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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 1: parentage, and Early years. (search)
. The second husband's professional success was limited, and he very soon accepted from his friend, Judge Duncan, who had also intermarried with the Jackson family, the office of Clerk of the Court in the county of Fay. ette, which lies on the New River, west of Greenbrier. After one year of married life, Mrs. Woodson's constitution sank upon giving birth to a son; two months after, she died, on the 4th of December, 1831; and her remains await their resurrection not far from the famous Hawk's Nest of New River. Her husband announced her death to her friends in these words:--No Christian on earth, no matter what evidence he might have had of a happy hereafter, could have died with more fortitude. Perfectly in her senses, calm and deliberate, she met her fate without a murmur or a struggle. Death for her had no sting; the grave could claim no victory. I have known few women of equal, none of superior merit. The infant, thus early bereaved of her care, lived to man's estate, and
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, V. August, 1861 (search)
ny good riders. But for infantry, the North can put three men in the field to our one. Ten thousand mounted men, on the border of the enemy's country, would be equal to 30,000 of the enemy's infantry; not in combat: but that number would be required to watch and guard against the inroads of 10,000 cavalry. It seems to me that we are declining the only proper means of equalizing the war. But it is my duty to obey, and not to deliberate. August 27 We have news of a fight at Hawk's Nest, Western Virginia. Wise whipped the Yankees there quite handsomely. August 28 Beauregard offers battle again on the plains of Manassas; but it is declined by the enemy, who retire behind their fortifications. Our banners are advanced to Munson's Hill, in sight of Washington. The Northern President and his cabinet may see our army, with good glasses, from the roof of the White House. It is said they sleep in their boots; and that some of them leave the city every night, for fear of being
that the National artillery could be brought to bear upon the rebel batteries. The rifled guns were all at the various camps up New River; but when they were once placed in position, it was not long until both the rebel batteries were silenced. A train of wagons, on its way from Gauley Bridge to the encampments above, was fired upon the same day, when five or six miles up the river, by rebel infantry, and two of the Nationals were wounded. Three companies from General Benham's camp, at Hawk's Nest, came to their relief, and soon drove the enemy back of the hills.--Cincinnati Gazette, Nov. 5. An important proclamation relating to the coming election in Maryland, was issued by General Dix. It having been understood that persons formerly residing in the State, but who had recently been bearing arms against the United States Government, had returned with the intention of taking part in the election, with the purpose of carrying out treasonable designs, General Dix ordered the Uni
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 199.-skirmish at Hawk's Nest, Va., August 20, 1861. (search)
Doc. 199.-skirmish at Hawk's Nest, Va., August 20, 1861. A correspondent of the Richmond Enquirer states the following in reference to this affair: Gentlemen: In your issue of to-day I note the subjoined Yankee telegraphic despatch:-- Cincinnati, August 22, 1861. A skirmish occurred at Hawk's Nest, in the KanawHawk's Nest, in the Kanawha Valley, eight miles beyond, on the 20th. The Confederates, some four thousand strong, advanced to where the Eleventh Ohio regiment had erected barricades, and were driven back with a loss of fifty killed and a number wounded and taken prisoners. Our loss was only two slightly wounded and one missing. Our forces captured quite ree cavalry companies, amounting to about one hundred men, and the enemy numbered at least six hundred. Colonel Croghan, of our brigade, drove the enemy back to Hawk's Nest, taking two prisoners, and doing other damage not known at the time of my departure. Our loss was one killed and three wounded. General Wise was present during
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Engagements of the Civil War with losses on both sides December, 1860-August, 1862 (search)
223 killed, 721 wounded, 291 missing. Confed. 265 killed, 800 wounded, 30 missing. Union Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel Lyon killed. August 10, 1861: Potosi, Mo. Union, Mo. Home Guards. Losses: Union 1 killed. Confed. 2 killed, 3 wounded. August 17, 1861: Brunswick, Mo. Union, 5th Mo. Reserves. Losses: Union 1 killed, 7 wounded. August 19, 1861: Charleston or Bird's Point, Mo. Losses: Union 1 killed, 6 wounded. Confed. 40 killed. August 20, 1861: Hawk's Nest, W. Va. Losses: Union 3 wounded. Confed. 1 killed, 3 wounded. August 26, 1861: Cross Lanes or Summerville, W. Va. Losses: Union 5 killed, 40 wounded, 200 captured. August 27, 1861: ball's Cross Roads, Va. Losses: Union 1 killed, 2 wounded. August 28-29, 1861: Fort Hatteras, N. C. Union, 9th, 20th, and 89th N. Y. and Naval force. Confed. North Carolina troops under Col. W. F. Martin. Losses: Union 1 killed, 2 wounded. Confed. 5 killed, 51 wounded,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The private Confederate soldier. (search)
