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river for two days after the battle were continually hailed by deserters from the rebel ranks wishing to get on board to escape. An examination of the field and the reports I hear convince me that the Tyler contributed greatly to the defeat of the enemy, and the terrible slaughter in his ranks is largely hers. It is due to Captain Pritchett to add that he took up an admirable position, and used his battery in a manner alike creditable to himself and to his officers and men. First at Belmont, then at Pittsburgh Landing, and now here, the Tyler has been of inestimable value, and has saved the fortunes of the day. The garrison, numbering but three thousand three hundred men, with lines entirely too extensive for such a force, evidently fought with a courage and determination without superior example in this war. Our loss in killed and wounded is about one hundred and eighty. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, S. L. Phelps, Lieutenant Commander Commanding Second Div
. McCook commanding, moved as follows: General Johnson by Salem and Larkin's Ford to Bellefont. General Davis by Mount Top and Crow Creek to near Stevenson. The three brigades of cavalry by Fayetteville and Athens, to cover the line of the Tennessee from Whitesbury up. On his arrival in Sequatchie Valley, General Crittenden was to send a brigade of infantry to reconnoitre the Tennessee, near Harrison's Landing, and take post at Poe's Cross-Roads. Minty was to reconnoitre from Washington down, and take post at Smith's Cross-Roads, and Wilder's brigade of mounted infantry was to reconnoitre from Harrison's Landing to Chattanooga, and be supported by a brigade of infantry which General Crittenden was to send from Thurman to the foot of the eastern slope of Walden's Ridge, in front of Chattanooga. These movements were completed by the evening of the twentieth of August. Hazen's brigade made the reconnoissance on Harrison's Landing, and reported the enemy throwing up works
The skilful execution by General Smith of the work assigned him, and the promptness with which General Hooker with his troops met and repulsed the enemy on the night of the twentyeighth, reflects the greatest credit on both of these officers and their entire commands. I herewith annex consolidated returns of casualties. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George H. Thomas, Major-General U. S. V., Commanding. Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General U. S. A., Washington. Major-General Hooker's command. Killed.Wounded.Missing.Total. Eleventh Corps,8814814200 Second Division, 12th Corps,841748216 Brig.-Gen. Smith's command,417--21 Total,437 Report of Brigadier-General W. F. Smith. headquarters Department of. The Cumberland, Office Chief Engineer, Chattanooga, Nov. 4, 1863. General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations for making a lodgment on the south side of the Tennessee River, at Brown's Ferry.
The fords nearest to Chattanooga were guarded by Wilder's brigade, Colonel Miller commanding. After him the First brigade, Colonel Minty commanding, on same duty, and Colonel Long's brigade was posted above Minty, in the neighborhood of Washington, Tennessee. I desire to say nothing about why the rebels were permitted to cross, as the officer in command at the ford where the crossing was effected will have to answer for that hereafter, probably before a military tribunal. On the morningearned they were across, notwithstanding his precautions, he immediately ordered the regiments on duty above to move down the river and rejoin him, which they did, finding the General four miles below Smith's cross-roads, and about twelve below Washington. Next morning, October first, a reconnoissance to the cross-roads, by the Fourth Michigan, discovered the enemy ascending Waldron's Ridge. At two o'clock P. M., the Second brigade was ordered upon the ridge, on a parallel road. The brigade
is own, with a loss of 72 killed and wounded, 350 prisoners, and 2 guns; while his own loss was inconsiderable. He was soon compelled, by the gathering of Rebel forces around him, to abandon Tuscumbia and all south of the Tennessee, burning the railroad bridges at Decatur and Bridgeport, but holding firmly and peaceably all of Alabama north of that river. Had he been even moderately reenforced, he would have struck and probably could have destroyed the great Rebel armories and founderies in Georgia, or have captured Chattanooga; which was assailed, June 6. under his orders, by Gen. Negley, who was driven off by a Rebel force under Gen. E. Kirby Smith. Mitchel's activity and energy poorly qualified him for a subordinate position under Buell; so he was transferred, in June, to the command at Port Royal, S. C., where he died. Oct. 20. Gen. Halleck was likewise summoned July 23. from the West to serve as General-in-Chief at Washington, leaving Gen. Grant in command at Corinth.
