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Pausanias, Description of Greece 102 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 60 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 32 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 32 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 28 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 24 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Heracleidae (ed. David Kovacs) 22 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray) 20 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 16 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 14 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1 (search)
Enter the Chorus of Trojan guards. Chorus Go to Hector's couch. Which of you squires that tend the prince, or you armor-clad men, is awake? He ought to receive fresh tidings from the warriors who were set to guard the assembled army during the fourth watch of the night. Calls to Hector in the tent. Lift up your head! Prop your arm beneath it! Unseal that fierce eye from its repose; quit your lowly couch of scattered leaves, Hector! It is time to hearken. Hector Who is this? Is it a friend who calls? Who are you? Your password? Speak! Who are these who come near my couch in the night? You must tell me. Chorus Sentinels of the army. Hector Why this tumultuous haste? Chorus Be of good courage. Hector I am. Is there some midnight ambush? [Chorus No Hector.] Why do you desert your post and rouse the army, unless you have some tidings of the night? Are you not aware how near the Argive army we take our night's repose clad in all our armor?
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 137 (search)
n the report; but in case they are starting off in flight, with eager ear await the trumpet's call, for then I will not stay, but will this very night engage the Argive army there where their ships are hauled up. Aeneas Send out the spy at once; there's safety in your counsels now. And you shall find me steadfast at your side, whenever occasion calls. Hector What Trojan of those present in council volunteers to go and spy on the Argive fleet? Who will be that patriot? Who says yes? I myself cannot at every point serve my country and my friends in arms. Dolon I for my country will gladly run this risk and go to spy on the Argive fleet, and when I haveArgive fleet, and when I have learned fully all that the Achaeans plot I will return. I undertake this toil on these conditions. Hector True to his name indeed, his country's friend is Dolon. Your father's house was famed before, but now you have made it doubly so. Dolon So must I toil, but for my pains I should receive fitting wages. For set a reward on a
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 201 (search)
Dolon I will set forth; but going within my house I will clothe myself in fitting attire, and then I will hasten to the Argive fleet. Chorus Leader Why, what dress in place of this will you assume? Dolon One that fits my task and furtive steps. Chorus Leader One should ever learn wisdom from the wise; tell me, what will be your equipment? Dolon I will fasten a wolf-skin about my back, and over my head put the brute's gaping jaws; then fitting its fore-feet to ny hands and its hind-feet t two feet; such is the ruse I have decided on. Chorus Leader May Hermes, Maia's child, escort you safely there and back, prince of tricksters as he is! You know what you have to do; good luck is all you need now. Dolon I shall return in safety, and bring to you the head of Odysseus when I have slain him, or the son of Tydeus, and with this clear proof before you you shall assert that Dolon went to the Argive fleet; for, before the dawn, I will come back home with bloodstained hand.Exit Dolon.
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 388 (search)
and, hail! After many a long day I greet you. I rejoice at your success, to see you camped hard on the enemy towers; I am here to help you raze their walls and fire their fleet of ships. Hector Son of that tuneful mother, one of the Muses, and of Thracian Strymon's river, I love to speak plain truth always; nature did not give me a double tongue. Long, long ago should you have come and shared the labors of this land, and not allowed Troy for any help of yours to fall overthrown by hostile Argive spears. You can not say it was any want of invitation that kept you from coming with your help to visit us. What herald or embassy from Phrygia did not come to you, urgently requiring your aid for our city? What sumptuous presents did we not send to you? But you, brother barbarian though you were, pledged away to Hellenes us your barbarian brothers, for all the help you gave. Yet it was I with this arm that raised you from your paltry princedom to high lordship over Thrace, when I fell upo
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 41 (search)
Chorus The long night through, Hector, the Argive army has kindled fires, and bright with torches shines the anchored fleet. To Agamemnon's tent the whole army move clamorously by night, eager for fresh orders; for never before has the sea-faring company been so alarmed. And so I was suspicious of what might happen and came to tell you, so that you may have no cause to blame me hereafter.
