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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Gainesville (Virginia, United States) or search for Gainesville (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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facing along the turnpike from Warrenton to Gainesville, resolved there to give battle. Meantime, Halleck to push Franklin with all speed to Gainesville; and sent orders to Manassas Junction that horoughfare Gap and moved south-easterly by Gainesville, where he was joined by Stuart with two cavwith Sigel and Reynolds, to move rapidly on Gainesville, so as to reach it that night; while Reno, ho held his advance, had not fairly cleared Gainesville at 7 1/2 A. M. Meantime, Jackson, who waefore morning, of King's abandonment of the Gainesville road, had sent orders to Sigel, at Grovetonwas to push forward from Centerville toward Gainesville; Reno following, with orders to attack promivision, was to move from Manassas upon the Gainesville road with all speed, with intent to turn Jan of the commands of McDowell and Sigel, at Gainesville, and Reno and Kearny, at Greenwich, as held sent forward should be sent to my right at Gainesville. I now have at my disposal here about 10[3 more...]
had rendered Bull Run unfordable, and obliged him to send for pontoons; meantime, the enemy, after skirmishing along his front and making feints of attack, retreated as rapidly as they had advanced, completely destroying the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from Bristow to the Rappahannock — Stuart, aided by a flank attack from Fitz Hugh Lee, worsting Kilpatrick, by force of numbers, in a not very sanguinary encounter Oct. 19. near Buckland's Mills, whence our cavalry fell back nimbly to Gainesville. In this affair, Custer's brigade did most of the fighting on our side; but the enemy was so vastly the stronger, backed by infantry, that Kilpatrick did well to escape with little loss. Stuart claims to have taken 200 prisoners. Lee recrossed the Rappahannock next day; leaving Meade, by reason of his ruined railroad, unable, if willing, to follow him farther for some time. During these operations, General J. D. Imboden, who, with a Rebel cavalry division, had been guarding the ga
ned, 157-8; McClellan's dispatches, 158. Gainesville, battle of, 181; retreat from, 183-7. Gaburg 124; at Malvern Hill, 165; advances on Gainesville, 181-3; killed near Chantilly, 188. KearManassas Junction, 183; fights Jackson near Gainesville, 183. Kingsport, Tenn., Gillem takes 30078; on the Rappahannock, 180; victorious at Gainesville, or second Bull Run, 188; his official repotreats on Manassas Junction, 183; fights at Gainesville, 185; general order respecting Slavery, 237; appeals for rations, &c., 186 defeated at Gainesville by Lee and Jackson, 187; his retreat, 188; nes's Mill, 155-7; at Malvern Hill, 165; at Gainesville, 182-3-5-6; at Antietam, 208. Porter, Adperates with Gen. Sigel, 179; is present at Gainesville, 183; covers the retreat at second Bull RunGaines's Mill, 156; taken prisoner, 157; at Gainesville, 183; at second Bull Run, 189; at Frederickster, Col. D. Fletcher, of Mass., killed at Gainesville, 189. Weed, Gen. S. H., killed at Gettys[5 more...]