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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alden, John, 1599-1687 (search)
Alden, John, 1599-1687 A Pilgrim father ; born in England in 1599; was employed as a cooper in Southampton, and having been engaged to repair the Mayflower while awaiting the embarkation of the Pilgrims, concluded to join the company. It has been stated that he was the first of the Pilgrim party to step on Plymouth Rock, but other authorities give this honor to Mary Chilton. Alden settled in Duxbury, and in 1621 was married to Priscilla Mullins. For more than fifty years he was a magistrate in the colony, and outlived all the signers of the Mayflower compact. He died in Duxbury, Sept. 12, 1687. The circumstances of his courtship inspired Longfellow to write The courtship of miles Standish. They were as follows: The dreadful famine and fever which destroyed one-half of the Pilgrims at New Plymouth during the winter and spring of 1621 made a victim of Rose Standish, wife of Capt. Miles Standish. Her husband was then thirty-seven years of age. Not long after this event the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Depew, Chauncey Mitchell, 1834- (search)
ction, and made the war a memory, and have stimulated production until our annual surplus nearly equals that of England, France, and Germany combined. The teeming millions of Asia till the patient soil and work the shuttle and loom as their fathers have done for ages; modern Europe has felt the influence and received the benefit of the incalculable multiplication of force by inventive genius since the Napoleonic wars; and yet, only 269 years after the little band of Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, our people, numbering less than one-fifteenth of the inhabitants of the globe, do one-third of its mining, onefourth of its manufacturing, one-fifth of its agriculture, and own one-sixth of its wealth. This realism of material prosperity, surpassing the wildest creations of the romancers who have astonished and delighted mankind, would be full of dangers for the present and menace for the future, if the virtue, intelligence, and independence of the people were not equal to the wise r
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grady, Henry Woodfen 1851-1892 (search)
her convictions were as honest as yours. I should be unjust to the dauntless spirit of the South and to my own convictions if I did not make this plain in this presence. The South has nothing to take back. In my native town of Athens is a monument that crowns its central hills—a plain, white shaft. Deep cut into its shining side is a name dear to me above the names of men, that of a brave and simple man who died in brave and simple faith. Not for all the glories of New England—from Plymouth Rock all the way—would I exchange the heritage he left me in his soldier's death. To the feet of that shaft I shall send my children's children to reverence him who ennobled their name with his heroic blood. But, sir, speaking from the shadow of that memory, which I honor as I do nothing else on earth, I say that the cause in which he suffered and for which he gave his life was adjudged by higher and fuller wisdom than his or mine, and I am glad that the omniscient God held the balance of <
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879 (search)
the distinguished women of the British island. There is still a more wonderful example of this uplifting power of the educated mind of woman. It is only ninety years since the Anglo-Saxons in the New World became a nation, then numbering about 3,000,000 souls. Now this people form the great American republic, with a population of 30,000,000; and the destiny of the world will soon be in their keeping. The Bible has been their Book of books since the first Puritan exile set his foot on Plymouth Rock. Religion is free; and the soul, which woman always influences where God is worshipped in spirit and truth, is untrammelled by code, or creed, or caste. No blood has been shed on the soil of this nation, save in the sacred cause of freedom and selfdefence; therefore, the blasting evils of war have seldom been felt; nor has the woman ever been subjected to the hard labor imposed by God upon the man—that of subduing the earth. The advantages of primary education have been accorded to g
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pilgrim fathers, the (search)
ected about Dec. 20, 1620, where New Plymouth was built. From about the middle of December until the 25th the weather was stormy, and the bulk of the passengers remained on the ship, while some of the men built a rude shelter to receive them. On the 25th a greater portion of the passengers went on shore to visit the spot chosen for their residence, when, tradition Map of Plymouth Bay: scale 2 1/2 miles per inch. says, Mary Chilton and John Alden, both young persons, first sprang upon Plymouth Rock from the boat that conveyed them. Most of the women and children remained on board the Mayflower until suitable log huts were erected for their reception, and it was March 21, 1621, before they were all landed. Those on shore were exposed to the rigors of winter weather and insufficient food, though the winter was a comparatively mild one. Those on the ship were confined in foul air, with unwholesome food. Scurvy and other diseases appeared among them, and when, late in March, the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Plymouth Rock. (search)
Plymouth Rock. The passengers on the Mayflower, on account of great privations and exposure in their winter houses at New Plymouth, sickened, and a large number of them died before the warm spring weather of 1621 arrived. They were buried near the rock on which the great body of the Pilgrims landed. Lest the Indians who might come there should see their weakness by the great mortality, the graves were seeded over, and the rock remained the enduring monument and guide. Thomas Faunce, wh by the erection of a wharf, the venerable man was so affected that he wept. His tears probably saved that rock from oblivion, a fragment of which was carefully preserved at New Plymouth. Before the revolution the sea had washed up sand Plymouth Rock and monument. and buried the rock. This sand was removed, and in attempting to move the rock it split asunder. The upper half, or shell, was taken to the middle of the village. In 1834 it was removed from the town square to a position in f
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
ard 101 passengers......Sept. 6, 1620 After a stormy passage of sixty-three days sights the cliffs of Cape Cod and comes to anchor in Cape Cod Harbor......Nov. 9, 1620 Peregrine White born on board the Mayflower in Cape Cod Harbor. The first white child born in New England......November, 1620 Mayflower sails from Cape Cod Dec. 15, and anchors at Plymouth......Dec. 16, 1620 First death at Plymouth, Richard Butteridge......Dec. 21, 1620 Passengers leave the ship and land at Plymouth Rock......Dec. 21, 1620 Storehouse erected at Plymouth, 20 feet square with a thatched roof......Dec. 24-30, 1620 Colony begins to erect separate houses......Jan. 9, 1621 Storehouse takes fire and nearly burns down......Jan. 14, 1621 Mrs. Rose Standish, the wife of Miles Standish, dies......Jan. 29, 1621 Miles Standish made captain with military authority......Feb. 17, 1621 William White dies......Feb. 21, 1621 Samoset, the first Indian to visit the colony, saying, Welc