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 488 (search)
. Rhesus Why, it was surely said he sailed to Ilium. Hector He sailed and he is here; but he is angry and takes no part with the other chieftains in the battle. Rhesus Who next to him has won a name in their army? Hector Aias and the son of Tydeus are, I take it, in no way his inferiors; there is Odysseus, a wheedling rascal, but bold enough indeed, and of all men he has wrought most outrage on this country. For he came by night to Athena's shrine and stole her image and took it to the Argive ships; next he came inside our battlements, clad as a vagrant in a beggar's garb, and loudly did he curse the Argives, sent as a spy to Ilium; and then went out again, when he had slain the sentinels and warders at the gate. He is always to be found lurking in ambush about the altar of Thymbrean Apollo near the city. In him we have a troubling pest to wrestle with. Rhesus No brave man thinks it right to kill his foe in secret, but to meet him face to face. If I can catch this fellow alive
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 52 (search)
e men are bent on giving me the slip and stealing away from this land in their ships by night; their midnight signalling pleases me. Ah! Fortune, to rob me in my hour of triumph, a lion of his prey, before this spear had made an end of the whole Argive army in one line! Yes, if the sun's bright lamp had not withheld his light, I would not have stayed my victor's spear, before I had fired their ships and made my way from tent to tent, drenching this hand in Achaean blood. I was eager to make a hers shall be fast bound with cords and learn to till our Phrygian fields. Chorus Leader You hasten, Hector, before you know clearly what is happening; for we do not know for certain whether the men are flying. Hector What other reason did the Argive army have to kindle fires? Chorus Leader I do not know; I am very suspicious. Hector If you fear this, be sure there's nothing you would not fear. Chorus Leader Never before did the enemy kindle such a blaze. Hector No, nor ever before did t
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 565 (search)
What can it mean? Has his company withdrawn elsewhere? Diomedes Perhaps to form some stratagem against us. Odysseus Yes, for Hector is bold now, by reason of his victory, bold. Diomedes What then are we to do, Odysseus? We have not found the man asleep; our hopes are dashed. Odysseus Let us go to the fleet with what speed we may. Some god, whichever it be that gives him his good luck, is preserving him; against fate we must not strive. Diomedes Then should we two not go against Aeneas or Paris, most hateful of Phrygians, and with our swords cut off their heads? Odysseus Well, how in the darkness can you find them among a hostile army, and slay them without risk? Diomedes Yet it would be shameful to go to the Argive ships if we have done the enemy no harm. Odysseus What! no harm! Have we not slain Dolon who spied upon the anchored fleet, and have we not his spoils safe here? Or do you expect to sack the entire camp? Diomedes I agree, let us return; and good luck go with us!
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 595 (search)
Athena Where are you going, away from the Trojan ranks, with sorrow gnawing at your hearts, because the god does not grant you two to slay Hector or Paris? Have you not heard that Rhesus has come to aid Troy in no mean fashion? If he survives this night until the dawn, neither Achilles nor Aias's spear can stop him from utterly destroying the Argive fleet, razing its palisades and carrying this the onslaught of his lance far and wide within the gates. Slay him, and all is yours; let Hector's sleep alone, no throat-cutting slaughter; for he shall find death at another hand. Odysseus Queen Athena, it is the well-known accent of your voice I hear; for you are always at my side to help me in my toil. Tell us where that man lies asleep; in what part of the barbarian army is he stationed? Athena Here lies he close at hand, not marshalled with the other troops, but outside the ranks Hector has given him quarters, till night gives place to day. And near him his white horses are tether
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 820 (search)
Chorus Woe, woe! It was in quest of you, yes, you, great lord of my city, that I went, when I brought news to you that the Argive army was kindling fires about the ships; for by the springs of Simois I vow my eye kept sleepless watch by night, nor did I slumber or sleep. Do not be angry with me, my lord; I am guiltless of all. Yet if hereafter you find that I in word or deed have done amiss, bury me alive beneath the earth; I ask no mercy.
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