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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 3: in Mexico. (search)
ed with rugged volcanic ravines, to the southwest side of the city. This rendered the laborious defences of the Mexicans useless. By August 19, this arduous march was effected, and the Headquarters of the army were advanced to the village of San Augustin, about eight miles to the southwest of the city. No serious opposition was encountered, because the Mexican generals had supposed that the impracticable ground would be a sufficient defence of their flank. But Santa Anna hastened to repair his omission, and again placed himself between the Americans and his capital, in a line of defences, which, if less elaborate than those in its front, was still formidable. Before San Augustin was the village of San Antonio, which he entrenched and occupied; at a considerable distance to tie west of it he crowned an insulated hill at Contreras, with a strong detachment of infantry and artillery, and, in the rear of this post, he placed his heaviest force at the little village of Cherubusco, w
determined to march round the southern shore of Lake Chalco and attack the city on the south and west, the company of sappers and miners was transferred to General Worth's division, which now took the lead, and the company moved at its head to San Augustin, occasionally repairing the roads as far as was practicable. As soon as General Santa Anna learned this movement of the American forces, he withdrew the greater portion of his troops, with several pieces of artillery, from El PeƱon and Mexicashing his Headquarters at the hacienda (hamlet) of San Antonio, began to labor upon the lines of defence in that vicinity. On the morning of the 18th, General Worth's division was moved forward a couple of miles on the causeway leading from San Augustin to San Antonio, and took up its position in front of the latter place, the men encamping on both sides of the road. Here a careful reconnoissance was made of the defences of San Antonio, in which Lieutenant McClellan took part. His company w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Thornton, Seth Barton (search)
Thornton, Seth Barton Military officer; born near Fredericksburg, Va., in 1814; served in the Seminole War as second lieutenant of United States Dragoons, becoming first lieutenant in 1837 and captain in 1841; had command of a squadron in the Mexican War and exchanged the first shots with the enemy at La Rosia, April 25, 1846, in which engagement he was severely wounded and captured with the greater part of his force. At the close of Scott's campaign, while leading his squadron in advance of Worth's division at the village of San Augustin, he was shot dead.
aches. Thirty two men, twenty from this place and twelve from Picacho, left this place last Wednesday night, to assist the citizens of Pino Alto in protecting themselves from the Indians. The paroled prisoners taken by the Confederate forces in Arizona have left Santa Fe for the States. As far as the military department of New Mexico is concerned, these parties have been fully respected. Capt. Brooks, of the U. S. 7th infantry, and second in rank of the officers surrendered at San Augustin, was at Santa Fe-dropped from the army list, and afterwards arrested. This officer was wounded at the battle of Mesilla, and showed as much as any officer of that command, coolness, and bravery. It is certainly very encouraing for the U. S. officers to do their duty. The secret of this remarkable treatment is probably owing to Captain Brooks having tendered his resignation several months since, on account of his opposition to the war. Lieut. Lane, of the 1st U. S. Mounted Rifle Re
From Havana. We copy the following from recent letters from Havana: San Augustin det Pilmar, May 1, 1862.--We have just arrived here--eleven o'clock--and saved this place from the flames. Since we left IX tapa we have seen nothing but columns of smoke all the way. Three hundred horse-men, that were flying before us at a distance of about six miles, were burning everything before them, and all the farms and buts were burning as we passed them. This was done by order of Juarez, to prevent us from finding any support or resting place on the way. To prevent any more of these barbarous acts we sent a detachment of cavalry after them, and thus prevented their setting fire to this place; but our men succeeded in cutting down only one of their dragoons, as they fled with all speed. Guecholas. May 2, 1862--We arrived here at 10 o'clock this morning. The enemy continues to retreat. It is feared that General Wolt will not arrive here as soon as it was expected. We have just b