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of Gen. George F. Meade, consisting of the Second brigade of Gen. McCall's division, left Camp Pierpont, Fairfax County, Va., to-day, with a large number of transportation wagons. They saw nothing of the enemy, but obtained from a farm about three miles from Dranseville, on the Leesburg turnpike, Va., a large quantity of wheat, oats, corn, potatoes, brick, and lumber; twenty-seven fat hogs, a pair of fat oxen, a wagon, and seven horses; with all of which they reached their quarters near Langley, Va., about sundown.--Forney's War Press (Phil.), December 14. A riot occurred at Nashville, Tenn., occasioned by the authorities resorting to drafting for soldiers to supply the rebel army. The boxes used for the purpose were broken up, and during the excitement two persons were killed and several wounded. Governor Harris was forced to keep his room, and was protected from injury by a strong guard. This morning, the Seventy-fifth regiment N. Y. S. V., under command of Col. John A.
vent further disturbance.--The Ninth Massachusetts battery left Boston this afternoon for the seat of war. Major Kemper, of the Tenth New York cavalry, made a reconnaissance in the immediate vicinity of Centreville, Va., capturing four rebel soldiers. One of them stated that there were only about twenty thousand rebel troops under General Longstreet, the rest having gone off with Jackson in some direction unknown to him. A cavalry reconnaissance made in the vicinity of Vienna and Langley, Va., revealed the fact that the rebel cavalry, lately in, those neighborhoods, were no longer hovering about there.--Washington Star, September 4. Winchester Va., was evacuated by the National troops under the command of General White. Yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, orders were received from General Pope to evacuate the town and retreat on Harper's Ferry, Md., and this morning at one o'clock the rear-guard of Maryland cavalry, rider the command of Captain Russell, left the place,
October 5. Great excitement prevailed at Nashville, Tenn., in consequence of the rebel General Forrest, with a force of over three thousand mounted men, having made a descent upon the railroad between that place and Bridgeport. Skirmishing occurred in the neighborhood of Murfreesboro, a railroad bridge at a point south of that place being destroyed by the rebels.--A band of guerrillas, under the chief White, of Loudon County, Va., made a raid into Langley, six miles above Georgetown, D. C., driving in the pickets, without any casualty.--Colonel Cloud, in a message to General Blunt, dated at Fort Smith, Ark., said he had just returned from a raid in the Arkansas Valley. Near Dardanelles he was joined by three hundred mounted Feds, as the Union Arkansians are called, and with them and his own force routed the rebels, one thousand strong. They fled in confusion leaving tents, cooking utensils, wheat, flour, salt, sugar, and two hundred head of beef cattle behind. They reported
ched our tents for the night, and thus began our improvements. At the beginning, there were about ninety persons in all. The work commenced the second day on the farm. May thirtieth we established a camp on Major Nutt's farm, near falls Church, Virginia, calling it Camp Rucker. The people at this place had to be sheltered in tents, there being no houses in the vicinity belonging to rebel owners. On the same day, May thirtieth, we commenced an encampment on rebel Cooke's farm, near Langley, on the Leesburgh turnpike. This encampment we called camp Wadsworth. A branch of this camp was shortly after formed on a farm of rebel Means near by. A week later we organized the two encampments — Camp Todd, where General Casey had his encampment formerly, near by Fort Albany, and Camp Beckwith on McVay's and Jackson's farms, near Lewinsville. The number of the several encampments on June thirtieth is as follows: Camp Springdale, three hundred; Camp Todd, two hundred and thirty; Camp R
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
y, with detachments on the left bank of the Potomac as far up as Williamsport, above Harper's Ferry, and as far down as Liverpool Point, in Maryland, nearly opposite Acquia Creek. The different divisions were posted as follows: Hooker at Budd's Ferry, Lower Potomac; Heintzelman at Fort Lyon and vicinity; Franklin near the Theological Seminary; Blenker near Hunter's Chapel; McDowell at Upton's Hill and Arlington; F. J. Porter at Hall's and Miner's Hills; Smith at Mackall's Hill; McCall at Langley; Buell at Tenallytown, Meridian Hill, Emory's Chapel, &c., on the left bank of the river; Casey at Washington; Stoneman's cavalry at Washington; Hunt's artillery at Washington; Banks at Darnestown, with detachments at Point of Rocks, Sandy Hook, Williamsport, &c.; Stone at Poolesville; and Dix at Baltimore, with detachments on the Eastern shore. At the close of September a grand review had been held, when seventy thousand men of all arms were assembled and maneuvered. It was the larges
