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ached the ditch of the former work; when we remember the holding of Fort Sumter, in August, 1863, under the most terrible bombardment on record, while its guns were all dismounted and the work was battered into a mass of ruins; the successful removal during that period of all the heavy artillery, of 30,000 pounds of powder, and hundreds of loaded shells, from the endangered magazines; then the permanent holding of the dismantled wreck with an infantry guard, and the guns of James' and Sullivan's Islands covering the approach by boats; the defiant, unhushed boom, morning and evening, of the gallant little gun—the only one—purposely left in the fort to salute its unconquered flag; we are struck with wonder and admiration, and we cannot but recognize the rare ability of the commander, the unsurpassed fortitude and gallantry of the troops under him. Our object is not, at present, to mention at any length General Beauregard's many military services and victories. This interesting, impo
east of Charleston on the farther side of this branch of Cooper River, and beyond it is the sand-strip and beach of Sullivan's Island. The lesser stream of Cooper River, flowing to the north and east of Shute's Folly, passes the mainland at Haddrell's Point and Mount Pleasant, and off the western extremity of Sullivan's Island unites with the other waters of the bay. South of Charleston, across the water, lies James Island, with its uplands extending about two and a half miles down the harbor it is intended to command, and is a mile from Fort Moultrie, which lies to the northeast, across the entrance, on Sullivan's Island. It is thirteen hundred yards from Morris Island, which lies to the south-southeast; fifteen hundred yards from Foeen adopted seemed to be to concentrate all the available guns and mortars at two points, namely: Fort Moultrie, on Sullivan's Island, and Gumming's Point, on Morris Island, where a few guns and about half a dozen mortars of heavy caliber were being
in Castle Pinckney, an inner defence in the harbor; two in Christ Church parish, near Mount Pleasant; and three on Sullivan's Island, in the vicinity of Fort Moultrie. All his mortars were now placed in proper positions, and in accord with the py for the completion of his work. Early in April it was ready for use, and was removed to the western extremity of Sullivan's Island, where it was placed in position, so as to deliver a destructive fire upon the postern entrance of the fort facing annel batteries, General Beauregard determined to use two large Drummond lights, one on Morris Island, the other on Sullivan's Island, at points specially selected, in order to illuminate the channels leading to Fort Sumter, and thereby facilitate tg of any reinforcement at the postern gate of the fort, constructeda masked battery of four guns at the west end of Sullivan's Island, in rear of a small summer residence abandoned by its owners. It proved to be, says General Doubleday, in his Remi
tion of forces in Charleston. Brigadier-General Simons in command of Morris Island. Brigadier-General Dunovant of Sullivan's Island. tone of troops. the first shell fired from Fort Johnson. the only motive actuating the South. at 5 A. M., Aprihe German and the Columbia Artillery, under Colonel Lamar, Major Warley, and Captains Huger, Nohrden, and Green. Sullivan's Island was under Brigadier-General R. G. M. Dunovant; and the command of all its batteries had been assigned to Lieutenantearly part of the bombardment. The iron-clad battery at Cummings's Point, Fort; Moultrie proper, and that end of Sullivan's Island where the floating battery, the Dahlgren gun, and the enfilade or masked battery had been placed, were the points wo assist Major Anderson in quenching the fire in the fort, ordered a company of Regulars with two fire-engines from Sullivan's Island, to repair to Fort Sumter, to put out the conflagration which, not entirely subdued, had broken out afresh. This w
The enemy next directed his fire upon the enfilade battery on Sullivan's Island, constructed to sweep the parapet of Fort Sumter, to prevent three points, Fort Moultrie, Cummings's Point, and the end of Sullivan's Island, where the floating battery, Dahlgren Battery, and the enfilal our channel batteries, and by our troops on both Morris and Sullivan's islands. Early on Saturday morning all our batteries reopened on Forted to Generals R. G. M. Dunovant and James Simons (commanding on Sullivan's and Morris islands), and their staffs, especially Majors Evans an. Ripley, 1st Artillery Battalion, commandant of batteries on Sullivan's Island, I cannot speak too highly, and join with General Dunovant, h Colonel Ripley, and the following commanders of batteries on Sullivan's Island: Captain J. R. Hamilton, commanding the floating battery and operating the Drummond lights, established at the extremities of Sullivan's and Morris Islands. The venerable and gallant Edmund Ruffin, of