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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The relief of Knoxville-headquarters moved to Nashville-visiting Knoxville-cipher dispatches --Withholding orders (search)
toward the same point. As soon as I saw the situation at Ringgold I sent a staff officer back to Chattanooga to advise Thomas of the condition of affairs, and direct him by my orders to start Granger at once. Feeling now that the troops were already on the march for the relief of Burnside I was in no hurry to get back, but stayed at Ringgold through the day to prepare for the return of our troops. Ringgold is in a valley in the mountains, situated between East Chickamauga Creek and Taylor's Ridge, and about twenty miles south-east from Chattanooga. I arrived just as the artillery that Hooker had left behind at Chattanooga Creek got up. His men were attacking Cleburne's division, which had taken a strong position in the adjacent hills so as to cover the retreat of the Confederate army through a narrow gorge which presents itself at that point. Just beyond the gorge the valley is narrow, and the creek so tortuous that it has to be crossed a great many times in the course of the
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 99 (search)
e cannonading heard on the hill. May 8, moved to the right of Tunnel Hill, passing the day in a valley one mile from Buzzard Roost on Taylor Ridge. May 9, moved forward and formed line on ridge in front of gap; skirmished with the enemy, holding our position; had 1 man wounded. May 11, were relieved by the Seventy-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry at daylight; lay in reserve in front of gap, when we were ordered to march at 6 a. m., May 12, when my command marched in the valley alongside Taylor's Ridge through Sugar Creek Gap, and bivouacked at the earth-works thrown up by Army of the Tennessee. May 13, started to the front, marching left in front some two miles, forming on the left into line about noon, throwing forward one company deployed as skirmishers with another in reserve, and advanced in line, my command being on the extreme right of the Fourteenth Army Corps. I was ordered to extend my line of skirmishers on the right, refused considerably, which I did, moving forward slowly
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 141 (search)
nor to submit the following official report of the marches, skirmishes, battles, casualties, &c., of the Ninetyeighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the campaign in Georgia, commencing May 2, 1864, and ending September 8, 1864: The regiment, with the division, left Rossville, Ga., on the morning of the 2d of May and marched to Ringgold, Ga., and there remained until the 4th, when it was ordered on picket duty one mile south of the town, and also to make a reconnaissance down Taylor's Ridge to Nickajack Gap. Five companies, under command of Capt. John A. Norris, Company C, were at once detached and proceeded on the reconnaissance, while the other five went on duty as pickets. In the afternoon the reconnoitering party returned without any loss or having met the enemy. On the morning of the 5th the regiment rejoined the brigade, and, remaining in camp until the 7th, marched with the brigade on that day to Tunnel Hill, which place we reached about noon. At 4 p. m. the 8th t
lled and wounded. The Union casualties were two wounded. The object of the reconnaissance was effected. The following report was sent by General Thomas, from his headquarters at Chattanooga, to the National war department: Colonel Boone, with a force of four hundred and fifty men, Twenty-eighth Kentucky mounted infantry, and Fourth Michigan cavalry, left Rossville January twenty-first, moved through McLamore's caves, crossed Lookout Mountain into Brownton Valley; thence across Taylor's Ridge to eight miles beyond Deertown, toward Ashton, attacked camp of home guards, Colonel Culbertson, commanding, routed them, destroying camp, considerable number of arms, and other property, and retired to camp without any casualties in his force. Friday, twenty-second January, sent flag of truce under Colonel Burke, with Ohio infantry, with rebel surgeons and a proposition to exchange our wounded at Atlanta for rebel wounded here. A despatch from Colonel H. B. Miller, Seventy second In
t outrages upon them. A correspondent at Chattanooga, Tenn., gives the following particulars of the affair: Sixty-four men, detailed from the Ninety-second Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel D. F. Sheets, commanding, were doing picket-duty near Lyle's farm, under command of Lieutenant Horace C. Scoville, company K. Eighteen of the men were placed in reserve near the farm, the rest were distributed at seven different posts. The supposition is, that a regiment of rebel infantry crossed Taylor's Ridge during the night, about five miles from Ringgold, and formed a line, extending from the base of the ridge to the Alabama road. This line faced south, being in the rear of our pickets. Another regiment crossed the ridge higher up the valley, and faced west. A body of cavalry (probably two companies) came on our pickets from the south, and a smaller body advanced from the direction of Leet's farm. Thus were our men nearly surrounded by the wily enemy, before the attack commenced, and t
