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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Incidents of the first Bull Run. (search)
clerks. About forty were young mechanics, whose mechanical skill was of much service. I had provided them with red flannel shirts at Harper's Ferry, because our uniforms were too fine for camp life and for service in the field.-J. D. I. (my own battery) was at the head of the column, and, being largely composed of young men of high social standing, was especially honored by the ladies of the village, conspicuous among whom were the young daughters of Colonel John A. Washington, late of Mount Vernon. I noticed that some of the young fellows of the battery, lingering round the baskets borne by these young ladies, who bade them die or conquer in the fight, seemed very miserable during the remainder of the march. No doubt many of them, during the battle, felt that it would be better to die on the field than retreat and live to meet those enthusiastic girls again. I make special note of that breakfast because it was the last food any of us tasted till the first Bull Run had been fough
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First cavalry. (search)
ed at Washington, amid the excitement caused by the Union repulse at Bull run the previous day. That night they listened to horrifying tales of the sanguinary deeds performed by the Black Horse cavalry on that disastrous field, but it only seemed to stimulate the boys with a desire to measure swords with horsemen so renowned. They had not long to wait, for, on the 18th of August, not quite one month from the date of their muster into service, Boyd's company were sent on a scout toward Mount Vernon. While they were feeling their way through a large woods, in the vicinity of Pohick church, they suddenly came upon a squadron of the famous Black Horse cavalry drawn up in line on a broad road ready to receive them. Captain Boyd placed himself at the head of his company, and at once commanded it to charge! The boys answered with a yell, and dashed upon the foe, who confidently expected to see them run at the very sight of such an array. So sudden and so unexpected was the onset, that
te. But no Federal uniform ever crossed a rebel threshold, in those days, save on business. The officers occupied parts of many houses; but they were made to feel that the other part, occupied by the household, was private still. Another infliction, harder to bear, was the well-meant intrusion of old friends from the North. Pleasure parties to Richmond were of constant occurrence; and for the time quite eclipsed in popularity, with the Washington idlers, the inevitable pilgrimage to Mt. Vernon. Gaily dressed and gushing over in the merriment of a party of pleasure, these visitors often sought out their ante-bellum friends; and then and there would condone the crime of rebellion to them-sitting in desolation by the ashes of their household gods. It is not hard to understand how bitter was proffered forgiveness, to those who never admitted they could have been wrong; and perhaps the soft answer that turneth away wrath, was not always given to such zealously officious friends.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
were directed upon lofty subjects by an excellent mother. His birthplace and that of Washington were not only in the same county but only a short distance apart. The landscape of that section of Virginia was the first that greeted the eyes of each. The Potomac River, in all its grandeur and beauty, flowed past Stratford as well as Pope's Creek. Alexandria afterward became his town, as it had before been the town of Washington. The married life of the two was respectively passed at Mount Vernon and Arlington, the same river rolling at their feet, while the old town stood dignified and historic between the mansions proudly connecting the name and fame of their occupants. Robert went first to the Alexandria Academy, being under the tuition of Mr. Leary, who was ever after his firm friend. Later he attended the famous school of Mr. Benjamin Hallowell, in Alexandria, whose house, still standing, is yet conducted as a popular school. Ben. Hallowell was a Quaker of the Quakers.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 7: Atlantic coast defenses.-assigned to duty in Richmond as commander in chief under the direction of the Southern President. (search)
t I have passed with you, and the remembrance of them fills me with pleasure. As to our old home, if not destroyed it will be difficult ever to be recognized. Even if the enemy had wished to preserve it, it would almost have been impossible. With the number of troops encamped around it, the change of officers, the want of fuel, shelter, etc., and all the dire necessities of war, it is vain to think of its being in a habitable condition. I fear, too, the books, furniture, and relics of Mount Vernon will be gone. It is better to make up our minds to a general loss. They can not take away the remembrances of the spot, and the memories of those that to us rendered it sacred. That will remain to us as long as life will last and that we can preserve. In the absence of a home I wish I could purchase Stratford. It is the only other place I could go to now acceptable to us, that would inspire me with pleasure and local love. You and the girls could remain there in quiet. It is a poor