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
they were satisfied, or tried to be satisfied, with a very little of it from time to time, though paying at enormous rates in gold and muscle for that little. And so it was that when, just before Christmas, the quiet on the Potomac was slightly broken by an event we are about to consider,, the people, having learned to expect little, were greatly delighted by it. Let us see what happened. When McCall fell back from Drainsville, the Confederates reoccupied it. His main encampment was at Langley, and Prospect Hill, near the Leesburg road, and only a few miles above the Chain Bridon men, on the Virginia side. The Confederates became very bold after their victory at the Bluff, and pushing their picket-guards far up toward the National lines, they made many incursions in search of Foragers at work. forage, despoiling Union men, and distressing the country in general. With McClellan's permission, McCall prepared to strike these Confederates a blow that should make them more circums
rear for moving the troops in any direction, and, in the event of my deciding to attack Centreville, would enable me to reach that place in one march from the outposts. Immediately after the occupation of this new position the camp of Porter's division was moved forward to Hall's and Munson's hills, in easy supporting distance; a few days later Smith's division was moved to Marshall's Hill. To support this movement McCall's division was, on the 9th of Oct., brought to the Virginia side to Langley's, and a few days later to Prospect Hill. He was replaced at Tennallytown by a brigade of Buell's division. On the 5th of Oct. Heintzelman's division was formed, and posted at Fort Lyon, south of Alexandria, forming the left of our line on the Virginia side. During the months of September and October Sickles's brigade, posted on the south side of the eastern branch, sent frequent reconnoissances into lower Maryland. Early in November Hooker's division was organized and moved to the
Chapter XI Events in and around Washington Ball's Bluff Harper's Ferry Stanton's trick enemy's batteries on the Potomac. on the 9th of Oct. McCall's division marched from Tennally-town to Langley, on the Virginia side of the Potomac. This addition to the forces already there enabled me to push reconnoissances more actively; and as it was particularly desirable to obtain accurate information in regard to the topography of the country in front of our right, Gen. McCall was ordered to move on the 19th as far as Dranesville to cover the work of the topographical engineers directed to prepare maps of that region. On the 20th Gen. Smith pushed out strong parties to Freedom Hill, Vienna, Flint Hill, Peacock Hill, etc., with a similar object. From his destination Gen. McCall sent the following despatch: Dranesville, Oct. 19, 1861, 6.30 P. M. To Gen. McClellan: I arrived here this morning. All is quiet. No enemy seen. Country for one mile beyond Difficult cr
d what that artillery-firing was. Pope replied that it was no doubt that of the enemy against Sumner, who formed the rear-guard and was to march by the Vienna and Langley road. He also intimated that Sumner was probably in a dilemma. He could give me no information of any importance in relation to the whereabouts of the differentrn with me. I borrowed three orderlies from some cavalry at hand, and, accompanied by them and Colburn, started across country as rapidly as possible to reach the Langley road. By the time I reached that road the firing had ceased, with the exception of perhaps a dropping shot occasionally. It was after dark — I think there was mn command, and gave him instructions as to his march. I then returned by the Chain bridge road, having first given Sigel his orders; and at a little house beyond Langley I found Porter, with whom I spent some time, and at length reached Washington at an early hour in the morning. Before the day broke the troops were all in positi
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 4 (search)
hem than at any of our colleges, and that without a mathematical turn of mind, which is a decided gift of nature, no advantages such as above mentioned will enable a student to overcome all the difficulties in his path, though, undoubtedly, they render his task easier than it otherwise would be. Day before yesterday we were moved across the Potomac, and are now in position some four miles in advance of where you saw John Markoe, John Markoe, captain 71st Regt. Pa. Vols. being just beyond Langley, where Baldy Smith had his skirmish. Hamilton Kuhn did get a commission from the Governor of Pennsylvania, but it was not the right kind. He has been again to Harrisburg and procured another, and is now in Washington, qualifying himself, so that I expect him to join me every day. He appears a very gentlemanly fellow, and is so anxious to see service, that I doubt not I shall find him very useful. To Mrs. George G. Meade: camp Pierpont, Va., October 12, 1861—9 P. M. The enemy hav
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