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rsonal observation. The people of Maryland undoubtedly enjoyed greater exemption from foragers, as a whole, than did those of Virginia, for a larger number of the former than of the latter were supposed to be loyal and were therefore protected. I say supposed, for personally I am of the opinion that the Virginians were fully as loyal as the Marylanders. But a large number of the soldiers when fresh and new in the service saw an enemy in every bush, and recognized no white man south of Mason and Dixon's line as other than a secesh. Very often they were right, but the point I wish to make is that they indulged in foraging to a greater extent probably than troops which had been longer in service. Before my own company had seen any hard service it was located at Poolesville, thirty-eight miles from Washington, where it formed part of an independent brigade, which was included in the defences of Washington, and under the command of General Heintzelman. While we lay there drilling
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 10: (search)
he feeling that it would take a much longer time than it really has taken to adjust political affairs in the late Confederate States. The tragedies of the early days of reconstruction are matters of history, and are not a part of my story. I make this digression to recall the chaos which confronted President Grant, who had had previously no sort of experience in legislative or executive affairs beyond those of a military character. Reports of outrages in almost every State south of the Mason and Dixon line, the evident wrong on both sides, and the responsibility for the protection of human life weighed heavily upon the chief executive. Grant appreciated that he was without power to issue orders as he had done when he was in command of a great army. All the winter of 1869-70 we were subject to daily startling reports of public scandals, defalcations, and high-handed outrages. The reckless extravagance practised during the war had so demoralized the money-making people of t
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 5: Bible and colportage work. (search)
ng them tracts and Testaments. Two young men asked me to pray for them, and never can I forget how they wept and thanked me for searching them out. How I rejoice at being allowed to labor for the souls of these dear soldiers. Last Thursday evening the Sunday-school and Publication Board of the Baptist General Association determined to have 10,000 copies of the New Testament printed in Richmond. This, if we mistake not, is the first time the New Testament has ever been published south of Mason and Dixon's line. It is surely an important move, and should be encouraged by all who feel interested in the effort to secure Southern independence. . . . A. E. Dickinson, General Superintendent. Several young men in the Alabama regiments have been converted by reading the tract, Come to Jesus, and the works, Persuasives to Early piety and Baxter's call. On another occasion I gave books and tracts to a young man who had been in several engagements since he left home, though he had
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid against Richmond. (search)
Colonel Dahlgren's body was mutilated to the extent of cutting off a finger to get a ring he wore. I can name the man who did it, and I was the means of his sister, Miss M. M., getting it after the war. But the worst indignity was having his body taken up after we had him decently coffined and buried at Stevensville and taken to Richmond, and then taken out of the city and buried in an unknown grave so he could never be found His sister did find him, however, and he is now lying north of Mason and Dixon's line. This was done on their part on account of the papers said to have been found on his dead body. As to the papers, I don't believe he had any such, as has been claimed by the Confederates. The unfortunate raid cost me and others over five months close confinement, and treatment such as no brutes should receive. If M. Quad's query, Who sacrificed Dahlgren? has not been satisfactorily answered yet, let some one else try his hand. R. Bartley, Signal Officer United States
sing through, VIII., 74; enlistment on both sides, VIII., 103; campaign, Lee's, VIII., 154, 159. Maryland Heights, Va.: II., 60; the abandoned stronghold, II., 325; III., 326. Mason, A. P., VI., 291. Mason, C., IV., 329. Mason, Emily Vii., 296. Mason, H. R., V., 205. Mason, J. M.: I., 354; VI., 310, 314.; VII., 296. Mason, J. S., VII., 150. Mason, J. W., IV., 212. Mason, R.: VII., 10; VIII., 10. Mason and Dixon line Ii., 78, 234. Mason and Munson's Hill, Va., IV., 79. Massachusetts troops: Artillery, Heavy: First, III., 65; at Belle Plain, Va., V., 52, 53; Third, X., 101; Company K, X., 101; Company A, V., 105. Artillery, Light: First, I., 362; battery in camp, V., 27; Second, II., 180, 320; Third, III., 155; Fourth, II., 180, 320; Fifth, I., 364; V., 47; Sixth, II., 180, 320, 330; Eighth, V., 27; Ninth, II., 247, 250; Sixteenth, IX., 265; Eighteenth, III., 71. Cavalry: First, I., 366; II., 326, 336; horses of E. A
