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September 7. Cumberland Gap, Tenn., which had been well fortified and occupied by the rebels for the year past, surrendered to the Union forces under the command of General Shackelford, without firing a gun. The garrison consisted of four regiments, namely, Fifty-fifth Georgia, Sixty-fourth Virginia, Sixty-second and Sixty-fourth North-Carolina, a portion of Leyden's artillery, Captain Barnes's company, of Georgia; also Fain's Tennessee battery, commanded by Lieutenant Conner.--A cavalry force belonging to General Herron's army, under Major Montgomery, on a reconnoissance from Morgan's Bend, La., met a party of rebel pickets about three miles from the river and commenced skirmishing with them, continuing all day, the rebels constantly falling back, the Unionists following until the rebels had crossed the Atchafalaya River, twelve miles from the position where the skirmishing commenced. Here the rebels made a stand, and crossing the river being impracticable, the Unionists fell
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Longstreet at Knoxville. (search)
rain of fiat cars came for us and the guns and men were loaded, the horses being sent afoot. It was a cold and windy night, and we suffered a great deal on the open cars. There was a very insufficient water and wood supply on the road, and the troops had to bail water and chop up fence rails for the engine. The journey of only sixty miles occupied the whole afternoon and night. On the 13th we moved from Sweetwater with the infantry and a pontoon-train, and our artillery was reenforced by Leyden's battalion of 12 guns, giving us in all 35. Owing to the scarcity of horses we were compelled to use oxen to haul the caissons. We encamped near Sweetwater for two days, while secret reconnoissances were made of the enemy's position across the Tennessee River at Loudon, and commissary, quartermaster, and ordnance trains were organized and equipped. On the 13th, Friday, we marched to Huff's Ferry, about two miles by land below Loudon, which point had been selected for our crossing. Eve
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Knoxville, Tenn.: November 17th-December 4th, 1863. (search)
loss: k, 15; w, 69; m, 8==92. Anderson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. G. T. Anderson: 7th Ga., Col. W. W. White; 8th Ga., Col. John R. Towers; 9th Ga., Col. Benjamin Beck; 11th Ga., Col. F. H. Little; 59th Ga., Col. Jack Brown. Brigade loss: k, 36; w, 186; mn, 25==247. Benning's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Henry L. Benning: 2d Ga., Col. E. M. Butt; 15th Ga., Col. D. M. Du Bose; 17th Ga., Col. Wesley C. Hodges; 20th Ga., Col. J. D. Waddell. Brigade loss: k, 1; w, 5==6. artillery, Col. E. P. Alexander. Leyden's Battalion, Maj. A. Leyden: Ga. Battery, Capt. Tyler M. Peeples; Ga. Battery, Capt. A. M. Wolihin; Ga. Battery, Capt. B. W. York. Alexander's Battalion, Maj. Frank Huger: La. Battery, Capt. G. V. Moody; Va. Battery, Capt. W. W. Fickling; Va. Battery, Capt. Tyler C. Jordan; Va. Battery, Capt. William W. Parker; Va. Battery, Capt. Osmond B. Taylor; Va. Battery, Capt. Pichigru Woolfolk, Jr. Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 2==4. Buckner's division, Joined November 26th-28th. Brig.-Gen. Bushrod R
lowing report of the operations of the artillery of General Buckner's corps, at the battle of Chickamauga. It consisted of Williams' battalion of four batteries; Leyden's battalion of three batteries, and three batteries of Major-General Stewart's division, acting with their brigades. Leyden's battalion was attached to BrigadierLeyden's battalion was attached to Brigadier-General Preston's division, and by his order one battery was attached to each of his brigades. As most of the ground over which the battle was fought was very thickly wooded, we could not see more than three hundred yards to the front, consequently could very seldom use artillery. For this reason the batteries of Major-General Stewart's division fired but a few shots, though they were left in exposed positions and lost between twenty and thirty horses. Two of the batteries of Leyden's battalion were engaged Saturday and Sunday, but, owing to the thickness of the timber and undergrowth, continued but a short time. They were unable to ascertain the da
hey held our republic as the.acorn holds the oak. It is important to state that free schools originated in Massachusetts. In 1671, Sir William Berkeley, first Governor of Virginia, writes to the king thus:-- I thank God there are no free schools nor printing-presses here, and I trust there will not be this hundred years; for learning breeds up heresies and sects and all abominations. God save us from both! Now look at Massachusetts. The Rev. John Robinson, before the Pilgrims left Leyden, charged them to build churches, establish schools, and read the Bible without sectarian prejudice. He said, I am convinced that God has more light yet to break forth out of his holy word. Receive such light gladly. Our fathers acted on this wise, Christian, and republican advice, and engaged Philemon Purmount to teach the children; for which he was to be paid thirty acres of ground by the public authorities. How accordant this with that noble resolve of New England, to establish a colle
