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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 158 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 66 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 40 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 20 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 20 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 16 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 16 0 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 8 0 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 9, Chapter 12 (search)
When the inhabitants of Mitylene offered to Pittacus the half of the land for which he had fought in single combat,He slew Phrynon, the Athenian general, when the Mitylenaeans and Athenians were fighting for possession of Sigeum on the Hellespont. he would not accept it, but arranged to assign to every man by lot an equal part, uttering the maxim, "The equal share is more than the greater."Diogenes Laertius 1.75 gives it, "The half is more than the whole" (to\ h(/misu tou= panto\s plei=on); cp. Hes. WD 1.40, nh/pioi, ou)de\ i)/sasin o(/sw| ple/on h(/misu panto/s.. For in measuring "the greater" in terms of fair dealing, not of profit, he judged wisely; since he reasoned that equality would be followed by fame and security, but greediness by opprobrium and fear, which would speedily have taken away from him the people's gift. Pittacus acted consistently with these principles toward Croesus also, when the latter of
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 2 (search)
egan to have ships built throughout all the territory along the sea that was subject to him, both Egypt and Phoenicia and Cyprus, Cilicia and Pamphylia and Pisidia, and also Lycia, Caria, Mysia, the Troad, and the cities on the Hellespont, and Bithynia, and Pontus. Spending a period of three years, as did the Carthaginians, on his preparations, he made ready more than twelve hundred warships. He was aided in this by his father Darius, who before his death had madeo to all the states and to demand of the Greeks water and earth.The submission of water and earth was a token of fealty or non-resistance. Then, dividing his army, he sent in advance a sufficient number of men both to bridge the Hellespont and to dig a canal through AthosA Persian fleet had been wrecked off the promontory of Mt. Athos in 492 B.C. at the neck of the Cherronesus, in this way not only making the passage safe and short for his forces but also hoping by the
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 3 (search)
ll the states which had joined the alliance. the states manifested in their replies the zeal they felt for the common freedom. When Xerxes learned that the Hellespont had been bridged and the canalThe use of this canal "is problematic; and its existence has been questioned in ancient as well as modern times, but is guarcydides and by vestiges still visible" (Munro in Camb. Anc. Hist. 4, p. 269). had been dug through Athos, he left Sardis and made his way toward the Hellespont; and when he had arrived at Abydus, he led his army over the bridge into Europe. And as he advanced through Thrace, he added to his forces many soldiers from boans, together with the Chians and Samians, one hundred, the Aeolians, together with the Lesbians and Tenedans, forty, the peoples of the region of the Hellespont, together with those who dwelt along the shores of the Pontus, eighty, and the inhabitants of the islands fifty; for the king had won over to his side
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 5 (search)
hed on with the entire army, and the whole fleet accompanied the land forces in their advance as far as the city of Acanthus, and from there the ships passed through the place where the canal had been dug into the other sea expeditiously and without loss. But when Xerxes arrived at the Gulf of Melis,Diodorus, in his eagerness to recount the safe passage of the fleet through the canal, has anticipated. He now returns to the march from the European side of the Hellespont. he learned that the enemy had already seized the passes. Consequently, having joined to his forces the armament there, he summoned his allies from Europe, a little less than two hundred thousand men; so that he now possessed in all not less than one million soldiers exclusive of the naval contingent.The size of Xerxes' army has been often discussed. Munro (Camb. Anc. Hist. 4, pp. 271 ff.) concludes that Xerxes had one hundred and eighty thousand combatants and
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 19 (search)
ight fell, set sail for Asia. But Themistocles, who was credited for having brought about the victory, devised another stratagem no less clever than the one we have described. For, since the Greeks were afraid to battle on land against so many myriads of Persians, he greatly reduced the number of the Persian troops in the following manner: he sent to Xerxes the attendant of his own sons to inform him that the Greeks were about to sail to the bridge of boatsOver the Hellespont (chap. 3.6). and to destroy it. Accordingly the king, believing the report because it was plausible, became fearful lest he should be cut off from the route whereby he could get back to Asia, now that the Greeks controlled the sea, and decided to cross over in all possible haste from Europe into Asia, leaving Mardonius behind in Greece with picked cavalry and infantry, the total number of whom was not less than four hundred thousand.We are told in chap. 28.4 that
