavalry. The number of militia organized under the Governor's call for six months men is upward of six thousand. Lieutenant Ammen, commanding United States gunboat Seneca, reported to Commodore Dupont that the negroes in the neighborhood of Port Royal, S. C., were anxious to obtain arms, confident of their ability to use them with effect.
neral Halleck issued a special order directing the President, and other officers of the St. Louis Mercantile Association and the Chamber of Commerce, to take the oath of allegiance prescribed by law. In case of failure to do so for the space of ten days, the officer so failing shall be deemed to have resigned; and if he attempts to exercise the functions of his office, he shall be arrested for contempt and punished according to the laws of war.--(Doc. 20.) The Southern expedition left Port Royal, S. C., and consisted of all the light-draft steamers, light gunboats, and eight thousand troops. The object supposed to be an attack on Savannah, commencing with Fort Pulaski. Official despatches received at St. Louis, Mo., from the expedition sent from Cape Girardeau to Benton and Bloomfield. It captured Lieutenant-Colonel Farmer and eleven other officers and sixty-eight privates, with a quantity of arms, horses, saddles, etc. Most of the rebel officers were surprised and captured
Columbia, and asking for the expulsion of members who advocate it, was presented by Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware. A resolution was offered by Mr. Foster, of Connecticut, and adopted, asking the Secretary of the Treasury whether any further legislation is necessary in order to take charge of the cotton and other lands of South-Carolina, now in possession of the Government, and to place them under cultivation, and also in relation to the blacks in these localities. Reconnoissances from Port Royal, S. C., having discovered the fact that the Savannah River, Ga., could be entered some distance above its mouth, and Fort Pulaski, commanding the entrance, flanked and cut off from all communication with the city of Savannah, an expedition of United States gunboats, under command of Captain C. H. Davis, U. S.N., and Captain C. R. P. Rodgers, U. S.N., was despatched yesterday for the purpose of entering the Savannah River in the rear of the Fort. Captain Davis's detachment followed the Wil
fter an engagement of one hour the rebels were driven off; the flag-officer's boat being disabled and taken in tow and the steamer that attempted the passage of the river returning to Fort Pulaski. The guns were manned by the Third Rhode Island detachment, under Capt. Gould, and effectively worked. There was no loss on the National side.--Brig-Gen. Viele's Report. The Ninth battery of Rhode Island Artillery, under the command of Lieut. Wightman, passed through New York, en route for Port Royal, S. C.--N. Y. Times, February 16. The President, through the Secretaries of War and the Navy, returned thanks to Brig.-Gen. Burnside and Flag-Officer Goldsborough, and to Brig.-Gen. Grant and Flag-Officer Foote, and the land and naval forces under their respective commands, for their gallant achievements in the capture of Fort Henry and at Roanoke Island. Bowling Green, Ky., was evacuated this morning by the rebels, and occupied by the National army under command of Brig.-Gen. D.
pt. Mann, near Perryville. The steamer Atlantic sailed from New York for Port Royal, S. C., with a large cargo of army stores, and about sixty persons, who accom Pierce, the Government agent in charge of the plantations and contrabands at Port Royal. These persons were all recommended by the National Freedman's Relief Associbecome teachers of an industrial school, which will be at once established at Port Royal, under the superintendence of Rev. M. French, of New York. Mrs. Senator Harlodist Episcopal Church of New York, is passenger by the Atlantic. He goes to Port Royal for the purpose of preparing for missionary efforts among the negroes. A pwould not, in case of necessity, fight for his country was permitted to go to Port Royal to assist in the management of the contrabands.--(Doc. 74.) Four regimennt and Brig.-Gen. H. G. Wright. The expedition for its reduction sailed from Port Royal, S. C., on the twenty-seventh of February, and after some delays, owing to th
March 31. General Hunter, having arrived at Port Royal, S. C., assumed the command of the Department of the South, consisting of the States of South-Carolina, Georgia and Florida.--(Doc. 111.) Col. Buford, of the Twenty-seventh Illinois, accompanied by his regiment, the Forty-second Illinois, the Douglas Brigade, Col. Roberts, and four hundred of the Fifteenth Wiconsin, Col. Heg, (Scandinavian,) all from Island No.10, and two companies of the Second Illinois cavalry, Colonel Hogg, and a detachment of artillery, the last two from Hickman, Ky., made a reconnoissance in force and descent upon Union City, Tenn; and after a forced march of twenty-four hours, discovered a large force of rebel cavalry and infantry, under the notorious Clay King. The cavalry dashed into the place at a furious rate. The utmost consternation seized the rebels, and they fled in every direction. Several of them were killed, and about one hundred taken prisoners; one hundred and fifty horses were cap
and wounded. During the skirmish a new battery which the rebels had erected during Sunday night, and which interfered with the working party of the Nationals, was most effectually silenced and the guns dismantled. The Santa Fe, New Mexico mail, arrived at Kansas City, Mo., with dates to the twelfth inst. Col. Slough and Gen. Canby formed a junction at Galisteo on the eleventh. Major Duncan, who was in command of Gen. Canby's advance-guard, encountered a large party of Texans and routed them. Major Duncan was slightly wounded. The Texans were thirty miles south of Galisteo, in full flight from the territory.--Official Despatch. The rebel steamer Ella Warley (Isabel) arrived at Port Royal, S. C., in charge of Lieut. Gibson and a prize crew, she having been captured by the Santiago de Cuba, one hundred miles north of Abaco. Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi River, below New Orleans, surrendered to the National fleet under Flag-Officer Farragut.--(Doc. 149.)
ing within a mile and a half of Corinth, Miss., discovered two rebel regiments of infantry in position on both sides of the road. Major Aplington gallantly charged upon them, but fell pierced by a ball through the brain. Four of the Union troops were slightly wounded; the rebels suffered the loss of thirty killed and wounded, and four prisoners. The United States Senate passed a bill establishing Beaufort, S. C., as a port of entry. The iron-clad gunboats Galena, Aroostook, and Port Royal left Fortress Monroe and started up James River, at six o'clock this morning. Immediately after their departure, the rebel tug, F. B. White, came out from Craney Island, having left Norfolk this morning with a crew and two citizens on board, on a mission to Tannery Point, but they run over to Newport News, and surrendered to General Mansfield!--Baltimore American, May 9. Three brigades of General Buell's army seized the portion of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad between Corinth a