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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865 2 0 Browse Search
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Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 26 (search)
weak races of Mexico and the Southwest, and then, perhaps, I can draw to my side the Northwest, with its interests as an agricultural population, naturally allied to me, and not to the Northeast, with its tariff set of States. And he thinks thus, a strong, quiet slaveholding empire, he will bar New England and New York out in the cold, and will have comparative peace. But if he bar New England out in the cold, what then? She is still there. [Laughter.] And give it only the fulcrum of Plymouth Rock, an idea will upheave the continent. Now, Davis knows that better than we do,--a great deal better. His plan, therefore, is to mould an empire so strong, so broad, that it can control New England and New York. He is not only to found a slaveholding despotism, but he is to make it so strong that, by traitors among us, and hemming us in by power, he is to cripple, confine, break down, the free discussion of these Northern States. Unless he does that he is not safe. He knows it. Now I
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, The Maine liquor law (1865) or, the laws of the Commonwealth-shall they be enforced? (search)
1863, that he thought it would be a good thing to have a license system. Well, our argument is, Gentlemen, we tried it for two hundred years, and it failed. Do let us try this fifty years. Is that an unfair demand? From the method in which gentlemen address us, one would suppose that there never was a State that tried licensing; that it was a new thought, just struck out from some happy intellect, elevated by a glass of champagne [laughter and applause]; whereas license is as old as Plymouth Rock. The Commonwealth began with it, and they came up to the year 1855; and every philanthropist, every lover of his country and his city, was pale and aghast at the gigantic strides which this vice was making,--at the tremendous yawning gulf in which all public virtue seemed about to be swallowed up. Pulpit, forum, legislatures counting-house,--every walk of life, public and private, was rotten to the very core. Now, therefore, what we have gained is a law reiterated. We have got the co
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Alice and Phebe Cary. (search)
nverified, nor does it matter. From Walter Cary — a French Huguenot, compelled to flee his country, upon the revocation by Louis XIV. of the great Henry's Edict of Nantes,and who, with his wife and son, settled in England, where his son, likewise named Walter, was educated at Cambridge — the descent of the Ohio Carys is unquestioned. The younger Walter migrated to America, very soon after the landing of the Mayflower pilgrims, and settled at Bridgewater, Mass., only sixteen miles from Plymouth Rock, where he opened a grammar school, claimed to have been the earliest in America. Walter was duly blest with seven sons, whereof John settled in Windham, Connecticut; and of his five sons, the youngest, Samuel, was great-grandfather to the Alice and Phebe Cary of our day. Samuel, educated at Yale, becoming a physician, settled and practised at Lyme, where was born, in 1763, his son Christopher, who, at eighteen years of age, entered the armies of the Revolution. Peace was soon achiev
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 4: College Life.—September, 1826, to September, 1830.—age, 15-19. (search)
n Milton, published in 1825, is referred to in the dissertation, without its author being known, as the apotheosis of the Puritans in the pages of one of the British journals. Later in life, when dealing with the great issues of right and duty, he looked with a kindlier eye on even the rugged and imperfect features of their character. Among the many tributes which grateful patriotism has paid to their memory in recent years, none is warmer and more sympathetic than his Finger-Point from Plymouth Rock. Speech at the Plymouth Festival, Aug. 1, 1853. Works, Vol. III. pp. 269-275. Two first prizes were given for dissertations on this subject,— one to his classmate Tower, and the other to Benjamin R. Curtis, who was then a member of the Law School, and afterwards became distinguished as a lawyer and judge. In the case of Curtis, more than in Sumner's, the style of manhood agrees with that of youth. The former had been one year out of college, and was advanced in his legal cour
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
m. For instance, Governor Clifford in a reference to the Constitutional convention, and R. Yeadon of South Carolina in praise of Webster's course on the Compromise. Mr. Everett, in thanking him for the printed copy of his Finger Point from Plymouth Rock, regretted this habit, which he feared would break up patriotic celebrations by turning them into a party channel. Sumner said:— Standing on Plymouth Rock, at their great anniversary, we cannot fail to be elevated by their example. WePlymouth Rock, at their great anniversary, we cannot fail to be elevated by their example. We see clearly what it has done for the world, and what it has done for their fame. No pusillanimous soul here today will declare their self-sacrifice, their deviation from received opinions, their unquenchable thirst for liberty, an error or illusion. From gushing multitudinous hearts we now thank these lowly men that they dared to be true and brave. Conformity or compromise might, perhaps, have purchased for them a profitable peace, but not peace of mind; it might have secured place and powe
