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acre or less, remains on Albion street. A few oaks and some underbrush make a little spot of green, and eight cedar trees may be found in the vicinity. A few large elms, undoubtedly some of the original swamp, still grace several of the yards. This is all that is left of a large tract which once afforded fine cover for quail, which, in the memory of a well-known resident of Somerville, used to be seen crossing what is now Highland avenue. On the southerly side of Broadway, not far from Magoun square, are five large white-ash trees, which were set out by Joseph Adams some time previous to 1800. The largest of these is thirteen feet, ten inches in circumference, the smallest eight feet, six inches. Mr. Adams built his house, now better known as the Magoun house, on the top of Winter Hill in 1783. Of the orchard he planted there remain two apple trees. One of them has lately taken a new lease of life through the cultivation of a vegetable garden, and bears apples as fine in flav
South Carolina, where he became Judge of Probate of Darlington County, and died in that place December 6, 1887. Charles Russell was born in Plymouth in July, 1835, admitted to the bar in 1858, and practiced in Medford a number of years. He occupied many of the town offices. He was a lawyer of military tastes, who believed in making rain with repeated discharges of cannons, and raising dead bodies out of ponds in which there were none by the same process. He was the first captain of the Magoun Battery, and enlisted with the 5th Massachusetts in ‘61. As a lawyer he did not attain much prominence. He died April 21, 1879. Distinguished among the peerless knights of law, learning and oratory, John Quincy Adams Griffin was one of the ablest of his time. He was born July 8, 1826, in Londonderry, N. H. When he was very young, his family removed to Pelham, where he received his rudimentary education, and lived until 1844, when he removed to Groton. He prepared for college at Groton
gh its time fell just previous to the revision of Brooks' history by Mr. Usher. We refer to the Magoun Battery. In the preparation of this sketch the writer has consulted the records of the select 1875, occurred at Lexington the first of the centennial celebrations. This was attended by the Magoun Battery, which took the place assigned it in the procession, and also on June 7th it attended thrnish the powder. Just before this they had voted to allow Mr. Allen to use the wheels of the Magoun Battery. Heman Allen was the chief of the highway men, and so it is reasonable to conclude that that attracted much attention. On December 1, 1884, the selectmen voted that the guns of the Magoun Battery be placed in charge of Captain Clark's command, i.e., the Lawrence Light Guard. May 28, ary 17, 1891, the selectmen granted the library committee permission to remove the trucks of the Magoun Battery from the shop of Dawson & Porter to the library or elsewhere, as they may see fit. The t
the time of search for the Magoun guns that had been lost sight of. Inquiry revealed that the said gun was an old iron cannon, possibly a relic of the Revolution, that had been picked up somewhere, but no definite information could be obtained save that it was called Molly Stark. It used to be in evidence on special occasions, like others in the old days of noise, horribles and uncouth demonstration of so-called patriotism. It has long since disappeared, probably into the junk pile, and Medford is no loser. The names Molly Stark and Old Hickory are examples of the custom that obtained in war times. Military men tell us that battery guns received from their company various names, like Whistling Tom, or Pretty Mary, and the siege gun at Charleston, the Swamp Angel, had a nation-wide notice. We have never heard that the guns of the Magoun battery were thus designated. By the courtesy of a member of the Historical Society, C. H. Tinkham, we print a view of Medford's artillery.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Mr. Stetson's notes on information wanted. (search)
of Medford a good while before he died, in 1739. In the foregoing lines is a lot of information given by no other writer, which is replete with interest. The Magoun place (or library building) was probably (see Register, Vol. XXII, No. 1) erected in 1834-5. Its frontage on High street is about equal with those enumerated B a board fence. The folding gates were of flat palings loosely bolted to the rails; a counter balancing weight to each lifted them against the tall posts. The Magoun battery organization was dissolved by an order of the adjutant general, sent to the selectmen. The building was then used by the highway department as a stable with the said statuary, was emphatically convinced. I told Mr. M——that his reference to the statuary reminded me of my recollections of the statuary on the old Magoun estate that I was accustomed to see as a youngster, when my grandmother took me to ride in my baby carriage. Quick as a flash he replied, Why don't you write an