Browsing named entities in Philip Henry Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army .. You can also browse the collection for Amelia Court House (Virginia, United States) or search for Amelia Court House (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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that Lee, in his retreat, was making for Amelia Court House, where his columns north and south of thard Jettersville, Merritt to move toward Amelia Court House, and the Fifth Corps to Jettersville itsoped we could force Lee to surrender at Amelia Court House, since a firm hold on Jettersville wouldLee's Commissary-General. The army is at Amelia Court House, short of provisions. Send 300,000 ratirtant fact that Lee was concentrating at Amelia Court House, but also a trustworthy basis for estimaorps being already intrenched across the Amelia Court House road facing north, I placed the Sixth onected to advance early in the morning on Amelia Court House. In this interview Grant also stated thorning of the 6th, Meade advanced toward Amelia Court House, he found, as predicted, that Lee was go the morning, that Lee had decamped from Amelia Court House. Grant had promptly informed me of thisg the Sixth Corps to abandon the move on Amelia Court House and pass to the left of the army. On th[3 more...]