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
hal, 261, 423. Molino del Rey, 41. Monocacy, battle of, 351. Mont St. Jean, Waterloo, 421. Monroe, James, I. Montezuma's gifts, 31. Moore, Anne, 20. Morales, General, 35. Mosby, Colonel, John, 183. Mount Vernon, Ala., 99. Mount Vernon plate, 94. Mount Vernon, Va., 71. Napier, General, quoted, 148. Napoleon at Austerlitz, 247; at Waterloo, 278, 421; mentioned, 13, 17. Negro division at Petersburg, 356. New England States, 82. Newton, General, John, at GettysbMount Vernon, Va., 71. Napier, General, quoted, 148. Napoleon at Austerlitz, 247; at Waterloo, 278, 421; mentioned, 13, 17. Negro division at Petersburg, 356. New England States, 82. Newton, General, John, at Gettysburg, 286; mentioned, 362. Ney, Field-Marshal, 424. Nineteenth Corps, the, 352. Oates, Colonel, 282. On-to-Richmond movement, 327. Orange Court House, Va., 182, 183, 222, 320, 328. Ordinance of Secession, 87. Ordnance Department, the, 350. Ord's Eighteenth Corps, 359, 387. Ould, Judge, Robert, 76, 419. Palo Alto, battle of, 32. Paris, Count of, quoted, 53. Patterson, General, Robert, 38, 46, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 269. Paxton, General, killed at Chancellorsville,
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, VI. September, 1861 (search)
rote down the information, and sent it to the President. September 18 Gen. Floyd has been attacked at Gauley, by greatly superior numbers. But he was intrenched, and slew hundreds of the enemy before he retreated, which was effected without loss. September 19 We hear of several splendid dashes of cavalry near Manassas, under Col. Stuart; and Wise's cavalry in the West are doing good service. September 20 Col. J. A. Washington has been killed in a skirmish. He inherited Mount Vernon. This reminds me that Edward Everett is urging on the war against us. The universal education, so much boasted of in New England, like their religion, is merely a humbug, or worse than a humbug, the fruitful source of crime. I shall doubt hereafter whether superior intelligence is promotive of superior virtue. The serpent is wiser than the dove, but never so harmless. Ignorance is bliss in comparison with Yankee wisdom. September 21 The Secretary has authorized me to sign passpo
e in the last few days, in answer to the prayers of a pious wife. I hope that I feel grateful for my preservation. Mountain view, September 22, 1861. Came down here with Mr.-- , a few days ago. Spent this day not quite so profitably as I desired. The ride to the old chapel, where we had service, is so long, that we spent a great deal of time upon the road. Bishop Meade delivered a most interesting address. He mentioned with great feeling the death of Mr. John A. Washington, of Mount Vernon, who fell at Cheat Mountain a few days ago, while, with some other officers, he was observing the movements of Rosecranz. It is heart-rending to hear of the number of valuable lives which are lost in this cruel war. Sept. 25th, 1861. The last two days spent with pleasant friendsone day with Miss M. M., and the other with my old acquaintance, Mrs. Dr. F., of the White post. These ladies, like all others, are busy for the soldiers. To-day I received a copy of Headley Vicars, abridg
ere almost deserted except by squads of military patrol; shutters of stores, and even many residences, remained unopened throughout the day. The signs were none too reassuring. In addition to the public rumors whispered about by serious faces on the streets, General Scott reported in writing to President Lincoln on the evening of April 22: Of rumors, the following are probable, viz.: First, that from fifteen hundred, to two thousand troops are at the White House (four miles below Mount Vernon, a narrow point in the Potomac), engaged in erecting a battery; Second, that an equal force is collected or in progress of assemblage on the two sides of the river to attack Fort Washington; and Third, that extra cars went up yesterday to bring down from Harper's Ferry about two thousand other troops to join in a general attack on this capital — that is, on many of its fronts at once. I feel confident that with our present forces we can defend the Capitol, the Arsenal, and all the execut
nd they were completely routed and scattered by the troops of General Morris. While General Garnett was attempting to rally his men he was struck through the spine by a rifle ball, and fell dead on the road. The rebels fled up the Horseshoe Valley, Gen. Hill following in hot pursuit. Forty loads of provisions, all their horses, wagons, and guns fell into the hands of the victors.--(Doc. 88.) The Third Wisconsin Regiment, commanded by Colonel Hamilton, arrived at Buffalo this afternoon, and, after taking refreshments proceeded to Elmira, where they received arms.--N. Y. World, July 15. A Report of the results of three reconnoissances made on the Fairfax road, on the Richmond road, and on the Mount Vernon road, all starting from Alexandria, Va., was to-day made to Col. Miles commanding the 5th Division of Troops, Department of Northeastern Virginia, by Col. Thomas A. Davies, commanding the 2d Brigade, of the 5th Division. The reconnoissances were all successful.--(Doc. 91.)
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