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tain Eaton's own account manifests both his enthusiasm and the deep and earnest nature of. his friend. In a letter of January 1, 1873, he says: I first met Albert Sidney Johnston in June, 1822, on board the little steamer Fire-Fly, on the North River, as we were going to West Point to be examined for admission as cadets in the Military Academy. He was a full-grown man, of commanding figure and imposing presence. Hie was then a little over nineteen years old; and I was a stripling of a boed had desired and valued this boyish devotion is proved by a letter of General Johnston's from Utah, in 1858. He writes to Captain Eaton: I have known you long; more than the lifetime of a generation. I remember when I first saw you on North River. The son of a noble patriot could not fail to attract my attention; and, although you were much my junior, I felt a desire for your friendship, which in the course of time I acquired. I need not say that it was reciprocal, and in all that ti
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.54 (search)
the town. The improvement in drill and discipline was very rapid, but affairs did not progress so smoothly at the headquarters in New York. There was great difficulty in procuring vessels of a light draught, almost everything of that sort having already been called into service; but after much difficulty I was enabled to report to General McClellan on the 12th of December that a sufficient amount of transportation and armament had been secured for the division. It was a motley fleet. North River barges and propellers had been strengthened from deck to keelson by heavy oak planks, and water-tight compartments had been built in them: they were so arranged that parapets of sand-bags or bales of hay could be built upon their decks, and each one carried from four to six guns. Sailing vessels, formerly belonging to the coasting trade, had been fitted up in the same manner. Several large passenger steamers, which were guaranteed to draw less than eight feet of water, together with tug
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Fire, sword, and the halter. (search)
with any larger body of Hunter's troops than his advance guard, and to inform the people that we were falling back slowly in expectation of large reinforcements then on their way to my support. I knew that any such statement would be repeated to the enemy, and cause him to advance with great caution. On the afternoon of the 2d we had our first skirmish near Lacy Springs, a few miles north of Harrisonburg. The next day, I was pressed so hard that I had to fall back to the south bank of the North river, at Mount Crawford, seventeen miles from Staunton, losing a few men killed and wounded during the afternoon. Hunter camped at Harrisonburg. I made a rather ostentatious display of a purpose to dispute seriously the passage of the river next day, by throwing up some works on the hill tops overlooking the bridge and felling trees in the fords for several miles above and below. During the night about two thousand men, sent forward by General Jones, joined me. To my dismay I found th
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 10: Kernstown. (search)
s, or often scores, of men who followed him from personal devotion rather than the force of discipline. Thus, the effective force which General Jackson was now able to wield against the enemy, may be correctly estimated as seven or eight thousand men, with thirty guns. The position on Reede's Hill, with so strong an artillery, was impregnable in front. But while, on the right, it was supported upon the Masanuttin Mountain, on the left it could be turned with facility by fords of the North River, above the main bridge, which were practicable in all dry seasons. Luckily, the melting snows of the western mountains concurred with the rains of spring, to swell the current, and General Jackson continued to hold the position until he should be more seriously menaced by Banks. Its chief value to him was in the fact, that it covered the juncture of the great Valley turnpike, at New Market, with that which leads across the Masanuttin, by Luray, the seat of justice for Page County, to Cu
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 30: Averill's raid and the winter campaign. (search)
rs endured. He had been able to burn a small depot at Salem with a few supplies in it and one or two small bridges in the neighborhood, which were rebuilt in a few days. His raid really amounted to very little except the name of it. The same night that Averill made his escape by Jackson, I received a dispatch from General Walker at Staunton informing me that the force that had been at Strasburg was moving up the valley, and had passed New Market. I telegraphed to him to move to the North River at Mount Crawford at once, which he did early next day. Thomas' brigade was moved back to Staunton, starting early in the morning, but on account of the condition of the road, did not reach there until nearly night. On arriving at Staunton myself, I rode out to Walker's position eighteen miles beyond, leaving orders for Thomas to march up during the night. On reaching Walker I found that the enemy was in Harrisonburg, and I ordered an advance early next morning. At light next day, T
