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t they will acquire distinction. The commanding general is concentrating upon Camargo as rapidly as possible with the very limited means of transportation at his diiend, A. Sidney Johnston. A letter to Hancock, written August 11th, near Camargo, informs him of the movement of the troops from Matamoras to that point, and dd. The letter states: General Taylor is rapidly concentrating his force at Camargo. The regular troops are nearly all there, and the volunteers are all in motioerey, Mexico, September 28, 1846. my dear son: My regiment was disbanded at Camargo on the 24th of August, under the construction of the law given by the War Depaarticipating in the campaign which was about to commence. The army moved from Camargo, and was concentrated at Ceralvo on the 12th; and marched thence to Monterey, as inspector-general, he performed the duties of the office on the march from Camargo, and during the operations before Monterey, resulting in its capture, with zea
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The Mexican war-the battle of Palo Alto-the battle of Resaca de la Palma-Army of invasion- General Taylor-movement on Camargo (search)
The Mexican war-the battle of Palo Alto-the battle of Resaca de la Palma-Army of invasion- General Taylor-movement on Camargo While General Taylor was away with the bulk of his army, the little garrison up the river was besieged [May 3]. As we ol their own destiny. Reinforcements having arrived, in the month of August the movement commenced from Matamoras to Camargo, the head of navigation on the Rio Grande. The line of the Rio Grande was all that was necessary to hold, unless it washe troops, with the exception of the artillery, cavalry, and the brigade to which I belonged, were moved up the river to Camargo on steamers. As there were but two or three of these, the boats had to make a number of trips before the last of the try for Northern men. The order of marching was changed and night marches were substituted with the best results. When Camargo was reached, we found a city of tents outside the Mexican hamlet. I was detailed to act as quartermaster and commissary
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance on Monterey-the Black Fort-the battle of Monterey-surrender of the City (search)
Advance on Monterey-the Black Fort-the battle of Monterey-surrender of the City The advance from Camargo was commenced on the 5th of September. The army was divided into four columns, separated from each other by one day's march. The advance reached Cerralvo in four days and halted for the remainder of the troops to come up. By the 13th the rear-guard had arrived, and the same day the advance resumed its march, followed as before, a day separating the divisions. The forward division halted again at Marin, twenty-four miles from Monterey. Both this place and Cerralvo were nearly deserted, and men, women and children were seen running and scattered over the hills as we approached; but when the people returned they found all their abandoned property safe, which must have given them a favorable opinion of Los Grengos-the Yankees. From Marin the movement was in mass. On the 19th General Taylor, with his army, was encamped at Walnut Springs, within three miles of Monterey. T
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Political Intrigue — Buena Vista — movement against Vera Cruz-siege and capture of Vera Cruz (search)
or of the same grade, with the view of appointing Benton to the rank of major-general and then placing him in command of the army, but Congress failed to accede to this proposition as well, and Scott remained in command: but every general appointed to serve under him was politically opposed to the chief, and several were personally hostile. General Scott reached Brazos Santiago or Point Isabel, at the mouth of the Rio Grande, late in December, 1846, and proceeded at once up the river to Camargo, where he had written General Taylor to meet him. Taylor, however, had gone to, or towards Tampico [to Victoria], for the purpose of establishing a post there. He had started on this march before he was aware of General Scott being in the country. Under these circumstances Scott had to issue his orders designating the troops to be withdrawn from Taylor, without the personal consultation he had expected to hold with his subordinate. General Taylor's victory at Buena Vista, February 22d
er west of the Mississippi-holding intercourse with him in person, or through such officers of the rank of major-general as you may select — that he will be allowed to surrender all his forces on the same terms as were accorded to Lee and Johnston. If he accedes, proceed to garrison the Red River as high up as Shreveport, the seaboard at Galveston, Malagorda Bay, Corpus Christi, and mouth of the Rio Grande. Place a strong force on the Rio Grande, holding it at least to a point opposite Camargo, and above that if supplies can be procured. In case of an active campaign (a hostile one) I think a heavy force should be put on the Rio Grande as a first preliminary. Troops for this might be started at once. The Twenty-Fifth Corps is now available, and to it should be added a force of white troops, say those now under Major-General Steele. To be clear on this last point, I think the Rio Grande should be strongly held, whether the forces in Texas surrender or not, and that no ti
