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Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 40 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 16 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 16 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 14 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 8 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 6 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 6 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 6 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 4 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
p they waged war for the kingdom,So the twins Esau and Jacob quarrelled both in the womb and in after life (Genesis, xxv.21ff.). Compare Rendel Harris, Boanerges, pp. 279ff. who argues that Proetus was the elder twin, who, as in the case of Esau and Jacob, was worsted by his younger brother. and in the course of the war they were the first to invent shields. And Acrisius gained the mastery and drove Proetus from Argos; and Proetus went to Lycia to the court of Iobates or, as some say, of Amphianax, and married his daughter, whom Homer calls Antia,Hom. Il. 6.160. but the tragic poets call her Stheneboea.See below, Apollod. 2.3.1, Apollod. 3.9.1. Euripides called her Stheneboea (Eustathius on Hom. Il. vi.158, p 632). His in-law restored him to his own land with an army of Lycians, and he occupied Tiryns, which the Cyclopes had fortified for him.Compare Bacch. 10.77ff., ed. Jebb; Paus. 2.25.8; St
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
Miletus landed in Caria and there founded a city which he called Miletus after himself; and Sarpedon allied himself with Cilix, who was at war with the Lycians, and having stipulated for a share of the country, he became king of Lycia.Compare Hdt. 1.173; Diod. 5.79.3; Strab. 12.8.5; Paus. 7.3.7. Sarpedon was worshipped as a hero in Lycia. See Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae 552 vol. ii. p. 231. And Zeus granted him to live for threeLycia. See Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae 552 vol. ii. p. 231. And Zeus granted him to live for three generations. But some say that they loved Atymnius, the son of Zeus and Cassiepea, and that it was about him that they quarrelled. Rhadamanthys legislated for the islandersCompare Diod. 5.79.1ff. but afterwards he fled to Boeotia and married AlcmenaSee above, Apollod. 2.4.11 note.; and since his departure from the world he acts as judge in Hades along with Minos. Minos, residing in Crete, passed laws, and married Pasiphae, daughter of the SunDa
Aristophanes, Knights (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.), line 1231 (search)
y and I shall soon see whether you are indeed the man whom the god intended. Firstly, what school did you attend when a child? Sausage-Seller It was in the kitchens, where I was taught with cuffs and blows. Cleon What's that you say? aside Ah! this is truly what the oracle said. To the Sausage-Seller And what did you learn from the master of exercises? Sausage-Seller I learnt to take a false oath without a smile, when I had stolen something. Cleon frightened; aside Oh! Phoebus Apollo, god of Lycia! I am undone! To the Sausage-Seller And when you had become a man, what trade did you follow? Sausage-Seller I sold sausages and did a bit of fornication. Cleon in consternation; asideOh! my god! I am a lost man! Ah! still one slender hope remains.to the Sausage-Seller Tell me, was it on the market-place or near the gates that you sold your sausages? Sausage-Seller Near the gates, in the market for salted goods. Cleon In tragic despair Alas! I see the prophecy of the god is verily come true.