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 19: battle of Chickamauga (search)
, there were no such casualties as there had been at Chickamauga. Grant's total was 753 killed, 4722 wounded, 349 missing. Total 5824. Livermore estimates the forces engaged on each side as follows: — Effective Federal infantry and artillery,56,359. Effective Confederate infantry and artillery,40,929 The Knoxville campaign On Nov. 3, as has been told, Longstreet was ordered to march against Burnside in E. Tenn., with McLaws's and Hood's divisions of infantry, Alexander's and Leyden's battalions of artillery (of 23 and 12 guns) and five brigades of cavalry under Wheeler with 12 guns. This force numbered about 15,000, of which about 5000 were cavalry and 10,000 infantry and artillery. Cooperation was promised from southwest Va. by a force of about 4000 under Ransom, but it was too late in starting, and its infantry and artillery only reached Longstreet on his retreat northward after the siege of Knoxville. It was designed to move Longstreet by rail from Chattanooga
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brewster, William, 1560-1644 (search)
society worshipped on Sabbath days at Mr. Brewster's house until persecution began to interrupt them. He, with Mr. Bradford and others, was among those who attempted to fly to Holland in 1607. (See Robinson, John.) They were arrested and imprisoned at Boston in Lincolnshire. As Mr. Brewster had the most property, he was the greater sufferer. At much expense he gained his liberty, and then he assisted the poorer members of the church to escape, following them himself soon afterwards. At Leyden he opened a school for teaching the English language, to replenish his exhausted funds, He had then been an elder and teacher for some time. By the assistance of some friends he procured a printing-press, and published several books against the English hierarchy. In Mr. Robinson's church in Leyden Brewster was a ruling elder, and was so highly esteemed that he was chosen the spiritual guide of the Pilgrims who emigrated to America. He took with him to the wilderness his wife and numerous
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brown, Henry Kirke, 1814-1886 (search)
Brown, Henry Kirke, 1814-1886 Sculptor: born in Leyden, Mass., Feb. 24, 1814: studied portrait-painting in Boston, and after-wards spent several years in Italy, in the study of the plastic art. He settled in Brooklyn, N. Y., and became famous for his bronze statues. A figure by him was the first bronze statue ever made in the United States. Among his best works are an equestrian statue of Washington, in New York: an equestrian statue of General Greene, made for the State of Rhode Island; a colossal statue of De Witt Clinton, and Angel of the resurrection, in Greenwood Cemetery; a colossal equestrian statute of General Scott, and a statue of President Lincoln. He died in Newburg, N. Y., July 10, 1886.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Carver, John 1575-1621 (search)
Carver, John 1575-1621 First governor of New Plymouth; born in England, between 1575 and 1590; spent a considerable estate in forwarding the scheme of the Pilgrims for emigrating to America, and accompanied them in the Mayflower. He was a deacon or elder in Robinson's church at Leyden, and was one of the committee sent to London to effect a treaty with the Virginia Company concerning colonization in America. When the written instrument for the government of the colony Governor Carver's chair. was subscribed on board the Mayflower, Mr. Carver was chosen to be governor. His wife died during the succeeding winter. Governor Carver's chair (the first throne of a chief magistrate set up in New England) is preserved by the Massachusetts Historical Society. He died in New Plymouth, Mass., April 5, 1621.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morton, or Mourt, George 1585- (search)
Morton, or Mourt, George 1585- Author; born in York, England, in 1585; became a Puritan in 1600; settled in Leyden. Holland, and acted as agent for the Puritans in London till 1620. He then went to New England, taking reinforcements to the Pilgrims in Plymouth. He was the author of Mourt's relation of the beginning and proceeding of the English plantation settled at Plymouth in New England. He died about 1628.
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