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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign. (search)
amage was possible to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and placed himself between Lander, at Hancock, and Kelly, at Romney, moved toward the latter place as fast as the icy roads would permit. Kelly did not await his approach but hastily retired, and, on January 14th, Jackson entered Romney. Here, though the weather and roads grew worse, the Confederate leader had no intention of stopping. He arrived at Cumberland and preparations were at once began for a movement on New Creek (now called Keyser), but when the orders to march were given the murmuring and discontent among his troops, especially among those which had recently come under his command, reached such a pitch that he reluctantly abandoned the enterprise, and determined to go into winter quarters. Leaving Loring and his troops at Romney, he returned with his old brigade to Winchester and disposed his cavalry and militia commands so as to protect the whole border of the district. This expedition, though it had cleared hi
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
he rate of twenty per cent. of the men present for duty. The order directing recruiting for the war regiments is also in course of execution. In my opinion, the position of the Valley army ought, if possible, to enable it to cooperate with that of the Potomac, but it must also depend upon that of the enemy and his strength. General Jackson occupied Romney strongly, because the enemy was reported to be concentrating his troops, including those supposed to be near Harper's Ferry, at New Creek. I regret very much that you did not refer this matter to me before ordering General Loring to Winchester, instead of now. I think that orders from me, now conflicting with those you have given, would have an unfortunate effect — that of making the impression that our views do not coincide, and that each of us is pursuing his own plan. This might especially be expected among General Loring's troops, if they are, as represented to me, in a state of discontent little removed from insubord
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Jackson's Valley campaign of 1862. (search)
nd at Hanging Rock, twelve miles from Romney, surprised and defeated a force of Confederate militia, of some 500 or 600 men, taking two guns. But alarmed at Jackson's movements, Kelly did not attempt to follow up the advantage, and hastily retired from Romney on January 10th. Jackson entered it on the 14th, and though the weather and roads grew worse held to his intention of advancing further. He aimed at Cumberland. Preparations were at once begun for a movement on New Creek (now called Keyser), but when the orders to march were given, the murmuring and discontent among his troops, especially among those which had recently come under his command, reached such a pitch that he reluctantly abandoned the enterprise and determined to go into winter-quarters. Leaving Loring and his troops at Romney, he returned with his own old brigade to Winchester, January 24th, and disposed his cavalry and militia commands so as to protect the whole border of the district. This expedition, though
turned tail and retreated, recrossed the river, and evacuated the valley, retiring beyond Hagerstown. A lieutenant-colonel and another (member of the Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers) were taken prisoners during this retreat. A day or two after this, Col. Hill, Thirteenth Virginia regiment, in command of a part of the forces who had retreated from Harper's Ferry, and who had been pushed forward towards Romney, as our readers have learned from our Saturday's edition, sent forward towards New Creek, on the Potomac River, eighteen miles west of Cumberland, four companies of Tennessee and Virginia troops, under Col. Vaughan, of Tennessee, who found the Yankees posted on the Maryland side of the Potomac. Our brave fellows, in the face of the enemy, forded the stream, waist-deep, drove them off in the utmost confusion, captured two pieces of loaded artillery and a stand of colors, destroyed the railroad bridge at that point, and returned to Romney, making the march of thirty-six miles
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, West Virginia Volunteers. (search)
Lexington June 11. Near Buchanan June 13. New London June 16. Diamond Hill June 17. Lynchburg June 17-18. Liberty June 19. Buford's Gap June 20. Catawba Mountains and about Salem June 21. At Camp Piatt, Charleston and New Creek guarding railroad in district west of Sleepy Hollow till December. Consolidated to a Battalion at Charleston September. Expedition from New Creek to Moorefield November 6-8 (Detachment). New Creek November 28. Transferred to 6th Wesganized at Maryland Heights, Md., January 4, 1864. Attached to 1st Division, Army of West Virginia, to April, 1864. Kelly's Command, Reserve Division, West Virginia, to July, 1865. Service. Garrison and guard duty at Harper's Ferry, New Creek, Cumberland, Md., Moorefield, W. Va., and at various points on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad west of Sleepy Hollow till July, 1865. Action at New Creek August 4, 1864. Affair at Moorefield November 27-28, 1864. Mustered out July 11, 18
