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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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ork, they were attacked by a portion of Ferguson's brigade of rebel cavalry, who kept up a desultory fire upon us for an hour and a half, and were driven off by my skirmishers. They wounded one of my men, and captured four others who were out foraging. The fire of my skirmishers upon them was more effective, killing three and wounding a number. The country through which the railroad passes, from No. Thirteen to No. Eleven, requires description. It is a continuous morass, known as Williamson's Creek or Swamp. The stream is quite a large one, running in general direction parallel to the railroad, and crossing it many times. The land in the vicinity on both sides is soft and swampy, with dense thickets of underbrush and vines. Through this swamp the railroad is constructed on an embankment of borrowed earth, thrown up from the sides, averaging from six to ten feet in height. The superstructure consisted of cross-ties bedded in the earth, with string-timbers pinned to them, upon