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 36: campaign in Maryland and Virginia. (search)
he Manassas Gap Railroad, but both of these roads were torn up and rendered unserviceable in the year 1862, under the orders of General Jackson. From Staunton, in Augusta County, there is a fine macadamized road called The Valley Pike, running through Mount Sidney, Mount Crawford, Harrisonburg, New Market, Mount Jackson, Edinburg,Woodstock, Strasburg, Middletown, Newtown, Bartonsville and Kernstown to Winchester in Frederick County, and crossing Middle River seven miles from Staunton; North River at Mount Crawford, eighteen miles from Staunton; the North Fork of the Shenandoah at Mount Jackson; Cedar Creek between Strasburg and Middletown; and the Opequon at Bartonsville, four or five miles from Winchester. There is also another road west of the Valley Pike connecting these several villages called the Back road, and in some places, another road between the Valley Pike and the Back Road, which is called the Middle road. From Winchester there is a macadamized road via Martinsbu
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 47: the March up the Valley. (search)
ly destroyed. On the 1st of October, I moved my whole force across the country to Mount Sidney on the Valley Pike, and took position between that place and North River, the enemy's forces having been concentrated around Harrisonburg, and on the north bank of the river. In this position we remained until the 6th, awaiting the arrival of Rosser's brigade of cavalry, which was on its way from General Lee's army. In the meantime there was some skirmishing with the enemy's cavalry on the North River, at the bridge near Mount Crawford and at Bridgewater above. On the 5th, Rosser's brigade arrived and was temporarily attached to Fitz. Lee's division, of which Rosser was given the command, as Brigadier General Wickham had resigned. The horses of Rosser's brigade had been so much reduced by previous hard service and the long march from Richmond, that the brigade did not exceed six hundred mounted men for duty, when it joined me. Kershaw's division numbered 2,700 muskets for duty and
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 50: operations in 1865. (search)
Southwestern Virginia, to send his brigade by rail to Lynchburg. My own headquarters were at Staunton, but there were no troops at that place except a local provost guard, and a company of reserves, composed of boys under 18 years of age, which was acting under the orders of the Conscript Bureau. Orders were therefore given for the immediate removal of all stores from that place. Rosser succeeded in collecting a little over 100 men, and with these he attempted to check the enemy at North River, near Mount Crawford, on the first of March, but was unable to do so. On the afternoon of that day, the enemy approached to within three or four miles of Staunton, and I then telegraphed to Lomax to concentrate his cavalry at Pound Gap in Rockbridge County, and to follow and annoy the enemy should he move towards Lynchburg, and rode out of town towards Waynesboro, after all the stores had been removed. Wharton and Nelson were ordered to move to Waynesboro by light next morning, and on
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
New River, 467 New York, 476 Newton's Division, 207 Newtown, 240-41, 368, 382-83, 397- 98, 406, 414, 426, 453 Nichols, General, 328, 329 Ninevah, 241 North Anna, 359, 361, 465 North Branch, 368 North Carolina Regiments, 15, 32, 38, 47-48, 60, 62, 69, 70-71, 104, 132, 158, 185-86, 188, 193, 230, 236, 242, 244, 247, 249, 253, 274, 282, 302, 312, 341, 345, 467-68 North Fork, 335-36, 366-67-68-69, 407, 431-32, 439 North Mountain, 136, 163, 368, 383- 384, 414 North River, 331, 366, 368, 435, 462 Northern Central R. R., 255, 258 Northwestern Virginia, 191, 368 Ny River, 354, 357-58 Occoquon River, 3, 4, 5, 10, 47 Ohio River, 368, 391, 479 Old Church, 361-62-63 Old Court-House, 353 Old Stone Pike, 344, 346 Old Wilderness Tavern, 344, 346 Opequon River, 136, 162, 367-68-69, 384, 406, 408, 410, 412-14, 419- 21, 423-24, 428 Orange County, 327, 343 Orange Court-House, 56, 59, 92-93, 106, 165, 168, 285, 318, 326, 340, 344, 351 Orange &
ty-Eighth Regiment N. Y. S. M., composed of the best class of Germans, and commanded by Colonel Bennett, left Brooklyn, N. Y., for the seat of war. At 11 o'clock the last farewell said; the Regiment formed, about 800 men, and headed by Meyers' Band and a corps of drummers and fifers, they marched through Myrtle avenue and Fulton street to Fulton Ferry, where they embarked on board the ferry-boat Nassau, and were taken direct to the steamer Star of the South, then lying at Pier No. 36 North River. The streets through which they marched were lined with enthusiastic citizens to bid the troops God speed, and from nearly every house waved the Stars and Stripes and those other inspiring signals — white handkerchiefs. The troops were everywhere cordially received. At the foot of Fulton street a few brief farewells were said, and amid the booming of cannon and the cheers of the populace, the troops took their departure. Fifty-seven recruits for Company G, Capt. Thorne, and a number