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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Pennsylvania. (search)
n the centre of a vast clearing, surrounded by a magnificent forest, had been for a year in possession of the Federals. After having almost invariably played the principal role in the operations directed by Jackson, Ewell, severely wounded at Gainesville, had not been able to look on his domain for rest and health. Finally, after nine months absence, he rejoined on crutches the army which had not forgotten his services. More fortunate than his old chief, lie had, thanks to his robust and actrable disorder into the ranks; but he did it no harm, and to disguise his movement he was obliged to make a large circuit southward. His horses having but little to eat, he had to halt and let them graze. A single brigade pushed on as far as Gainesville. Centreville was occupied: the whole section of country which separated this point from the front of the enemy's army was overrun by columns of troops which he might meet at any moment. The plan he had formed could not therefore be carried o
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
, will be able early to cross Broad Run and take again, between Buckland and Gainesville, the main road from Warrenton to Alexandria. This route leads to Centrevillock in the morning the Third Federal corps crosses Broad Run and proceeds to Gainesville, leaving behind it a large number of stragglers. Gregg's division, arrivings right. In order to avoid Groveton, which is strongly occupied, he reaches Gainesville, crosses the Aldie road, and, bearing at last toward the right, reaches Fryick he encounters the Southern cavalry near Groveton, and pushes it as far as Gainesville. But darkness soon interrupts the movements of the Federal cavalry; it has alry for the remainder of the retreat. At daybreak the Union general leaves Gainesville with his two brigades—Custer in the advance, followed by Davies —and moves flowed him long, and the Union general falls back, without being harassed, on Gainesville, where the two brigades are brought together at about half-past 7 in the eve
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Notes. (search)
rawn it up with great care, we have the pretension to believe to be scrupulously correct: Longstreet, arriving from Gainesville with General Lee, and following the Warrenton turnpike, reached an elevated position to the right of Jackson on the 29ery strong positions among the woods, resting upon the Manassas railroad near the point where it strikes the road from Gainesville to Bristoe and Manassas Junction. Robertson's cavalry cleared Longstreet's flank on the other side of the railway. ons they had received from Pope, who, as we have stated (page 288), directed them to march from Manassas Junction upon Gainesville in order to strike the flank and rear of the enemy on the right; Porter, with his two divisions, was marching along thide rendered such deployment impossible, and McDowell, justly thinking that the presence of the enemy on the road from Gainesville to Bristoe would not permit him to strike his flank, as Pope desired, determined, instead of attacking him in front wi
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
Second division (Howe's), Sixth corps, from Germantown to Bristoe Station. June 21. The Second corps arrived at Gainesville and Thoroughfare Gap. The cavalry corps (except McIntosh's brigade of Gregg's division), supported by Barnes' (First)e. Stahel's division of cavalry, from the defences of Washington, moved from Fairfax Court-house, via Centreville and Gainesville, to Buckland Mills. June 22. The cavalry corps and Barnes' (First) division of the Fifth corps returned from Uppom Buckland Mills, via New Baltimore, to Warrenton. June 23. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Warrenton, via Gainesville, to Fairfax Count-house. June 24. Newton's (Third) division, Sixth corps, moved from Germantown to Centreville, Jefferson, Md. These corps crossed the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry. The Second corps marched from Thoroughfare Gap and Gainesville to Gum Springs. Howe's (Second) division, Sixth corps, moved from Bristoe Station to Centreville. Crawford's divisio