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Browsing named entities in Col. Robert White, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.2, West Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Romney (West Virginia, United States) or search for Romney (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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tain and Laurel Hill death of Garnett operations about Romney Federal occupation of the Kanawha valley fight at Scaryassed the ordinance of secession, a meeting of citizens of Romney, the county seat, was held on the 27th of April and patriong of this and that some Virginia militia were drilling at Romney, Colonel Wallace made a descent upon that place, June 13th40 miles away, had a record surpassing that of the town of Romney, in regard to the changing of its occupancy by the armieswere marched from Harper's Ferry, by way of Winchester, to Romney, a distance of about 75 miles. The Union troops had retired. Upon reaching Romney it was ascertained that a company of Federal infantry, with two field pieces, was guarding the bride Baltimore & Ohio railroad, some 18 miles northwest from Romney. Colonel Hill detached Company I, of the Thirteenth, and July 12, 1861, a Federal force under Colonel Kain entered Romney. In the same month Colonel Cummins with some Confederate
the lower Shenandoah valley, was stationed at Romney with his cavalry regiment, the Seventy-seventhk passes, of the South Branch mountain, toward Romney, but were repulsed at the first by Major Funst brisk skirmishing the Confederates abandoned Romney and fell back toward North River mountain, feae artillery successfully attacked the enemy at Romney, making a daring charge under heavy fire. Theidable force at New Creek, and marched against Romney, while Colonel John's Maryland cavalry regimenerable loss. A Federal force was stationed at Romney, while Colonel Monroe encamped 15 miles east, n the 7th they were again on the march against Romney, which was reached on the 10th and occupied. e country east of the great Cacapon recovered, Romney and a large part of Hampshire county evacuatedsequence of this withdrawal, Kelley reoccupied Romney, and drove the Confederate outpost from Moorefel Downey's command of Federal forces occupied Romney. Downey evacuated the place later in the spri[7 more...]
ctically the same as in the previous year at that season. In the Northeast there had been active operations fol-. lowing the battle of Sharpsburg and Lee's occupation of the lower Shenandoah valley. A few days before Stuart set out on his famous Chambersburg raid around Mc-Clellan's army, Col. J. D. Imboden had made an attempt to destroy the Cheat river bridge, but was prevented by the daring of a Union woman, who rode 25 miles through the woods to warn the enemy. He next made a raid to Romney, seized the town and scouted toward the railroad, drawing a party of the enemy into ambush. He reported, We unhorsed fifteen of the rascals, wounding several; captured two unhurt, and horses and arms. He had now about 900 men, but only 600 armed, and with this little force kept Kelley with 2,500 men running up and down the railroad. Imboden did much to restore order in Hardy county, and reported that the mountains were full of willing recruits for the Confederate cause. He also gathered
e was ordered to join Colonel Imboden at Bloomery, and en route he attempted to ambuscade a party of Federal cavalry near Romney. It happened that he took position between two bodies of the enemy, and one of his men remarked: We are cut off, to whi in October, when Imboden attempted to destroy the trestle work of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, McNeill was sent toward Romney with about 30 men, with which he gallantly defeated a Federal detachment of 60, taking prisoner a captain and several othrs, losing but one man who was wounded by the discharge of his own gun. While with W. E. Jones in an expedition toward Romney in January, the Rangers again surprised a wagon train at the site of their previous adventure, and were again successful,around Cumberland ascertained, and when the night of this adventure ended the two bold Confederates were safely away near Romney, enjoying breakfast with their friend, Vanse Herriot. Lieutenant McNeill had been engaged during this time in selectin