rch and reached the mouth of the Rio Grande, August 2th, about nine miles distant from the Brazos. There they again encamped, awaiting means of transportation to Camargo, where they were to join General Zachary Taylor, and proceed immediately to Monterey. My brother, Joseph Davis Howell, wrote from this place: I think, if there iservice, for we are said to be the most orderly, quiet, and best-drilled regiment that has come here. At the mouth of the Rio Grande they took the steamer for Camargo. An anecdote was told me by one of the Mississippi Regiment of an incident that happened here, by which it would seem in that day the rights of property in a of flood, offered little obstacle to predatory incursions, it was obviously sound policy to press the enemy back upon the border. General Taylor moved forward to Camargo, on the San Juan, a tributary of the Rio Grande. This last-named river rose so as to enable steam-boats to transport troops and supplies, so that by September a
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 25: the storming of Monterey-report of Mr. Davis. (search)
-tops, and the street must be crossed, Colonel Davis ordered them to follow him and cross between the discharges of the cannon. He took the lead. The regiment followed by twos and threes under cover of the smoke, and all turned into another street safely, and continued the fight. Perhaps contemporary letters give a more vivid idea of the conduct of the war and of persons, and I have made quotations from some written at that time. >Letter from Joseph Davis Howell to his mother. Camargo. . . . I now give you the camp news. General Wool has arrived near Monterey, with the intention of joining his forces with those of General Taylor, when they will march to Victoria. General Taylor has already started for the place of rendezvous. General Worth is in Saltillo with his brigade, which place he intends to garrison. I do not know what troops will be left in Monterey. I suspect, however, the Louisville Legion. . . . Report says that General Santa Anna is on the march to V
s. In an entry in Adjutant Griffith's reports, dated Camp Allen, near Monterey, October 19th, I find this note: Colonel Davis left on furlough for sixty days. He left the camp with a corporal's guard, went at great risk but without accident to Camargo, and rode Tartar down to take him home, for fear he might be shot in battle. When at the Brazos it was necessary to transfer the horse from a lighter to the ship. The sailors struck him, to force him to jump on the vessel. He reared and snortturns with each other, one sitting up while the other slept, they avoided assassination, and reached Saltillo, safely, January 4, 1847. Mr. Davis mentioned a peculiar fact while telling the incidents of this story. When he passed down to Camargo, going home, there were constant alarms of guerillas, who hid in the chaparral that skirted the road and fired upon Americans passing by. He came near ordering his guard to shoot a Mexican, standing erect in a chaparral bush, but upon a closer i
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 2 (search)
at war with Mexico! Were it any other power, our gross follies would have been punished severely before now. General Taylor, of course, has to succumb, and the Tampico expedition is to be immediately prosecuted. General Patterson goes from Camargo, in command of about one thousand regular troops, and some two or three thousand volunteers, all now on the Rio Grande. He marches direct to Tampico. General Taylor, however, does not design that he shall have it in his power, from ignorance oerey (only four thousand five hundred volunteers and five hundred regulars), has advanced on him with fifteen thousand men, from San Luis, and sent the force from Tula, six thousand men, to operate on his rear and cut off his communications with Camargo. This news is in Mexican journals of the 3d instant. They contain also Santa Anna's address to his troops, telling them the time for action has arrived, and they are to march, to drive us from the Rio Grande, or die. His advance of two thousan
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 69: transferred to New York city (search)
had been, and taking a trip to Old Mexico to see his battlefields. On this agreeable visit I was accompanied by Captain and Mrs. Guy Howard, Captain and Mrs. Charles R. Barnett, Mrs. Shoemaker and daughter, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Barnett's mother and sister. Before starting, the Mexican Minister Romero, who so generously befriended General Grant in New York, gave me letters to the President of the Mexican Republic and to others. Their kindness met me as soon as I crossed the border. At Camargo the commandant had his battalion under arms to do me honor at ten o'clock at night. The same thing occurred later, on our arrival at Matamoras. As soon as I reached the City of Mexico, an officer of rank, designated by President Diaz, met us at the station and showed our party every attention during our stay at the capital. I enjoyed more than anything else the kind reception President Diaz gave me. He showed at once his intense interest in the education of his people, and desired me to