the men of the ranks--the privates! I cordially concurred in the justice and truth of the compliment, for I had seen them tried on the rocks of Coal river, of Gauley and the Pocotalico. I had tested their endurance in the marches and countermarches, and scouting and skirmishing, of the Kanawha Valley; I had seen them in a first fight and victory against all odds at Scary, and their last stand against greater odds on the Sewall mountains; I had seen their constancy and courage proved at Hawk's Nest, at Honey Creek, at Big Creek, at Carnifax Ferry, and at Camp Defiance, in Northwest Virginia. I had seen them leap with alacrity to the defense of Roanoke Island, knowing when they went that they could not return but as captives or corpses. I have seen them in the Slaughter pen there slay twice their own numbers before they stacked the arms for which they had no amunition. I have seen them employ their leisure and amuse their ennui at Chaffin's farm by mechanic arts for the army of a
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, West Virginia, 1861 (search)
killed, 38 wounded. Total, 47. July 21: Picket Affair, CharlestownPENNSYLVANIA--14th Infantry. Aug. 5: Skirmish, Rich MountainOHIO--Burdsall's Cavalry Co. Aug. 13: Skirmish, GraftonWEST VIRGINIA--4th Infantry (Co. "A"). Aug. 20: Skirmish, Hawk's NestOHIO--12th Infantry. Union loss, 3 wounded. Aug. 20: Skirmish, Laurel Fork CreekWEST VIRGINIA--2d Infantry. Aug. 23: Skirmish, Springfield(No Reports.) Aug. 25: Skirmish near Piggot's Mill, Big RunOHIO--11th Infantry. Aug. 26: Skirmish, Blu Infantry. Sept. 2: Skirmish, BurlingtonPENNSYLVANIA--Ringgold Cavalry. Sept. 2: Skirmish, Worthington, Marion CountyOHIO--8th Infantry. Sept. 2: Skirmish, Beller's Mills, near Harper's FerryMASSACHUSETTS--13th Infantry. Sept. 2: Skirmish, Hawk's Nest(No details.) Sept. 6: Skirmish, Rowell's RunWEST VIRGINIA--3d Infantry. Sept. 7: Skirmish, PetersburgOHIO--4th Infantry (3 Cos.). Sept. 9: Skirmish, ShepardstownMARYLAND--1st Infantry (Cos. "E," "G"). Sept. 10: Engagement, Carnifax Ferry,
to October, 1861. Affair at Scarry Creek July 17. Captured a gun and became a two gun Battery. Charlestown, W. Va., July 21. Gauley Bridge July 29. Hawk's Nest or Devil's Elbow, Little Sewell Mountain, August 18. Served three months and re-enlisted for three months. Mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, November 6, 186 Division, 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 14th Army Corps, to June, 1865. Service. Action at Hawk's Nest, W. Va., August 20, 1861. Near Piggott's Mills, Big Run, August 25. Operations in the Kanawha Valley and New River Region October 19-November 16. Gauley Breptember 12. Wilderness Ferry September 14. Hough's Ferry September 16. Advance to Sewell Mountain September 24. Sewell Mountain September 25. At Hawk's Nest October 10 to November 1. Movement on Cotton Mountain and pursuit of Floyd November 1-18. Laurel Creek November 12 (Co. H ). Duty at Charleston till A
ortance. He accordingly advanced to the White Sulphur Springs, nine miles east of Lewisburg, and held conferences with Gen. Wise. An advance towards the Gauley was promptly determined on, but the two bodies, under their commanders, moved at different times, and with perfectly distinct organizations, though within supporting distance. Gen. Floyd moved first, and for some days skirmished vigorously with Cox's troops, which were in force at Gauley Bridge and in the neighbourhood of the Hawk's Nest, a picturesque and majestic monument of wooded rocks, rising a thousand feet from the river road, at a point ten miles below the mouth of the Gauley. Gen. Wise having come up, the joint Confederate forces now approached nearer the enemy, skirmishing with various success. But while thus occupied, it was ascertained that another foe threatened their flank. Col. Tyler, commanding the Seventh Ohio Regiment, of nearly thirteen hundred men, was approaching the Gauley River at Carnifax Ferr
im, an Ohio regiment under Colonel Tyler. On the 20th of August, Lieutenant-Colonel Croghan, in advance of Wise, had two skirmishes on the turnpike, one near Hawk's Nest, in which each side lost a few killed and wounded. The little army was then greatly afflicted with measles, to such an extent that the Forty-sixth Virginia reported but one-third of the command effective. On the 25th, Colonel Jenkins' cavalry was defeated at Hawk's Nest near Piggot's mill by an infantry ambuscade, with a loss of 8 or 10 wounded. Wise, previous to this, had marched to the Gauley river near Summersville to aid Floyd, but had been returned to Dogwood gap. On the 26th Flooute that it had been ascertained that he would not be needed. Returning to Dogwood he advanced on September 2d, against the strong position of the Federals at Hawk's Nest, attacking in front while Colonel Anderson attempted to gain the rear of the little mountain which the enemy occupied, covering the turnpike which circled about
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