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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 33: the East Tennessee campaign. (search)
rain for hauling. So our plan must be changed. Fortunately, we found a point in a bend of the river near the railroad at which we could force a crossing. At dark the cars were rolled up to that point by hand, and we learned that the Little Tennessee River above us was fordable for cavalry. General Wheeler had been ordered to have vedettes along the river from Loudon to some distance below Kingston, where a considerable body of Union troops occupied the north bank. He was ordered with his division. The move was intended probably to delay our march. It was Chapin's brigade that made the advance against our skirmishers, and it probably suffered some in the affair. We lost not a single man. General Wheeler crossed the Little Tennessee River at Motley's Ford at nightfall on the 13th, and marched to cut off the force at Marysville. He came upon the command, only one regiment, the Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry, that was advised in time to prepare for him. He attacked as soon as th
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter37: last days in Tennessee. (search)
besides the President, the Secretary of War and General Bragg. Conference was held during the forenoon, but was not conclusive. In the afternoon he called me with him for further deliberation. At the opening of the afternoon council it appeared that General Bragg had offered a plan for early spring campaign, and that it had received the approval of the President,--viz.: General Johnston to march his army through the mountains of Georgia and East Tennessee to the head-waters of Little Tennessee River; my command to march through the mountains east of Knoxville to join General Johnston. The commands united, to march west, cross the river into Middle Tennessee, and march for the enemy's line of supplies about Nashville. When asked an opinion of this, I inquired as to General Johnston's attitude towards it, and was told that he objected; that he thought the sparsely-settled country of the mountains through which he would move could not supply his army; that he would consume all
Nansemond arrived alongside the prize about half an hour, and the Keystone State about one hour after our hawser was made fast to the prize. This steamer is a valuable vessel, of about eight hundred tons burden, and has on board an unusually valuable cargo.--Official Report. The bombardment of Fort Sumter was kept up by slow firing from the monitors and land-batteries. General Sanders, in command of a Union cavalry force, overtook a rebel regiment at Metley's Ford, on the Little Tennessee River,charged and drove them across the river, capturing forty, including four commissioned officers. Between forty and fifty were killed or drowned, and the entire regiment lost their arms. Colonel Adams, who led the charge, lost no man or material.--the ship Amanda was captured and burned, when about two hundred miles from Java Head, by the confederate steamer Alabama.--Brownsville, Texas, was occupied by the National troops, under the command of Major-General Banks, the rebels having
gade moved out into town, but every thing not being ready, we were ordered to return to camp and wait till twelve o'clock. At two o'clock we moved out, crossed the river on the pontoon — the same bridge we had at Loudon — marched to Rockford, a small town on Little River, and camped for the night. November second, crossed Little River and marched to Maryville; went into camp and remained there till the morning of the seventh, during which time we scoured the country as far down as Little Tennessee River, where Lieutenant McAdams, of the First Kentucky cavalry, gained a glorious victory by drowning, killing, capturing, and completely routing twice his own number. On the morning of the seventh, General Sanders's cavalry corps fell back across Little River to Rockford, where we remained till the morning of the fourteenth. November fourteenth, early in the morning, the rebels made a dash on the pickets, and captured part of the Eleventh Kentucky cavalry. They soon began to press ou
