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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter VII (search)
ure of a hostile movement reported in that direction. Upon our advance, Longstreet's troops withdrew across the Holston and French Broad and retreated toward Morristown. His advance had evidently been intended only to cover an attempted cavalry raid upon our rear, which the high water in the Little Tennessee rendered impracticad been commenced, in the meantime using the bateaux already constructed to ferry the troops across the river. In this manner we were able to advance as far as Morristown by February 29 with sufficient force to reconnoiter Longstreet's position. This reconnaissance demonstrated that the enemy held Bull's Gap, and that his entire Although his force, if concentrated, was much superior to mine, I determined to endeavor to take advantage of his movement to attack his rear. My advance held Morristown; all the troops were ordered forward to that place, and preparations made for an attack, when, on the 15th, orders came from General Grant to send the Ninth Cor
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
ut.-Gen., James, failure of Parke to expel him from Tennessee, 114; advances to Strawberry Plains, 114; retreats toward Morristown, 115; holds Bull's Gap, 115, 116; withdraws from Tennessee and joins Lee in Virginia, 116 Lookout Range, S. proposession to, 393 Montana, obstruction of railroads???, 512. Montgomery, Ala., cutting through the South at, 337 Morristown, Kan., Gen's Ewing and Lane at, 79 Morristown, Tenn., Longstreet retreats toward, 115; S. advances toward, 115; preparaMorristown, Tenn., Longstreet retreats toward, 115; S. advances toward, 115; preparations for attacking Longstreet at, 116; held by S., 116 Mosquito Lagoon, S. at, 19 Moss, Col., reported expulsion of Union families by, 93 Motley, John L., U. S. Minister at Vienna, 385 Mount Pleasant Turnpike, Tenn., military movements fensive, 115; occupies Strawberry Plains, 115; Grant proposes to send reinforcements to, 115; advances toward and holds Morristown, 115, 116 ; the Ninth Corps withdrawn from his command, 116; disappointment at being balked of active operations, 116;