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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 5 (search)
t, and interpose between us and Fredericksburg; and preparations were made in such case to attack Lee's left, turn it, and throw the Union army between him and Richmond. At noon a package of despatches from Washington reached headquarters, and were eagerly read. They announced that Sherman's columns were moving successfully in northwestern Georgia, that Resaca was threatened, and that Joe Johnston was steadily retreating. A report from Butler, dated the 5th, stated that he had landed at City Point, and reports of the 6th and 7th announced that he had sent out reconnoitering parties on the Petersburg Railroad, and had despatched troops to take possession of it; that he had had some hard fighting, and was then intrenching, and wanted reinforcements. General Grant directed the reinforcements to be sent. Sigel reported that he had not yet met the enemy, and expected to move up the Shenandoah Valley and try to connect with Crook. General Grant did not express any particular gratificat
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 9 (search)
learned the extent of the disaster to Butler's army on the James, he said that Butler was not detaining 10,000 men in Richmond, and not even keeping the roads south of that city broken, and he considered it advisable to have the greater part of Butler's troops join in the campaign of the Army of the Potomac. On May 25 he telegraphed orders to Halleck, saying: Send Butler's forces to White House, to land on the north side, and march up to join this army. The James River should be held to City Point, but leave nothing more than is absolutely necessary to hold it, acting purely on the defensive. The enemy will not undertake any offensive operations there, but will concentrate everything here. At the same time he said: If Hunter can possibly get to Charlottesville and Lynchburg, he should do so, living on the country. The railroads and canals should be destroyed beyond the possibility of repair for weeks. These instructions were given in consequence of the withdrawal of Breckinridge
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 10 (search)
r than to have the enemy make a movement around our left flank. I would in that case move the whole army to the right, and throw it between Lee and Richmond. But this opportunity did not arise. On May 30 the general headquarters had been established in a clearing on the north side of the Shady Grove road, about a mile and three quarters west of Haw's Shop. General Grant this day sent a despatch to Halleck at Washington saying: I wish you would send all the pontoon-bridging you can to City Point to have it ready in case it is wanted. As early as May 26 staff-officers had been sent from the Army of the Potomac to collect all the bridging material at command, and hold it in readiness. This was done in order to be prepared to cross the James River, if deemed best, and attack Richmond and Petersburg from the south side, and carry out the views expressed by Grant in the beginning of the Wilderness campaign as to his movements in certain contingencies. It was seen by him from the
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 12 (search)
ters on the 12th. We had noted one or two places on the river which might have served the purpose of crossing; but, all things considered, we reported unhesitatingly in favor of a point familiarly known as Fort Powhatan, about ten miles below City Point, the latter place being at the junction of the James and Appomattox rivers. Several roads led to the point selected for crossing both on the north and the south side of the James, and it was found that they could be made suitable for the passage of wagon-trains by repairing and in some places corduroying them. The principal advantage of the place selected was that it was the narrowest point that could be found on the river below City Point, being twenty-one hundred feet in width from Wilcox's Landing on the north side to Windmill Point on the south side. General Grant had been anxiously awaiting our return, and had in the mean time made every preparation for withdrawing the army from its present position. On our arrival we went
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 13 (search)
ssion that our army was turning his right with the intention of either moving upon Richmond or crossing the James above City Point. How completely successful this movement was in confusing the enemy will be seen later. General Grant started from and gave orders to have headquarters ferried across to the south bank of the river. On arriving there, he set out for City Point; but he had ridden only a short distance when a small steamer came along, and as he wished to reach City Point as quickCity Point as quickly as possible to direct operations from there, he decided to go aboard the boat. It was hailed, and took him on, with Parker and a couple of other staff-officers. The rest of us went by land, so as to take some instructions to Hancock's corps and to familiarize ourselves with that part of the country. Upon reaching City Point, headquarters were established on a high bluff at the junction of the James and the Appomattox rivers. I have said that the passage of the James had been effected
