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rters District of Cairo, camp in field, near Fort Henry, Feb. 5, 1862. General orders, No. 1: his command to prevent all reenforcements to Fort Henry or escape from it. Also, to be held in readi Foote. U. S. Flag-ship Cincinnati, off Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Feb. 6. The gunboats unf-past 12 o'clock P. M., I made an attack on Fort Henry, on the Tennessee River, with the iron-clad Cincinnati Gazette account. Fort Henry, Stewart Co., Tenn., February 7, 1862. Three times rebel stronghold has fallen into our hands. Fort Henry, one of the most extensive and important fortions, I had for several days concluded that Fort Henry, on the Tennessee River, near the boundary l. Louis, having returned from the capture of Fort Henry, and having obtained all the particulars fro bringing to bear but eleven of their guns. Fort Henry was, perhaps, as strong an earthwork as any struction that was so summarily visited upon Fort Henry. In this connection, we may allude to a s[17 more...]
public can then decide where the responsibility should properly rest. The Roanoke reverses. To the Editor of the Richmond Examiner: The independent conduct of your journal emboldens me to venture a criticism upon the late reverses at Fort Henry and Roanoke Island, which may be grating to ears polite, but is rendered necessary by the condition of the country. It is high time that these surrenders should cease. for, considering the character of the war in its consequences to us, they have been truly amazing, commencing with that of the cavalry at Alexandria down through that of Col. Pegram, at Rich Mountain, that of Com. Barron, at Hatteras, etc., etc., to the present lamentable instances. At Fort Henry a Brigadier-General, unwounded, having a garrison almost intact, lowers his flag over a dozen guns of the largest calibre, and with a hackneyed compliment, yields up his bloodless sword. How withering and humiliating to our Southern manhood was the sorrowful reply of the
nited States Navy, Commanding Naval Forces Western Waters: sir: Soon after the surrender of Fort Henry on the sixth instant, I proceeded, in obedience to your order, up the Tennessee River with the side of the river below. A force was landed, and considerable quantities of supplies, marked Fort Henry, were secured from the burning wrecks. Some had been landed and stored. These I seized, putte facts. What I give you is ex cathedra. On the sixth instant, soon after the surrender of Fort Henry, Commodore Foote gave orders to Capt. S. L. Phelps, of the Conestoga, to proceed up the Tenneser dark of the same day, the flotilla arrived at the railroad-crossing twenty-five miles above Fort Henry, and destroyed a large amount of camp equipage abandoned by the fleeing rebels. The draw of te side of the river below. A force was landed, and considerable quantities of supplies marked Fort Henry, were secured from the burning wrecks. Some had been loaded and stored. Our flotilla took po
Doc. 35.-gallantry of Lieut. Phelps. The Secretary of the Navy sent the following letter to Flag-Officer Foote: Navy Department, February 18, 1862. sir: Your letter of the seventh instant, communicating the details of your great success in the capture of Fort Henry, is just received. I had previously informed you of the reception of your telegraphic despatch announcing the event, which gave the highest satisfaction to the country. We have to-day the report of Lieut. Commanding S. L. Phelps, with the gratifying results of his successful pursuit and capture and destruction of the rebel steamers, and the dispersion of the hostile camps, as far up the river as Florence. I most cordially and sincerely congratulate you and the officers and men under your command, on these heroic achievements, accomplished under extraordinary circumstances, and after surmounting great and almost insuperable difficulties. The labor you have performed, and the services you have rendered in
, Third division, Department West-Tennessee, Fort Henry, February 18, 1862. To Capt Fred. Knefler, A Regiment Kentucky Volunteers. [B.] Fort Henry, February 18, 1862. Colonel: On the morninoon of the eleventh inst., while in camp at Fort Henry, I received orders from Gen. McClernand to pansport steamers; the column which came from Fort Henry, across the country, under Gen. Grant in perments of this force. The land forces left Fort Henry at ten o'clock Wednesday morning. The route ing Fort Donelson, is its immense strength. Fort Henry was thought to be almost a Gibraltar, but itednesday was quietly consumed in moving from Fort Henry, and getting into position before the rebelss: headquarters District of Cairo, Fort Henry, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1862. General field orders,e two brigades of the second division now at Fort Henry will follow as rapidly as practicable, by thr exceeding in fierceness the bombardment of Fort Henry. At all events, the effect upon the boats w[23 more...]
