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ugar Loaf, sallied forth towards Lovettsville long before day. When the sun rose over Maryland, we had just halted on a lofty hill and lay in the woods. The scenery on either hand was enrapturing. East of us lay the wide expanse of Maryland and Loudon, bathed in gold; the Potomac, winding to the sea, was covered with a dense white vapor that sparkled like molten silver; clouds capped the Sugar Loaf; while to the west rose dark lines of mist-covered hills and mountains, with snow-white villagesut that had all passed, and now none were more enthusiastic for independence. The rail and other roads from Washington to Winchester ran through the town, and should it. fall, a large area of fruitful country, with the accumulated crops, both in Loudon and the Shenandoah Valley, would fall into Northern hands — a consummation devoutly wished by the Federals, as Maryland was incapable of supplying their wants. They had, moreover, to pay for what they got from their friends ; whereas by being qu
s was progressing our artillerists had taken accurate range of the chief storehouse, mills, and other buildings, and began to shell them. This unexpected assault seemed to discomfit the enemy within the town and suburbs, and although they, endeavored to save their stores, most of them were fired, and the buildings destroyed. Had they ascended the Maryland Heights (not more than half a mile across the Potomac) our position would have proved untenable, for they were much higher than those of Loudon, on which we were posted. Failing this, our cannonade was maintained with great vigor; and when fresh parties of the enemy began to cross from Maryland in flats, a few shell were directed towards them with decided effect. At length the Federals advance in line of battle; and Ashby, having sent his militia to meet them, the latter, at the first fire, broke and fled. The Yankees seeing this, gave a tremendous cheer, and ran forward with the bayonet, but in broken lines;. and as they advance
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Condition of the Army-rebuilding the Railroad- General Burnside's situation-orders for battle-plans for the attack-hooker's position- Sherman's movements (search)
he enemy farther from his base and make it more difficult for him to get back to Chattanooga when the battle should begin. Longstreet had a railroad as far as Loudon; but from there to Knoxville he had to rely on wagon trains. Burnside's suggestion, therefore, was a good one, and it was adopted. On the 14th I telegraphed him men, not because they cannot be spared, but how would they be fed after they got even one day east from here? Longstreet, for some reason or other, stopped at Loudon until the 13th. That being the terminus of his railroad communications, it is probable he was directed to remain there awaiting orders. He was in a position threatening Knoxville, and at the same time where he could be brought back speedily to Chattanooga. The day after Longstreet left Loudon, Sherman reached Bridgeport in person and proceeded on to see me that evening, the 14th, and reached Chattanooga the next day. My orders for battle were all prepared in advance of Sherman's ar
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 33: the East Tennessee campaign. (search)
was good enough to send me a plot of the roads and streams between Loudon and Knoxville. We were again disappointed at Sweetwater. We weeral Wheeler had been ordered to have vedettes along the river from Loudon to some distance below Kingston, where a considerable body of Union the failure of wagons for our pontoon bridge forced us to cross at Loudon, and to make direct march upon Knoxville by that route. Weary ohis division on the south side of Tennessee River as we marched for Loudon, took up his pontoon bridge, and broke up the railroad bridge. The troops in rear were marched during the night to the vicinity of Loudon and held in readiness in case the enemy came to oppose our crossingflows west to the junction. The railroad crosses the main river at Loudon, thirty miles from Knoxville, and runs about parallel to the Holstkirmish line in advance of the bridge-head. As we advanced towards Loudon, the part of General White's Union division that had been on the op
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 34: Besieging Knoxville. (search)
prisoners and a number of killed and wounded. General Wofford's loss was five wounded, two mortally. Our cavalry, except a brigade left at Kingston, resumed its position on the left of our line on the 26th. On the 23d a telegram came from General Bragg to say that the enemy had moved out and attacked his troops at Chattanooga. Later in the day he announced the enemy still in front of him, but not engaging his forces. On the 25th I had a telegram from General Bushrod R. Johnson at Loudon, who was marching with two brigades to reinforce us, saying that the enemy was throwing his cavalry forward towards Charleston. This, in connection with the advance of the enemy towards General Bragg, reported by his despatch of the 23d, I took to be an effort to prevent reinforcements coming to us, or to cut in and delay their march. That night General Leadbetter, chief engineer of General Bragg's army, reported at Headquarters with orders from General Bragg that we should attack at Kn
