Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Madison Court House (Virginia, United States) or search for Madison Court House (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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reaking up railroads as far as possible; but Hatch, taking along infantry, artillery, and heavy trains, was so impeded by bad roads that he had only reached Madison Court House on the 17th--a day after Ewell, with a division of Lee's army The area of Pope's Virginia and of McClellan's Maryland campaign. from Richmond, had reacn, advanced from Waterloo Bridge to Culpepper, which Crawford's brigade of Banks's corps had already occupied for several days. Buford, with his cavalry, held Madison C. H., picketing the upper fords of the Rapidan, and as low down as Barnett's Ford; while Bayard was posted on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, near the Rapidan r's and Bayard's pickets, both Generals reported their advance; but it was some days before it was determined whether they were intending to advance in force on Madison C. H., or toward Culpepper C. H. On the 8th, the Rebels pressed Bayard's pickets, and his force fell back toward Culpepper C. H., followed by the enemy. Pope, und
use, throwing forward two corps to the Rapidan; which he was preparing to cross when he was ordered from Washington to detach Sept. 24. the 11th and 12th corps, under Hooker, to the aid of our army at Chattanooga. Being reenforced soon afterward, he sent Oct. 10. Gen. Buford, with his cavalry division, across the Rapidan to uncover the upper fords, preparatory to an advance of the 1st and 6th corps; but Lee at the same time crossing Robertson's river and advancing in force from Madison Court House on our right, Meade fell back Oct. 11. across the Rappahannock; our cavalry, under Pleasanton, covering the retreat, and being engaged from Culpepper Court House to Brandy Station, where Buford rejoined him,and the enemy were held in check till evening, when Pleasanton withdrew across the river. Meade now, presuming the enemy in force at Culpepper Court House, pushed over Oct. 12. the 6th, 5th, and 2d corps to Brandy Station, while Buford's cavalry moved in the van to Culpepp
receiving large accessions to his (9th) corps in Maryland, crossed April 23. the Potomac and joined Meade's army; though the formal incorporation therewith was postponed till after the passage of the Rapidan. This junction again raised the positive or fighting strength of that Army to considerably more than 100,000 men. Earlier in the Spring, Gen. Custer, with 1,500 cavalry, had crossed Feb. 27. the Rapidan, flanking the Rebel Army on the west, and moved from Culpepper C. H. by Madison C. H. to within four miles of Charlottesville, where he found his road blocked by a far superior Rebel force, and was turned back; being again waylaid near Stannardsville by a force of cavalry only, which he pushed aside with little loss, and returned March 2. to his old camp, followed by some hundreds of refugees from slavery to Rebels, but having otherwise inflicted little loss and incurred still less. This raid, though directed against the enemy's depots, railroads, &c., was designed