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
d felt the enthusiasm for him which chivalrous devotion always inspires with the sex. His speeches were more readable at firesides than those of other public men trained only in political debates; and in many a household the whole family gathered at evening to hear them read. As an incident of the times, it may be stated that on his return from Washington the women of Plymouth presented him, as a token of their respect for his manly and noble course, a seal ring, containing a stone from Plymouth Rock. The interest of clergymen and thoughtful women in Sumner at an earlier period has been referred to. Ante, p. 13. Mrs. Seward wrote, June 10— I read your speech on the final passage of the Nebraska bill with tears of gratitude that so much ability and eloquence were devoted to the advancement of truth and freedom. I must confess to some fears for your safety, but am glad to learn that the proscriptive spirit does not now as in times past pervade all classes at Washington.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Literature as an art. (search)
ut it must be the Puritanism of Milton, not of Cromwell only. The invigorating air of great moral principles must breathe through all our literature; it is the expanding spirit of the seventeenth century by which we must conquer now. It is worth all that has been sacrificed in New England to vindicate this one fact, the supremacy of the moral nature. All culture, all art, without this, must be but rootless flowers, such as flaunt round a nation's decay. All the long, stern reign of Plymouth Rock and Salem Meeting-House was well spent, since it had this for an end,to plough into the American race the tradition of absolute righteousness, as the immutable foundation of all. This was the purpose of our fathers. There should be here no European frivolity, even if European grace disappeared with it. For the sake of this great purpose, history will pardon all their excesses,--overwork, grim Sabbaths, prohibition of innocent amusements, all were better than to be frivolous. And so, in
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, Book XIV: the Pilgrims at Plymouth (A. D. 1620-1621.) (search)
n, and others with eagles' claws. Many more, no doubt, were shot, for these we found were almost covered with leaves: yet, by the especial providence of God, none of them either hit or hurt us, though many came close by us, and on every side of us; and some coats which hung up in our barricado were shot through and through. So, after we had given God thanks for our deliverance, we took our shallop, and went our journey, and called this place The First Encounter. Iv.—The landing on Plymouth Rock. [the same exploring-party, in a shallop, finally reached Plymouth harbor.] Having the wind good, we sailed all that day along the coast about fifteen leagues, but saw neither river nor creek to put into. After we had sailed an hour or two, it began to snow and rain, and to be bad weather. About the midst of the afternoon, the wind increased, and the seas began to be very rough; and the hinges of the rudder broke, so that we could steer no longer; but two men, with much ado, we
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, Index. (search)
B., 268, 280. Opechankanough, 239. Ortelius, 99. Ortiz, John, 127-130. Ottigny, 158. Ouade, 150. Oviedo, Lope de, 83, 90, 91. P. Pamaunkee, King of, 238. Pantoja, Captain, 80. Parkman, Francis, Pioneers of France, 98, 99, 142, 149, 268. Pasqualigo, Lorenzo, 55. Penobscot River visited, 213. Perce, Michael, 298. Pierria, Captain Albert de la, 148, 149, 151. Pilgrims at Plymouth, 309-338. Pizarro, Fernando, 121. Plymouth (Mass.) Colony, 309-338. Plymouth Rock, first landing on, 326; final disembarkation on, 328. Pocahontas, 241, 245, 252, 257-259. Popham, George, Captain, 222, 225. Sir John, 225. Colony, The, 222-225. Powhatan, 233, 244-248, 252, 257, 258, 261, 262. Prickett, Abacuk, 296. Princess, Indian, visit to, 184, 249. Ptolemy, 36. Purchas, William, 57. Puritans, leaving Delft Haven, 341; sea-adventure of, 355; privations of, 358. Q. Quigalta, Cacique of, 136, 137. Quiyougkcosoucks, 238. R. Raleigh,
parade. Business and confidence touch elbows. The 8th of January, representing that battle which has so strongly inspired the spirit of the soldier of Louisiana, is to be celebrated with a muster of the city's militia. Every historic city, like Saragossa, Carthagena, Moscow, whose sons have from their native soil beaten back the invader, has a military day—a day wholly and gloriously its own. New Orleans is happy in her day. The world honors it It is hers by a double right: that of the invader's defeat and of her defender's valor. The day and the memories connected with it have given her sons a peculiar quality of courage, combining with the inspiration of their French lineage that courage, steady like Plymouth Rock, of their American ancestors. That day—that one day of Chalmette—fixed for all time the special dash of the Louisiana troops, which was to be so signally displayed in those heroic armies which sustained unstained until the end the honor of the Confederate Sta
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