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The Daily Dispatch: March 24, 1862., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 6, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 4 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 4 0 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 3 1 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 26, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 24, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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erland, near the State line. General J. T. Alcorn had two or three regiments, principally Mississippians, at Hopkinsville. These commands reported to Buckner. Colonel Stanton's regiment, and some companies, watched the roads to Jamestown and Jacksboro, in Central Tennessee, and reported to Zollicoffer. In Eastern Kentucky a small force was recruiting. The transfer of Hardee's army from Arkansas to Kentucky has already been mentioned. This was not done without exciting local jealousy, a General Johnston sent Colonel Cleburne, with 1,200 infantry, half a section of artillery, and a squadron of Terry's Rangers, on a reconnaissance. He was to go to Jamestown, Kentucky, and Tompkinsville, while Zollicoffer was coming westward by Jacksboro and Jamestown, Tennessee. Five hundred of the enemy were reported at Jamestown, and 500 at Tompkinsville. His orders ran: If the enemy are there, attack and destroy them. . . . Create the impression in the country that this force is only
estroyed. Three of her guns, all of which were shotted, went off at intervals, and a shell burst in the air, scattering its fragments about Fort Monroe, without, however, doing any damage. Another gun was saved by the harbor crew. The Whitehall was formerly a Fulton ferry-boat, at New York. This day Col. James Carter, with his regiment of loyal Tennesseeans, left Camp Cumberland Ford, and went through the mountains, some forty odd miles, to Big Creek Gap, some four miles above Jacksboro, Tenn., where they had a fight with the rebel cavalry. Two of the rebels were killed, four badly wounded, and fifteen taken prisoners, among whom was Lieut.-Col. White. Col. Carter also obtained all of the tents for three companies, their camp equipage, and provisions, and some arms. Twenty-seven of the rebels' horses were killed, and fifty-nine captured, with seven mules and four wagons. Lieut.-Col. Keigwin, of the Forty-ninth regiment Indiana volunteers, accompanied Colonel Carter, and re
November 11. Yesterday a skirmish took place near Huntsville, Tenn., between a band of rebel guerrillas and a detachment of the Huntsville Home Guard, under Captain Duncan, resulting in a rout of the rebels with a loss of four killed and several wounded; the Home Guard sustaining no loss whatever. To-day the rebels crossed the Cumberland Mountains, committing many depredations on their route, and made their way to Jacksboro, Tenn. Great excitement existed at Chambersburgh, Pa., it having been reported that the rebels were in Mercersburgh, and on their march for the former place.--The One Hundred and Fifty-sixth regiment of New York volunteers, under the corn mand of Colonel Erastus Cooke, left Kingston for the seat of war.--Lieutenant Johnson, of the Seventeenth regiment of Kentucky, was dismissed the service of the United States.--A fight took place near Lebanon, Tenn., between a party of National cavalry, under the command of Kennett and Wolford, and the rebels under Mor
g been in motion for several days. He reached Mount Vernon, twenty miles distant, on the same day. He left Mount Vernon on the twenty-third, and reached London, twenty-five miles. On the twenty-fourth he reached Williamsburgh, thirty miles from London. On the twenty-fifth he reached Chitwood, Tennessee, twenty-eight miles southwest of Williamsburgh, where he came up with Major-General Hartsuff, commanding the Twenty-third army corps. Major Emory here made a cavalry reconnoissance toward Jacksboro, encountered two regiments of rebel cavalry, and routed them, taking forty-five prisoners. General Burnside, with the main body of his army, left Chitwood on the twenty-eighth and reached Montgomery, the county-seat of Morgan County, Tennessee, forty-two miles from Chitwood, on the thirtieth. Here another column of infantry, under Colonel Julius White, came in, having marched from Central Kentucky, by way of Albany, Monticello, and Jamestown. Colonel Burt, commanding the cavalry advance,
March 14, 1862.-skirmishes at Big Creek Gap and Jacksborough, Tenn. Reports. No. 1.-Col. James P. T. Carter, Second East Tennessee Infantry, U. S. Army. No. 2.-Maj. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, C. S. Army. No. 1.-report of Col. James P. T. Carter, Second East Tennessee Infantry, U. S. Army. Hdqrs. Second East Tennessee Volunteers, Camp at Flat Lick, March 23, 1862. General: In obedience to your order of the 8th instant to proceed to Big Creek Gap and Jacksborough, Campbell County, TJacksborough, Campbell County, Tennessee, and capture or rout the rebel forces which were reported to be in that vicinity blockading roads and molesting the persons and property of Union citizens, I left with my command on the morning of the 10th instant, accompanied by Lieut. Col. James Keigwin, of the Forty-ninth Indiana Volunteers, and marched to Big Creek Gap via Boston. My force consisted of the Second East Tennessee Regiment; Company A, of the First East Tennessee Regiment, Captain Cooper; Company B, of the Forty-ninth