son, reached Athens, and by this accession my force, before so weak as to be entirely inadequate for a decided movement against the enemy at London, was strengthened to such an extent as would have enabled me to actively assume the offensive; but the enemy, informed doubtless by disloyal citizens of the arrival of these reinforcements, evacuated London on the night of the same day. On the twenty-eighth of October I sent Brigadier-General Vaughn, with a force of cavalry, across the Little Tennessee River at Morgantown, with orders to make a demonstration upon Knoxville and gain all the information he could of the enemy's force, movements, and intentions. He found a force at Leaper's Ferry; attacked and drove them across the river after quite a sharp engagement, inflicting considerable loss upon them. He also went to Lenoir's Ferry. The sudden and heavy rain that fell at this time raised the Little Tennessee so rapidly that it became exceedingly hazardous for him to remain on that
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
ake, C. D., Oct. 5, 1863, 70, 71; Schofield, J. M., May 27, 1863, 68, 69; June 1, 69; June 20, 75, 76; June 22, 76; Aug. 27, 77; Aug. 28, 77-79; Sept. 30, 93; Oct. 1, 58, 88, 91-93, 98; Oct. 2, 93; Oct. 3, 94; Oct. 4, 94; Oct. 25, 101; Oct. 28, 103, 104; Nov. 9, 105, 106 Lincoln, Robert T., Secretary of War, 451; abolishes the Division of the Gulf, 451. See also War Department. Little Rock, Ark., Hindman retreats toward, 63; proposed movement against, 70; capture of, 70, 85 Little Tennessee River, the, military movements on, 115 Liverpool, Eng., S. at, 385 Livingston, La Rhett L., S.'s room-mate at West Point, 13; brevet second lieutenant, Battery D, First Artillery, 20 Logan, Maj.-Gen. John A., in battle of Atlanta, 147; letter from Grant, Feb. 14, 1884, 239, 240; sent to relieve Thomas at Nashville, but recalled at Louisville, 239, 240, 295; letter from Grant, Feb. 23, 1884, 240, 241; on the establishment of Fort Sheridan, 454; attitude in the Fitz-John Porter case
ga. And over all these preparations, and all these armies, the spirit of one man was dominant. On the 14th of November, Halleck telegraphed Advices received from East Tennessee indicate that Burnside intends to abandon the defence of Little Tennessee river, and fall back before Longstreet, towards Cumberland gap and the upper valley. Longstreet is said to be near the Little Tennessee, with from twenty to forty thousand men; Burnside has about thirty thousand in all, and can hold his positiou the necessity of holding on to East Tennessee, in strong enough terms. Hold on to Knoxville, and that portion of the valley which you will necessarily possess, holding to that point. Should Longstreet move his whole force across the Little Tennessee river, an effort should be made to cut his pontoons on the stream, even if it sacrificed half the cavalry of the Ohio army. By holding on, and placing Longstreet between the Little Tennessee and Knoxville, he should not be allowed to escape wit
Military movements in Tennessee and Northern Georgia. Atlanta, November 18. --Advices from the front furnish nothing new. A correspondent of the Register, at Little Tennessee river, says. Gen. Wheeler has intercepted a letter from Gen. Burnside's Adjutant General to a Quartermaster in Kentucky, which stated that "they had only ten days" rations, and God only knew where the next would come from. The Appeal and Register both mention a rumor that Gen. Sherman has crossed the Tennessee river at White's Bluff with 20,000 men, and is moving towards Rome. A special to the Intelligencer says that the Lookout batteries had opened on the chemy's trains coming to Brown's Ferry. Louisville dates to the 12th, per flag of truce, have been received. The enemy have been on quarter rations. The citizens of Chattanooga have been suffering greatly, and are being sent North to keep from starvation. A train on the Bardstown road had been burnt by the "rebels." Gen
From Tennessee. --A correspondent, willing from Little Tennessee river on the 13th, says: Mr. Salter, who kept the Lamar House, was started for Camp Chase. He escaped near Clinton, and is here at Gen. Wheeler's headquarters. He reports the enemy's entire force at 14,000 men — that they are so much frightened that the mere approach of our troops will stampede them. Twenty thousand hogs are en route from Kentucky for, Knoxville. Five thousand have been collected in East Tennessee and are at Knoxville. One thousand wagons are coming over the mountains, loaded with clothing, &c., for Wheeler's boys. Burnside's Assistant Adjutant-General wrote a letter to his quartermaster in Kentucky, stating that they had only ten days rations on hand, and God only knew where the next would come from. This letter is in the hands of Gen. Wheeler. Gen. Vaughn is with Gen. Wheeler. Troops in fine spirits. Southern people hail our return with delight. Be of good cheer —