e been swelled by reenforcements, mainly raw, to nearly 100,000 men; but it was not, in his judgment, yet in condition to fight Bragg's far inferior numbers. Hence, time was taken to reorganize and supply it; while the Rebel cavalry galloped at will over the plenteous central districts of the State, collecting large quantities of cattle and hogs not only, but of serviceable fabrics and other manufactures as well. Buell's delays, synchronizing with McClellan's lost, were so distasteful at Washington, that an order relieving him from command was issued; but its execution was suspended on the emphatic remonstrance of his subordinate commanders. The hint being a pretty strong one, Buell set his face toward the enemy; Oct. 1. moving in five columns: his left on Frankfort, his right on Shepardsville, intending to concentrate on Bardstown, where Bragg, with his main body, was supposed to be; skirmishing by the way with small parties of Rebel cavalry and artillery. Thus advancing steadi
Ohio from western Kentucky near Leavenworth, Ind., about the middle of June, raiding through Orange, Orleans, and Washington counties; and were trying to make their way back into Kentucky, when they were cornered June 19, 1863. by the Leavenwortrossing the latter at and near Bridgeport, where he destroyed the railroad bridge behind him. Roscerans was expected at Washington to follow him up sharply: but how could he? His army must live; and it could by no means subsist on what was left it b W. Prescott Smith, master of transportation on the Baltimore and Ohio road: the two corps marching from the Rapidan to Washington, taking cars, and being transported by Cumberland, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Louisville, and Nashville, to the Tennessee, a But here he was overhauled by Gen. Geo. Crook, who, with another cavalry division, 2,000 strong, had started from Washington, Tenn., and had for some hours been pursuing and fighting Wharton, and by whose order Col. Long, with the 2d Kentucky, cha
used to mount a few thousand men before challenging the enemy to a decisive conflict. This perplexed Gen. Grant; who, chafing at the idea of such a display of Rebel audacity in the heart of Tennessee, had left his camp on the James and reached Washington on his way westward, when he was met by telegraphic reports which convinced him that his Tennessee lieutenant, like Sheridan, needed no supervision. Thomas, reluctant to relax his hold on the railroad to Chattanooga, had left Gen. Rousseau, r surrendering, by seizing a pistol, shooting a sentinel, and vanishing in the darkness. This was the final blow given to Hood's army. Thomas expected now to put his forces into well-earned Winter-quarters; but he soon received advices from Washington that this did not meet the views of Gen. Grant, who proposed to crush what was left of the Rebellion first and then rest. Accordingly, Gens. Smith's, Schofield's, and Wilson's corps were taken up by boats at Clifton, on the Tennessce, and conv
f N. C. 80; organizes expedition for the capture of Goldsboro, 80; 81; returns to Newbern, 81; repels D. H. Hill at Washington, N. C., 483; makes a demonstration in behalf of Sherman, 696; relieved in consequence of his wound, 696. Foster, Col., ancellorsville, 361; his loss, 364; recrosses the Rappahannock, 364; is succeeded in command by Gen. Meade, 375; visits Washington without leave. and is placed in arrest by Gen. Halleck, 375; is transferred from the army of the Potomac, with 11th anachusett, Capt. Collins, captures the Florida in Bahia harbor, 645-6. Wadsworth, Gen. James S., Military Governor of Washington, 108; on strength of Rebel army at Manassas in Jan., 1862, 112; strength of his force for defense of Washington, 130; aWashington, 130; at Gettysburg, 377; in council at Williamsport, 392; killed in the Wilderness, 569. Wainwright, Col., wounded at South Mountain, 198. Wainwright, Capt., killed at Galveston, 324. Waite, Col. C. A., captured at San Antonio, 18. Walker, Gen.
Burnt by the yankees --A correspondent of the Bristol Gazette gives an account of the burning of a negro man in an out-house, by the Yankees, because he had the small-pox. The horrible affair occurred near Washington, Rhea county, about the 15th of November, and was perpetrated by some of Col. Lyon's Illinois regiment. The negro had been stolen by the Yankees from his master, and contracted the disease in their company, and this is the tender care he got at their hands.