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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Smiths Ford (Oregon, United States) or search for Smiths Ford (Oregon, United States) in all documents.

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th Colonel Giltner, near noon, my intention to execute the original plan of attack. Arriving seventeen miles from Rogers ville, on the Beach Creek road, near dark, we halted to feed and cook rations. Here it was ascertained the road leading to Smith's and Dodson's Fords ran within six miles of the camps of the enemy. It was also ascertained both fords were difficult and dangerous, and the night was dark and rainy. To reach the point assigned me by the hour designated, required me to cross t and in so doing captured upwards of one hundred prisoners and some army supplies. For the same reason the Eighth was ordered to the river road. Colonel Witcher was ordered with his own and the Thirty-seventh battalion of Virginia cavalry to Smith's Ford. The Thirty-sixth battalion Virginia cavalry was held in reserve near town, and the Twenty-first regiment Virginia cavalry in the position first held by the Eighth regiment. The Twenty-seventh battalion Virginia cavalry was ordered, after th