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 35: cut off from East and West. (search)
r his relief,--one by the south side under General Sherman, one by Decherd under General Elliott, the third by Cumberland Gap under General Foster. When General Leadbetter left us on the 29th of November, he was asked to look after affairs at Loudon, and to order General Vaughn to destroy such property as he could not haul off, and retire through the mountains to General Bragg's army. Finding that General Vaughn had not been moved, he was ordered on the 1st of December to cross the river tomergency, and affairs were getting a little complicated about my position, I felt warranted in retaining the cavalry for the time. Reports coming at the same time of reinforcements for the enemy at Kingston, pressing towards General Vaughn at Loudon, he was ordered to join us. As he had no horses for the battery, he tumbled it from the bridge into the middle of the Tennessee River, burned the bridge, and marched. Under the circumstances there seemed but one move left for us,--to march ar
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 36: strategic importance of the field. (search)
to be in observation towards Knoxville, and a brigade of infantry as supporting force; batteries on the hither bank to cover the troops and the bridge in case the enemy was disposed to dispute our crossing, and await my arrival and further orders. The army being ready for the crossing and move for Knoxville, inquiry was made of General Johnston as to the condition of affairs with the enemy at Chattanooga. In answer he said,--Our scouts report that troops have been sent from Chattanooga to Loudon. They could not learn the number. On the 17th I asked the Richmond authorities for ten thousand additional men, and General Lee, approving our work, asked to have Pickett's division sent, and other detachments to make up the number. On the 19th I was informed from General Johnston's Headquarters that eight trains loaded with troops went up from Chattanooga on the night of the 17th. A telegram came on the 19th from Richmond to say that the additional troops called for could not be se
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 15 (search)
report of Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard, U. S. Army, commanding Fourth Army Corps, of operations May 1-July 27, 1864. Hdqrs. Department and Army of the Tennessee, September 18, 1864. General: Having been assigned by the President of the United States, I assumed command of the Fourth Army Corps April 10, 1864. One division, Major-General Stanley's, was stationed, two brigades at Blue Springs, and one at Ooltewah; the Second Division, then under command of Brigadier-General Wagner, was at Loudon, and the Third Division, General Wood's, was still in the Department of the Ohio, near Knoxville. My first duty was to concentrate the corps near Cleveland. This was effected by the 25th of April. About one week's time was given to refit and prepare for the field. A portion of the command had just completed a trying winter campaign in East Tennessee, and was quite badly off in many respects, from shortness of transportation, clothing, and other supplies. The animals, in General Wood'
hrough Cumberland Gap by a tedious line of wagontrains. In pursuance of his plan the railroad had already been opened to Loudon, but here much delay occurred on account of the long time it took to rebuild the bridge over the Tennessee. Therefore suthe Confederate army) make any demonstration against Chattanooga. Hence my division was ordered to take station at Loudon, Tennessee, and I must confess that we took the road for that point with few regrets, for a general disgust prevailed regardinof the country below Dalton, he recognized and insisted that his services would then become practically valueless. At Loudon, where we arrived January 27, supplies were more plentiful, and as our tents and extra clothing reached us there in a fewfor Washington, accompanied by Lieutenant T. W. C. Moore, one of my aides, leaving behind Lieutenant M. V. Sheridan, my other aide, to forward our horses as soon as they should be sent down to Chattanooga from Loudon, after which he was to join me.
October 18. Rebel soldiers made their appearance again on Loudon and Bolivar Heights, and renewed the attack upon Major Gould's command with their artillery. Major Gould immediately responded with canister, fired from the 32-pounder columbiad captured on the 15th, and succeeded in driving them back, but not until they had burned the mill at which the National troops had seized the grain, and taken the miller prisoner, whom they accused of giving information to the National troops.--N. Y. Times, Oct. 19. Colonel Stahel, of the Eighth regiment of New York Volunteers, accompanied by Prince Salm Salm and several officers of his staff, made a reconnaissance in the direction of Fairfax Court House, in Virginia.--(Doc. 97.)