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re maimed for life, having been frozen while exposed to the inclemency of the winter season on Belle Isle, being compelled to lie on the bare ground, without tents or blankets, some of them without ovhey have been confined, without blankets or other covering, in buildings without fire, or upon Belle Isle, with, in many cases, no shelter, and in others with nothing but old discarded army tents, so whom your Committee examined, who had lost all the toes of one foot from being frozen while on Belle Isle, states that for days at a time his wounds were not dressed, and that they had not been dresset of again being with their friends. The enlisted men who had endured so many privations at Belle Isle and other places were, with few exceptions, in a very sad plight, mentally and physically, havnswer. Right to Richmond. Question. In what prison were you placed? Answer. I was put on Belle Isle first, and then I got sick and was taken to the hospital. Question. Describe how you were t
y half fed on damaged provisions, or actually starved to death, while hundreds have terminated their existence, loaded with irons, in filthy prisons. Not a few, after a semblance of trial by some military tribunal, have been actually murdered by their inhuman keepers. In fine, the treatment of our prisoners of war by the rebel authorities has been even more barbarous than that which Christian captives formerly suffered from the pirates of Tripoli, Tunis, and Algiers, and the horrors of Belle Isle and Libby Prison exceed even those of British hulks or the Black Hole of Calcutta; and this atrocious conduct is applauded by the people and commended by the public press of Richmond, as a means of reducing the Yankee ranks. It has been proposed to retaliate upon the enemy by treating his prisoners precisely as he treats ours. Such retaliation is fully justified by the laws and usages of war, and the present case seems to call for the exercise of this extreme right. Nevertheless, it i
effort made to carry into execution, with minute instructions emanating (as we have reason to believe) from the Government at Washington, to sack and fire the city of Richmond, and in the darkness of the night to consign its inhabitants, without a moment's warning, to flames and to death. For this purpose, a special burning party was organized, provided with implements of destruction, and orders to carry into execution the fell design. Among its blazing ruins, the released prisoners from Belle Isle and the Libby were to unite with the bands of Dahlgren and Kilpatrick in dealing out death and slaughter upon unoffending and peaceful citizens, and inflicting outrage upon pure and unprotected women more horrible than death. The heart sickens at the contemplation of the enormities that would have been committed had the nefarious scheme succeeded. No prayer for mercy would have been heard, no scream for help would have been heeded. Fire, rapine, slaughter, and lust would have held und
nal as possible. Then, taking the river road, was to cross, if possible, and enter the city from the south side and attempt the deliverance of the prisoners on Belle Isle. General Kilpatrick, with the main body, was to attack the city by the Brooks turnpike, simultaneously if possible with the other movement. It was hoped to ll cause the prayers of our fellow-soldiers now confined in loathsome prisons to follow you and yours wherever you may go. We hope to release the prisoners from Belle Isle first, and, having seen them fairly started, we will cross the James River into Richmond, destroy the bridges after us, and, exhorting the released prisoners to ahead of the other party on the south side, and must conceal themselves and watch our movements. We will try and secure the bridge to the city, one mile below Belle Isle, and release the prisoners at the same time. If we don't succeed they must then dash down, and we will try to carry the bridge by storm. When necessary the me