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Brigadier-Generals of the Confederate States Army, alphabetically arranged. (search)
E. LeeJune 2, 1864.May 31, 1864. June 2, 1864. Brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 15th regiments Louisiana infantry. 478Young, P. M. B.GeorgiaGen. R. E. LeeOct. 10, 1863.Sept. 28, 1863. Feb. 17, 1864. Promoted Major-General December 12, 1864; brigade composed of the Cobb Legion, the Jeff. Davis Legion, Phillip's Legion and the 7th Georgia---all cavalry commands, Army of Northern Virginia; for the 7th Georgia regiment, the 10th Georgia regiment was afterwards substituted; Millen's battalion was subsequently added. 479Young, Wm. H.TexasGen. J. B. HoodAug. 16, 1864.Aug. 15, 1864.   Brigade composed of the 9th Texas infantry, the 10th, 14th and 32d Texas, dismounted, and the 29th and 39th North Carolina infantry regiments. 480Zollicoffer, Felix K.Tennessee July 9, 1861.July 9, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861. Killed at Mill Spring; commanded Camp of Instruction at Trousdale, Tennessee; afterwards assigned to the command of the Department of East Tenne
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Kentucky Volunteers. (search)
September, 1865. Service. Near Rockcastle Hills October 18, 1861. Camp Wild Cat October 21. Fishing Creek December 8. (5 Cos. sent to Prestonburg, Ky., December 10 and. join Garfield. Garfield's operations against Humphrey Marshall December 23, 1861, to January 20, 1862. Middle Creek, near Prestonburg, January 10, 1862.) Near Logan's Cross Roads, Mill Springs, on Fishing Creek, January 19-20, 1862. Near Cumberland Gap February 14 (Detachment). Big Creek Gap and Jacksboro March 14 (Detachment). Reconnoissance to Cumberland Gap March 21-23 (1st Battalion). Moved to Nashville, Tenn., April. Purdy and Lebanon May 5. Duty at Shelbyville, Columbia, Mount Pleasant, Lawrenceburg, Pulaski and Murfreesboro, Tenn., till August. March to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg August 21-September 26. Capture of 3rd Georgia Cavalry at New Haven September 29. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-22. Near Perryville October 6-7. Battle of Perr
rvice. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-15. Battle of Perryville, Ky., October 8. Moved to Lebanon, Ky., and duty there till February, 1863. At Muldraugh's Hill, Ky., building fortifications and bridges over Sulphur and Rolling Forks of Green River till September. Also built Forts Boyle, Sands and McAllister. Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., September 18; thence to Gallatin, Tenn., and to Glasgow, Ky., and to Knoxville, Tenn., December 25. March across mountains to Jacksboro December 26, 1863, to January 7, 1864. Duty there till February 22. At Knoxville and Loudoun till May. Moved to Cleveland, Tenn., thence march to Kingston, Ga., and join Sherman's Army May 23, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 23-September 8. Kingston May 24. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14.
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 5: (search)
th Heth's division. The other three, serving as infantry, marched with Gracie to Scott county. On August 13th, Gracie's command stormed and captured Fort Clift, scattering the Tennessee Unionists in every direction. They had fired so wildly that no Confederates were seriously hurt. The scattering of this force gave unmolested passage for the wagon trains of Heth's division through Big Creek gap into Kentucky. The three companies of the Twelfth Georgia battalion were left in camp at Jacksboro, Tenn., to assist in picketing Big Creek gap. The following Georgia commands went into Kentucky in Heth's division: Smith's legion, Fifty-fifth Georgia and Newnan artillery (from the Twelfth battalion). In Stevenson's division, which recaptured Cumberland gap and then advanced into Kentucky, were the Thirty-fourth, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-ninth, Fortieth, Forty-second, Fifty-second and Fifty-seventh Georgia regiments, the Third and Ninth Georgia battalions, and the Cherokee artillery. In McC
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 6: (search)
H. Allen, (B) James T. Buckner, (C) E. J. Craven, (D) E. H. Harrison, (E) Thad. Oliver, (F) John H. Losser, (G) D. N. Martin, (H) H. H. Scranton, (I) C. W. Howard, (K) William J. Dixon. Captain Allen soon became major. This regiment was formed in December, 1862, in the following manner: The Oglethorpe artillery, which had been the Oglethorpe infantry, Company D, of Ramsey's First Georgia, was detached from the Twelfth Georgia battalion of artillery (acting as infantry and stationed at Jacksboro, Tenn.), and being ordered to Savannah was united with the Thirteenth infantry (Phoenix) battalion, which had been serving on the Georgia coast from the beginning of the war; to these, other detached companies were added, and the new regiment thus formed was called the Sixty-third Georgia. The regiment served as infantry and heavy artillery at Thunderbolt and Rosedew island, and two of its companies (B and K) at Battery Wagner near Charleston, in 1863. In May, 1864, it was ordered to Dalton.
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