of these two ranges and of the Chickamauga, starting from Ottowah and passing by Ringgold, to the west of Dalton, is Taylor's Ridge, a rough, rocky range, traversable by wagon-roads only, through gaps generally several miles apart. Missionary Ridge passes about three miles east of Chattanooga, ending near the Tennessee at the mouth of the Chickamauga. Taylor's Ridge separates the East-Tennessee and Georgia Railroad from the Chattanooga and Atlanta Railroad. The junction of these roads is at Dalton, in a valley east of Taylor's Ridge, and west of the rough mountain region, in which are the sources of the Cossa River. This valley, only about nine or ten miles wide, is the natural southern gateway into East-Tennessee, while the otherly the lesser ranges, Missionary Ridge, if we went directly to Chattanooga; or Missionary Ridge, Pigeon Mountain, and Taylor's Ridge, if we struck the railroad at Dalton, or south of it. The valley of the Tennessee River, though several miles in brea
ry, and join in the attack wherever the enemy may be. V. till will cover our left flank from any advance of the enemy from the Cove, and by pressing the cavalry in his front ascertain if the enemy is reinforcing at Lee and Gordon's, in which event he will attack them in flank. VI. Wheeler's cavalry will hold the gaps in Pigeon Mountain, and cover our rear and left, and bring up stragglers, etc. VII. All teams, etc., not with troops, should go toward Ringgold and Dalton, beyond Taylor's Ridge. All cooking should be done at the trains. Rations, when cooked, will be forwarded to the troops. VIII. The above movements will be executed with the utmost promptness, vigor, and persistence. By command of General Bragg. G. W. Brent, A. A.G. It must be borne in mind that the Chickanauga runs in a course nearly north; that Lee and Gordon's Mills are at the crossing of the Chattanooga and Lafayette road, and that Dalton's, Tedford's, Alexander's, and Reid's are respectively in
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 8.89 (search)
necessary, and join the attack wherever the enemy may be. 5. Hill will cover our left flank from an advance of the enemy from the cove, and, by pressing the cavalry in his front, ascertain if.the enemy is reenforcing at Lee and Gordon's Mills, in which event he will attack them in flank. 6. Wheeler's cavalry will hold the gaps in Pigeon Mountain, and cover our rear and left, and bring up stragglers. 7. All teams, etc., not with troops should go toward Ringgold and Dalton beyond Taylor's Ridge. All cooking should be done at the trains; rations when cooked will be forwarded to the troops. 8. The above movement will be executed with the utmost promptness, vigor, and persistence. This map is based upon the official reports, the official topographical map compiled by Edward Ruger under the direction of Colonel W. E. Merrill, chief engineer Department of the Cumberland, and the maps of Captain Walter J. Morris of General Leonidas Polk's staff.--editors. Had this order b
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opening of the Atlanta campaign. (search)
et lines were thrown out on all the roads leading down the valley. There were several of these roads, and scouts were sent out to ascertain the movements of the enemy. By daylight it was discovered that very large bodies of troops were moving down the valley on all the roads leading to the south. General McPherson had marched from Chattanooga to Rossville, thence west of Chickamauga Mountain to Shipp's Gap and to Villanow, where the road forks--one branch leading down the east foot of Taylor's Ridge, the other leading across toward Rocky-face ; this road again forks--one branch leading through Dug Gap, the other down the valley to Snake Creek Gap. Until McPherson reached Villanow it was only a conjecture as to his course, and until the head of his column turned toward Snake Creek Gap his destination was uncertain. His march was concealed by Hooker's corps of the Army of the Cumberland, which corps, forming Thomas's right, marching from Ringgold via Nickajack Gap and Trickum, hid t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The struggle for Atlanta. (search)
Joseph E. Johnston. Pushing out from Dalton toward us at Catoosa Springs, Johnston occupied the famous pass through Taylor's Ridge, Buzzard-Roost Gap, and part of the ridge itself; and held, for his extreme outpost in our direction, Tunnel Hill, nehe was brought to Chattanooga instead, and sent thence to Villanow, soon after to pass through the Snake Creek Gap of Taylor's Ridge, all the time being kept near enough the other armies to get help from them in case of emergency. By this it was ardrtillery and cavalry galloping away. The ball is opened, Stanley called out, as I took my place by his side to study Taylor's Ridge and its Rocky face, which was now in plain sight. We beheld it, a craggy elevation of about five hundred feet, extenh made our marching all that long day slow and spasmodic, yet before dark my command had skirted the eastern slope of Taylor's Ridge for eighteen miles and joined skirmishers with Sherman, who was already, with McPherson, abreast of Resaca. Thus we
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