o be constantly on hand during any given campaign is estimated, on an average, at ten per cent.; but this proportion must necessarily be exceeded, especially in an invading army, with raw, undisciplined, and unacclimated troops. This was eminently true even in the Crimea; in a climate comparatively healthy, within a few miles of the sea. We may well imagine what would be the effects of the climate of the South upon the Northern troops, if they were to pass far, during the hot season, beyond Mason and Dixon's line. Disease, in its worst form, would be sure to invade and thin their ranks at every step. Fever — typhoid, typhus, remittent, intermittent, and yellow — dysentery, diarrhŒs, scurvy, pneumonia, and inflammation of the liver would accomplish more, infinitely more, for the Southern cause than all the weapons of war that could be placed in the hands of the Southern people. Typhoid, typhus and yellow fever, dysentery, diarrhŒa and scurvy would, in all human probability, soon be<
A Faitmful Fuw. --The Mobile Register states that Mr. Wood, of New York, gave to what was then his organ, The Daily News, a new direction. Mr. Stuart resigned the editorial charge he had hold over it for two years, and published The Volunteer, the only campaign paper started for Southern Rights north of Mason and Dixon's line. In connection with ex-Secretary of State, Tucker, MacMakan, and others, he took a leading part in two organizations against Abolitionism and Republicanized Democrasy. He and McMaranhave now become citizens of the South, as there was no longer safety North for men of their views. Mr. Tucker is about settling in Georgia, Mr. Lawrence in Lonislana, and the other gentlemen in other Southern States; so that New York has not even "the ten men" which Sacred History tell us were necessary to save a "doomed city" in the days when God made fearfully manifest his dealings with mortals.
t be settled — in the Union if we can, but if we cannot, then out of the Union. Supposing these to be not only your sentiments, but the sentiments of the great body of the Southern people, it gives me pleasure to inform you of a move which is now on the tapis in New Jersey, the effect of which, I am persuaded, will be not only to secure to the South her rights in the Union, but to give the Union itself a new lease upon time. New Jersey is one of the Old Thirteen. No State North of Mason and Dixon's line has been more faithful, loyal and true to the Constitution; and none has been more mindful of the rights of the sister States under it than she; and there is not one among them all that commands more of the respect and confidence of the Southern people. Availing herself of the proud position which she occupies, the plan proposed is that she shall undertake the office of mediator between the sections. As far as I understand it, the outlines are these: She is to send a Commi
Letter from a Yankee volunteer. We are permitted, says the Louisville Telegraph, to copy the following extract of a letter of a volunteer stationed near Washington, to his wife, whom he left North of Mason and Dixon's line: Camp, June 20, 1861. My Dear: Two weeks of camp-life have served to extinguish all my military ardor, so your last wish is gratified, sooner, perhaps, than you imagined. However, I suppose I must hold on till the expiration of my three months, and then. If ever I' list a soldier again, The devil may be my sergeant. But I must tell you of our great exploits, our hair-breadth scapes by flood and field, no mention having been made of them by the Star or Republican. You must be sure and tell our neighbors. Let them know that the Washington Light Infantry is "some" when they get their back up. Our gallant Colonel, fearful that we might become nasty, or perhaps foolishly presuming we were spoiling for a fight, planned an expedition int
Counterfeit Treasury notes. --It seems that there are some individuals on this side of Mason and Dixon's line who are base enough to engage in the nefarious work of counterfeiting. The Express informs us that the Bank of the City of Petersburg rejected, on Thursday, a counterfeit of the Confederate Government notes, of the denomination of five dollars. As they are doubtless also in circulation here, as well as elsewhere in the Confederacy, we append a description: In the counterfeit bill the following stipulations are left out of the body of the note, but are above and below on the border: "Receivable is payment of all dues except export duties," and "Fundable in Confederate States bearing eight per cent. interest." The has no vignette, while the genuine has a centre vignette, comprised of a with a pole and liberty cap, and eagle left of the female, and on the left end of the the figure of a sailor. The numbering and filling up in the counterfeit are very indiffere
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