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 44 (search)
The Lacedaemonians, having appointed Pausanias, who had held the command at Plataea, admiral of their fleet, instructed him to liberate the Greek cities which were still held by barbarian garrisons. And taking fifty triremes from the Peloponnesus and summoning from the Athenians thirty commanded by Aristeides, he first of all sailed to Cyprus and liberated those cities which still had Persian garrisons; and after this he sailed to the Hellespont and took Byzantium, which was held by the Persians, and of the other barbarians some he slew and others he expelled, and thus liberated the city, but many important Persians whom he captured in the city he turned over to Gongylus of Eretria to guard. Ostensibly Gongylus was to keep these men for punishment, but actually he was to get them off safe to Xerxes; for Pausanias had secretly made a pact of friendship with the king and was about to marry the daughter of Xerxes, his purpose being to betray t
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 38 (search)
e gave up the hopes he had placed in Pharnabazus, and by himself, after equipping both the ships brought from the Peloponnesus and those supplied by his allies from abroad, he dispatched Dorieus with thirteen ships to Rhodes, since he had learned that certain Rhodians were banding together for a revolution.— The ships we have mentioned had recently been sent to the Lacedaemonians as an allied force by certain Greeks of Italy.—And Mindarus himself took all the other ships, numbering eighty-three, and set out for the Hellespont, since he had learned that the Athenian fleet was tarrying at Samos. The moment the generals of the Athenians saw them sailing by, they put out to sea against them with sixty ships. But when the Lacedaemonians put in at Chios, the Athenian generals decided to sail on to Lesbos and there to gather triremes from their allies, in order that it should not turn out that the enemy surpassed them in number of shi
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 39 (search)
Athenians were engaged in gathering ships. But Mindarus, the Lacedaemonian admiral, setting out by night with his entire fleet, made in haste for the Hellespont and arrived on the second day at Sigeium.On the Asian side at the very entrance of the Hellespont. When the Athenians learned that the fleet hHellespont. When the Athenians learned that the fleet had sailed by them, they did not wait for all the triremes of their allies, but after only three had been added to their number they set out in pursuit of the Lacedaemonians. When they arrived at Sigeium, they found the fleet already departed, but three ships left behind they at once captured; after this they put inring to block off the straits and struggling for an advantageous position; for the battle took place between Abydus and SestusSome eight miles up the Hellespont from the entrance. and it so happened that the current was of no little hindrance where the strait was narrow. However, the pilots of the Athenian fl
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 45 (search)
In Greece Dorieus the Rhodian, the admiral of the triremes from Italy, after he had quelled the tumult in Rhodes,Cp. chap. 38.5; Thuc. 8.44. set sail for the Hellespont, being eager to join Mindarus; for the latter was lying at Abydus and collecting from every quarter the ships of the Peloponnesian alliance. And when Dorieus was already in the neighbourhood of Sigeium in the Troad, the Athenians who were at Sestus, learning that he was sailing along the coastm on every side by their superior numbers. When Mindarus, the Peloponnesian admiral, learned of the situation, he speedily put out from Abydus with his entire fleet and sailed to the Dardanian PromontorySome ten miles inside the Hellespont on the Asian side. with eighty-four ships to the aid of the fleet of Dorieus; and the land army of Pharnabazus was also there, supporting the Lacedaemonians. When the fleets came near one another, both sides drew up the triremes
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 46 (search)
er on the enemy's triremes and carry on the contest with their swords. And since at each reverse the victors would raise the war-cry and the others would rush to aid with shouting, a mingled din prevailed over the entire area of the battle.For a long time the battle was equally balanced because of the very high rivalry with which both sides were inspired; but later on Alcibiades unexpectedly appeared from Samos with twenty ships, sailing by mere chance to the Hellespont. While these ships were still at a distance, each side, hoping that reinforcement had come for themselves, was elated in its hopes and fought on with far greater courage; but when the fleet was now near and for the Lacedaemonians no signal was to be seen, but for the Athenians Alcibiades ran up a purple flag from his own ship, which was the signal they had agreed upon, the Lacedaemonians in dismay turned in flight and the Athenians, elated by the advantage they