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 3, chapter 8 (search)
ected. At the present day one kind of paean alone is employed, at the beginning as well as at the end;Understanding kai\ teleutw=ntes. the end, however, ought to differ from the beginning. Now there are two kinds of paeans, opposed to each other. The one is appropriate at the beginning, where in fact it is used. It begins with a long syllable and ends with three short: *da¯lo˘ge˘ne˘s ei)/te *lu˘ki˘an, (“O Delos-born, or it may be Lycia”), and *xru¯se˘o˘ko/˘ma¯ *(/e˘ka˘te˘ pai= *dio/˘s (“Golden-haired far-darter, son of Zeus”). The other on the contrary begins with three short syllables and ends with one long one: me˘ta\˘ de˘ ga=n u(/˘da˘ta/˘ t' w)ke˘a˘no\n h)fa/˘ni˘se˘nu/cAll three attributed to Simonides (Frag. 26 B: P.L.G.). (“after earth and waters, nigh
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 2 (search)
Xerxes, vying with the zeal displayed by the Carthaginians, surpassed them in all his preparations to the degree that he excelled the Carthaginians in the multitude of peoples at his command. And he began to have ships built throughout all the territory along the sea that was subject to him, both Egypt and Phoenicia and Cyprus, Cilicia and Pamphylia and Pisidia, and also Lycia, Caria, Mysia, the Troad, and the cities on the Hellespont, and Bithynia, and Pontus. Spending a period of three years, as did the Carthaginians, on his preparations, he made ready more than twelve hundred warships. He was aided in this by his father Darius, who before his death had made preparations of great armaments; for Darius, after Datis, his general, had been defeated by the Athenians at Marathon, had continued to be angry with the Athenians for having won that battle. But Darius, when already about to cross overi.e. from Asia into Europe via the
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 60 (search)
in persuading the cities on the coast which had been settled from Greece to revolt from the Persians, but as for the cities whose inhabitants spoke two languagesIt is to be presumed that Greek was their second language and so they were non-Greek or at least mixed in race. and still had Persian garrisons, he had recourse to force and laid siege to them; then, after he had brought over to his side the cities of Caria, he likewise won over by persuasion those of Lycia. Also, by taking additional ships from the allies, who were continually being added, he still further increased the size of his fleet.Now the Persians had composed their land forces from their own peoples, but their navy they had gathered from both Phoenicia and Cyprus and Cilicia, and the commander of the Persian armaments was Tithraustes, who was an illegitimate son of Xerxes. And when Cimon learned that the Persian fleet was lying off Cyprus, sailing against the b
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 4 (search)
ns were favourable and dispatched ambassadors plenipotentiary, the leader of whom was Callias the son of Hipponicus; and so the Athenians and their allies concluded with the Persians a treaty of peace, the principal terms of which run as follows: All the Greeks cities of Asia are to live under laws of their own making; the satraps of the Persians are not to come nearer to the sea than a three days' journey and no Persian warship is to sail inside of PhaselisA city of Lycia on the Pamphylian Gulf. or the Cyanean RocksAt the entrance to the Black Sea at Byzantium.; and if these terms are observed by the king and his generals, the Athenians are not to send troops into the territory over which the king is ruler.There was a cessation of hostilities at this time between Athens and Persia; but the specific terms of the treaty, as they are stated here and in fourth-century orators, are clearly false. See Walker in Camb. Anc. Hi
Euripides, Alcestis (ed. David Kovacs), line 112 (search)
Chorus There is no shrine on earth where one might send even by ship, either Lycia or the waterless seat of Ammon, to save the life of the ill-starred queen. Death inexorable draws nigh. And I know not to what sacrificial hearth of the gods I am to go.
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 944 (search)
So am I made the poorest wretch in Argos; I a thing of nothing, and Menelaus counting for a man! No son of Peleus I, but the issue of a vengeful fiend, if my name shall serve your husband for the murder. No! by Nereus, who begot my mother Thetis, in his home amid the flowing waves, never shall king Agamemnon touch your daughter, no! not even to the laying of a finger-tip upon her robe; or SipylusA mountain in Lycia, near which was shown the grave of Tantalus, the ancestor of the Atridae; the town of the same name was swallowed up in very early times by an earthquake., that frontier town of barbarism, the cradle of those chieftains' line, will be henceforth a city indeed, while Phthia's name will nowhere find mention. Calchas, the seer, shall rue beginning the sacrifice with his barley-meal and lustral water. Why, what is a seer? A man who with luck tells the truth sometimes, with frequent falsehoods, but when his luck deserts him, collapses then and there. It is not to secure a br
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 224 (search)
Chorus Lord of Thymbra and of Delos, who haunt your temple in Lycia, Apollo, O divine head, come with all your archery, appear this night, and by your guidance save this man, and aid the Dardanians, O almighty god whose hands in days of old built the walls of Troy.