fusion, riding down the infantry and leaving some dead upon the road and in the river. Later the enemy advanced in force and gained the two passes, and after some brisk skirmishing the Confederates abandoned Romney and fell back toward North River mountain, fearing to be cut off from Winchester. The next morning Funsten's cavalry and the artillery successfully attacked the enemy at Romney, making a daring charge under heavy fire. The Federals began a retreat, and were pursued nearly to New Creek. On October 22d, General Kelley was assigned to command of the Federal department of Harper's Ferry and Cumberland. On the 25th he massed a still more formidable force at New Creek, and marched against Romney, while Colonel John's Maryland cavalry regiment moved from Patterson's creek to strike the Confederates in the rear. Passing Mechanicsburg Gap without resistance, they found the Confederates on the 26th in position on the cemetery hill at the town, where the little band made a ga
en he and many of his company were captured beyond Fort Stedman, in the attack upon which they led the charge. Wilson was taking a Federal captain to the rear when captured. Randolph county was also represented in the Twenty-fifth and Sixty-second infantry regiments, and McClanahan's battery. One of the officers of the latter was Lieut. Parkinson Collett, of Randolph. Hardy county, the seat of which is Moorefield, on the south branch of the Potomac, 38 miles from New Creek (now called Keyser), on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, was a frequent battle ground, and suffered much from the incursions of both armies. Fremont on the march to McDowell, as well as on his return thence to intercept Jackson in the Shenandoah valley, moved his army through Hardy county. Hardy furnished the following organizations to the Confederate service: The Hardy Blues, 60 men, Capt. J. C. B. Mullen; the Hardy Grays, 60 men, Capt. A. Spangler; the South Branch Riflemen, 60 men, Capt. John H. Everly. Th
's advance encamped on the night of the 13th near Slanesville, establishing headquarters at Bloomery gap. The next day, marching through another storm of driving sleet, his advance entered Romney in the evening, capturing some stores and supplies which the Federals had left behind in their precipitate retreat. Having Romney in possession, Jackson prepared for a movement on Cumberland, to destroy the railroad bridges across the Potomac near that town, as well as those across Patterson and New creeks. He selected Garnett's and Taliaferro's brigades for this purpose, in order to destroy the enemy's line of communication preparatory to a further aggressive movement; but a new obstacle, more difficult to overcome than the serious natural ones he had just encountered, now confronted him. While the troops selected for the new expedition did not break out in actual revolt, their murmurings were loud. They made open complaint of the suffering they had endured and concerning the greater ones
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Company D, Clarke Cavalry. (search)
ccoon Ford, Slaughter Mountain, Culpeper, Trevillian, Weyer's Cave, Port Republic, Cross Keys, Front Royal, White Post, Winchester, Berryville, Charlestown, Halltown, Leetown, Shepherdstown, Williamsport, South Mountain, Hanover (in Pennsylvania), Gettysburg, Rollsburg, Moorefield, Fairmount, Grafton, Petersburg (in West Virginia), VVilderness, Yellow Tavern, Reams' Station, advance down the Shenandoah Valley in 1864, Winchester the second, Cedar Creek, Millford, Luray, Newtown, Back Road, New Creek, Lacey Spring, Beverley (in West Virginia), Five Forks, and from Petersburg to Appomattox. In the march around McClellan, Company D went with the 1st Regiment, and was the only one from the 6th Regiment that participated, and that happened by permission of General Stuart, with whom it and the Rockingham companies were great favorites. In the battles around Richmond, Company D and the Rockingham company were the only two companies from the 6th that took part. After General Jackson had w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
thout any pursuit at all. So far from its being true, as stated by Mr. Stanton, that no force appeared in the Valley after this, the fact is that I reorganized my force at New Market, and on the 10th of November moved down the Valley again and confronted Sheridan on the 11th and 12th in front of his intrenchments between Newtown and Kearnstown, and then retired back to New Market because provisions and forage could not be obtained in the lower Valley. The expeditions by which the posts of New creek and Beverly were subsequently captured, were sent out also from my force in the Valley. The strong force which General Grant says was entrenched under me at Waynesboro, when Sheridan advanced up the Valley in the latter part of February, 1865, with two divisions of cavalry of 5,000 each (10,000 in all), consisted of about 1,000 infantry and a few pieces of artillery, most of my infantry having been returned to General Lee to meet corresponding detachments from Sheridan to Grant, and all m
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