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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
the surrender, 204. effects of the fall of Fort Henry, 205. Foward the close of the autumn of 1 General Grant, in an expedition against Forts Henry and Donelson. Notwithstanding repeated assura an army fifteen thousand strong. Plan of Fort Henry. References.--the a's denote the positionthe Tennessee River about twenty miles below Fort Henry, where he found the gun-boat Lexington patroJan. 28, 1862. in asking permission to storm Fort Henry, and hold it as a base for other, said one of the scouts, there will be no Fort Henry--our gunboats will dispose of it. --Not a bithe Tennessee, to get in a position between Forts Henry and Donelson, and be in readiness to storm on, and others on a steamer lying just above Fort Henry. General Tilghman and less than one hundred g and sent up a white one, and the battle of Fort Henry ceased, Feb. 6, 1862. after a severe conflies of greater achievements near, the fall of Fort Henry caused the most profound satisfaction among [13 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 8: the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
nelson, 227. Nashville, 229. The fall of Fort Henry was followed by immediate preparations for at, in charge of a portion of his flotilla at Fort Henry. With the spirit of the old Puritans (from at Cairo, on the Sunday after the capture of Fort Henry, The congregation were disappointed by thigadier-general on the day of the capture of Fort Henry. His commission was dated September 3d, 1he Confederates up the stream. Route from Fort Henry to Fort Donelson Let us observe the chas Buckner and Tilghman, who were captured at Fort Henry, were sent to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor.e calamitous occurrences at Forts Donelson and Henry, and at Roanoke Island. --War of the Rebellionaboard. Being the first division to enter Fort Henry, you also pursued the enemy for miles, captuangerous to the life of the Republic. At Forts Henry and Donelson was successfully begun that arxhibited even so early as at the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, and it never failed to give a[6 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
Southern States, whose inhabitants expected to have the battles for their defense fought in the border Slave-labor States, were exposed to the inroads of the National armies. The terror inspired all along the Confederate line by the fall of Fort Henry, and the forward movement of General Mitchel, of Buell's army, from his camp at Bacon's Creek, across the Green River at Mumfordsville, toward Bowling Green, simultaneously with Grant's investment of Fort Donelson, Feb. 11, 1862. caused that lat city, General Halleck telegraphed to General McClellan from St. Louis, March 4. Columbus, the Gibraltar of the West, is ours, and Kentucky is free, thanks to the brilliant strategy of the campaign by which the enemy's center was pierced at Forts Henry and Donelson, his wings isolated from each other and turned, compelling thus the evacuation of his stronghold of Bowling Green first, and now Columbus. The history of the latter event may be told in few words. When it was evident to the co
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 10: General Mitchel's invasion of Alabama.--the battles of Shiloh. (search)
ution of his part of the grand scheme for expelling the armed Confederates from the Mississippi valley, For that purpose he made his Headquarters temporarily at Fort Henry, where General Lewis Wallace was in command, and began a new organization of his forces for further and important achievements. Foote's flotilla was withdrawn d, when an order came from General Halleck, March 4. directing him to turn over his forces to his junior in rank, General C. F. Smith, and to remain himself at Fort Henry. Grant was astonished and mortified. He was unconscious of acts deserving of the displeasure of his superior, and he requested Halleck to relieve him entirelyhis satisfied the loyal people, who were becoming impatient because of seeming injustice toward a successful commander. Meanwhile the troops that gathered at Fort Henry had been sent up the Tennessee in transports. The unarmored gun-boats Tyler and Lexington had gone forward as far as Pittsburg Landing, at the termination of a
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
e he intended doing, McClellan answered, that the movements in Kentucky were to precede any from Washington. McDowell's Notes. This part of the plan of the General-in-Chief (the movements in the West) was soon gloriously carried out, as we have already observed; and before the Army of the Potomac had fairly inaugurated its campaign, in the spring of 1862, the active little army under Grant, and the forces of Buell and Pope, in connection with Foote's gun-boats and mortars, had captured Forts Henry and Donelson, Nashville and Columbus; had driven the Confederates out of Kentucky; had seized the Gibraltar of the Mississippi (Island Number10); and had penetrated to Northern Alabama, and fought the. great battles and won a victory at Shiloh. See Chapters VII., VIII., IX., and X. At that conference, McClellan expressed his unwillingness to develop his plans, always believing, he said, that in military matters the fewer persons knowing them the better. He would tell them if he wa
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
f the battle, 547, 548, and 549. victory for the Nationals pursuit delayed, 550. Bragg retreats southward, 551. important cavalry raids, 552. a visit to the Murfreesboroa battle — field, 553. The repulse of the Confederates at Corinth was followed by brief repose in the Department over which General Grant had command, and which, by a general order of the 16th of October, was much extended, and named the Department of the Tennessee, The newly organized Department included Cairo, Forts Henry and Donelson, Northern Mississippi, and those portions of Tennessee and Kentucky lying west of the Tennessee River. with Headquarters at Jackson. He made a provisional division of it into four districts, commanded respectively by Generals W. T. Sherman, S. A. Hurlbut, C. S. Hamilton, and T. A. Davies--the first commanding the district of Memphis, the second that of Jackson, the third the district of Corinth, and the fourth the district of Columbus. Vicksburg, a city of Mississippi, si
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 22: the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
The National loss in the battle, as reported by Grant, was 2,457, of whom 426 were killed, 1,842 wounded, and 189 missing. Hovey's division alone lost 1,202, or one-third of its entire number. The Confederate loss is unknown, as no official account was given. It was estimated in killed and wounded as quite equal to that of the National forces, besides almost 2,000 prisoners, 18 guns, and a large quantity of small arms. Among their killed was General Loyd Tighlman, who was captured at Fort Henry the previous year. He was killed by a shell from one of the guns of the Chicago Mercantile battery. Indiana was more largely represented in the desperate battle of Champion Hills than any other State. The Twenty-fourth Iowa was called the Methodist regiment, its principal officers and a large portion of its men being of that denomination. They fought most gallantly, and at evening, after the battle was over, they held a religious meeting, and made the hills resound with the grand air