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Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863. 2 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 2 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
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went south. The season has arrived when wintry looking clouds are seen scudding across the sky. When these lowering clouds obscure the sun now and then, there is a kind of fascination in watching the dark shadows chase each other over the prairies in rapid succession. A cold wave right from the arctic regions struck southern Kansas on the morning of the 12th, and already there are reports of great suffering among the refugee families encamped about the outskirts of the post. The Marmaton River is frozen over solid, which is unusual so early in the season. There is a larger number of refugee families in this vicinity than I had supposed; and in many cases their condition is distressing. Many of them are living in rude tents made of bed clothing, or material of a very unsubstantial nature. Others during the latter part of summer and early autumn, purchased condemned army tents, and are making the best of them. But there are not many supplied with tents, as there have been n
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Resume of military operations in Missouri and Arkansas, 1864-65. (search)
rtillery, supported by a large force, on a high mound in the prairie. The Federal cavalry coming up charged his position with great gallantry, broke his line, captured nearly all his artillery, ten pieces, and a large number of prisoners, among them Generals Marmaduke and Cabell and many other officers of lower rank. In his retreat from this position Price was closely pursued by the Federal cavalry, his rear-guard being almost constantly under fire. His army encamped that night on the Marmiton River, about eight miles nearly east of Fort Scott, which place he had intended to capture with the large depot of Government supplies. Having lost most of his artillery, about midnight he blew up such of his artillery ammunition as was unsuitable for the guns which he still had. The troops of Curtis and Pleasonton, who reached Fort Scott that night and replenished their haversacks and cartridge-boxes, heard the loud explosion. From Fort Scott the pursuit was. continued by Curtis's forces un
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
f goods landed below Kansas City, at Francis Chouteau's log warehouse......1834 Congress makes all United States territory west of the Mississippi not in the States of Missouri and Louisiana or Territory of Arkansas Indian country ......June 30, 1834 Col. Henry Dodge, U. S. A., makes an expedition to the Rocky Mountains, leaving Fort Leavenworth May 29, and returning along the line where the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad now runs......1835 Fort Scott established on the Marmaton River......April 9, 1842 Lieut. John C. Fremont, in his expedition west from St. Louis, reaches site of Lawrence, June 12; Topeka, June 14; and thence travels northwest to the Blue and Platte rivers......1842 Fremont passes up the Kansas River on a second expedition......1843 Wyandottes remove from Ohio, encamp on the east bank of the Kansas, in what is now Wyandotte county, in July, and remove to permanent location purchased from the Delawares in the forks of the Kansas and Missouri