Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies. You can also browse the collection for Fort Preble (Maine, United States) or search for Fort Preble (Maine, United States) in all documents.

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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1862. (search)
ent in Washington. In August the appointment came; and so favorable an impression had he made at the War Department when in Washington, that a captaincy was given him. He was appointed to the Seventeenth Infantry, and directed to report at Fort Preble, Maine. He reported at once, and was ordered to Biddeford, Maine, on the recruiting service, whither he repaired full of hope that he might soon raise a company, and be sent to the army, then before Washington. But early in the war scarcely any ater, the Army of the Potomac went to the Peninsula, and there came the reports of its battles, he was ashamed to meet the eyes which in the winter had so often assured him that his presence was a source of pleasure. In June he was ordered to Fort Preble, and assigned to the command of a full company. There he worked hard for two months. The ease and rapidity with which he acquired a knowledge of the duties pertaining to his position were remarkable, and he was equally successful in instructi
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1864. (search)
r. He entered Harvard College in July, 1860, after passing an excellent examination. In September, 1861, he was absent from College a short time on account of his health, and soon after his recovery began to devote his whole time to military study, with the design of becoming an officer in the Regular service. He closed his connections with the College in March, 1862, and went to the Military School at Norwich, Vermont, where he stayed about four months. On July 1, 1862, he enlisted at Fort Preble, Portland, in the Seventeenth Infantry, United States Army, having previously declined to accept a commission in the Volunteer service, because he chose to take what he deemed the shortest road to a commission in the Regular service. The absence of his brother, now Brevet Major-General Henry L. Abbot, then an engineer officer on General McClellan's staff in the Peninsula, had occasioned some delay in obtaining the commission he wished for. He therefore took this manly way to earn one for