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 14 (search)
mplexion Meade in action condition of the Army Grant's camp at City Point Grant at the mess table On the morning of June 16 General Gring Bermuda Hundred in force induced General Grant to return to City Point to direct the movements on Butler's lines. While riding in that he ground, but in this he did not succeed. When I got back to City Point that evening General Grant felt considerably encouraged by the neutside talking with some of the staff. A citizen who had come to City Point in the employ of the Sanitary Commission, and who had been at Caied all the detailed orders. Grant felt it necessary to remain at City Point in order to be in communication with both Meade and Butler, as Leand each was appointed to that rank. The headquarters camp at City Point was destined to become historic and to be the scene of some of ththe distance like a fly crawling over a corrugated washboard. At City Point there was a level piece of ground on a high bluff, on which stood
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 15 (search)
ss he didn't mention. That night Mr. Lincoln slept aboard the boat which had brought him to City Point. He had expressed to General Grant a desire to go up the James the next day, to see that portthat all may be accomplished with as little bloodshed as possible. Soon after his return to City Point the President started back to Washington. His visit to the army had been a memorable event. gave Grant and his staff a comfortable lunch, and late in the afternoon our party started for City Point. Owing to the heat and dust, the long ride was exceedingly uncomfortable. My best horse ient military history. In view of the important operations which were to be conducted from City Point, General Grant made some changes in the organization of the staff. General Rufus Ingalls, whod that he had made out his requisition on a corps blank. A hospital had been established at City Point large enough to accommodate 6000 patients, and served a very useful purpose. The general mani
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 16 (search)
's equanimity Grant as a Thinker why Grant never swore Meade and Warren Seward visits Grant Earthworks had been thrown across the neck of land upon which City Point is located. This intrenched line ran from a point on the James to a point on the Appomattox River. A small garrison had been detailed for its defense, and the the best results possible obtained with the material at hand. Twice the wires of the telegraph-line were broken, and important messages between Washington and City Point had to be sent a great part of the way by steamboat. It was rumored at one time that Hill's corps had been detached from Lee's front, and there was some anxietto General Grant's quarters. The general had seen but little of the distinguished Secretary of State previous to this time, and was very glad to welcome him to City Point, and make his more intimate acquaintance. He presented the officers of the staff who were in camp at the time, and invited them to take seats under the tent-fl
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 17 (search)
left temporarily without defense. General Grant received the President's despatch at noon of August 4, and he left City Point that night for Hunter's headquarters at Monocacy Station in Maryland, reaching there the next evening, August 5. He orim, and the effect was what Grant had predicted — the termination of incursions into Maryland. The general returned to City Point on August 8. Rawlins had broken down in health from the labors and exposures of the campaign, and had been given a e assistant provost-marshal-general, had been telling him that he had a conviction that there were spies in the camp at City Point, and had proposed a plan for detecting and capturing them. He had just left the general when, at twenty minutes to tweit, he had passed into the Union lines in company with a companion, both dressed as laborers, and succeeded in reaching City Point, knowing this to be the base of supplies. By mingling with the laborers who were engaged in unloading the ordnance sto
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 18 (search)
ntended to force the enemy to return his detached troops to that point. Hancock's corps was marched from Petersburg to City Point, and there placed on steamboats. The movement was to create the impression that these troops were to be sent to Washinhaste to his intrenchments, and the position on the railroad was firmly held by Warren's men. General Grant remained at City Point this day in order to be in constant communication with Hancock and Butler as well as with Meade. When he heard of Warrad come East with the children, and Colonel Dent, her brother, was sent to meet them at Philadelphia, and bring them to City Point to pay a visit to the general. The children consisted of Frederick D., then fourteen years old; Ulysses S., Jr., twelvance and pluck more than ever. If you can whip Lee, and I can march to the Atlantic, I think Uncle Abe will give us a twenty days leave of absence to see the young folks. Two days later I started back to City Point, and reached there September 27.
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