mmittee from the House, which called upon me upon the sixteenth inst., to inform me that the Legislature was ready to meet at such a time and place as I might designate, I deemed it my duty to remove the records of the government to and convene the Legislature at this city, for the following reasons: The disaster to our arms at Fishing Creek had turned the right flank of our army, and left the country from Cumberland Gap to Nashville exposed to the advance of the Union army. The fall of Fort Henry had given the enemy the free navigation of the Tennessee River, through which channel he had reached the southern boundary of Tennessee, and the fall of Fort Donelson left the Cumberland River open to his gunboats and transports, enabling him to penetrate the heart of the State, and reach its capital at any time within a few hours, when he should see proper to move upon it. Immediately upon hearing of the fall of Fort Donelson, I called upon Gen. Johnston and rendered to him all the res
the three wooden boats, and apart from her active participation in several fights, including the gallant struggles at Forts Henry and Donelson, has been engaged in active operations ever since last June. There is not a resident on the banks of anyg native the object and scope of the present rebellion; the next day she would probably pitch a shell into the works at Fort Henry, or carefully cruise along the shore, in search of, or exchanging broadsides with, some masked battery; twenty--four hor the other, has had scarcely an hour's leisure since she was first set afloat. There is not a house between Cairo and Fort Henry, on the Tennessee, and Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland, but what claims a friendly interest in the Conestoga. She nevay's work down there wound up with the statement that the fight would be renewed to-morrow. The fears that the fall of Fort Henry were calculated to inspire had been well-nigh dispelled by the way Fort Donelson was holding out. It was better located
ce and prosperity until the flag of rebellion involved us in the horrors of civil war. We have restored the Stars and Stripes to Northwestern Arkansas, where I am glad to find many who rejoice to see the emblem of their former glory, and hope for a restoration of the peace and happiness they have enjoyed under its folds. A surrender to such a flag is only a return to your natural allegiance, and is more honorable than to persist in a rebellion that surrendered to the National power at Forts Henry and Donelson, at Nashville and at Roanoke, and throughout the most powerful Southern States. Why then shall the West be devastated to prolong a struggle which the States of Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North-Carolina and Tennessee cannot successfully maintain? Disband your companies; surrender your arms; for in all instances where men in arms have voluntarily surrendered and taken the oath of allegiance to our common country, they have been discharged. No prisoners have, to my knowl
t servant, James W. Shirk, Lieutenant Commanding. To Flag-Officer A. H. Foote, Commanding U. S. Naval Forces, Cairo, Ill. Chicago post narrative. Cairo, Monday, March 3. The discovery of a new rebel battery on the Tennessee River, mentioned by telegraph, was made in this wise. Hearing that the rebels were planting a new battery somewhere near Savannah, the wooden gunboats Tyler and Lexington were ordered to make a reconnaissance up the river and shell them out. The boats left Fort Henry Friday morning, and proceeded slowly, examining the shores carefully as they went along. They were accompanied by the transport Izetta, with two companies of the Thirty-second Illinois regiment. They passed Savannah about ten o'clock Saturday morning, having as yet discovered no signs of the expected battery. But now the transport was ordered to keep well in the river, as at any moment a shell or round shot might announce the unpleasant proximity of the object they were in quest of.
flying over the boasted Gibraltar of the West. Finding himself completely turned on both sides of the Mississippi, the enemy was obliged to evacuate or surrender. Large quantities of artillery and stores were captured. H. W. Halleck. General Cullum's report. Columbus, Ky., March 4, 1862. To Major-General McClellan: Columbus, the Gibraltar of the West, is ours, and Kentucky is free, thanks to the brilliant strategy of the campaign, by which the enemy's centre was pierced at Forts Henry and Donelson, his wings isolated from each other and turned, compelling thus the evacuation of his stronghold of Bowling Green first, and now Columbus. The flotilla under Flag-Officer Foote consisted of six gunboats, commanded by Capts. Dove, Walke, Stemble, Paulding, Thompson and Shirk, and four mortar-boats, in charge of Capt. Phelps, United States Navy, assisted by Lieut. Ford, advance corps United States Army, and three transports, conveying Col. Buford's Twenty-seventh Illinois re