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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 22 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 10 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 10 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 8 0 Browse Search
World English Bible (ed. Rainbow Missions, Inc., Rainbow Missions, Inc.; revision of the American Standard Version of 1901) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 4 0 Browse Search
Homer, Odyssey 4 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 4 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding). You can also browse the collection for Sidon (Lebanon) or search for Sidon (Lebanon) in all documents.

Your search returned 2 results in 2 document sections:

P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 2, line 833 (search)
When Mercurie had punisht thus Aglauros spightfull tung And cancred heart, immediatly from Pallas towne he flung. And flying up with flittering wings did pierce to heaven above. His father calde him straight aside (but shewing not his love) Said: Sonne, my trustie messenger and worker of my will, Make no delay but out of hand flie downe in hast untill The land that on the left side lookes upon thy mothers light, Yon same where standeth on the coast the towne that Sidon hight. The King hath there a heirde of Neate that on the Mountaines feede, Go take and drive them to the sea with all convenient speede. He had no sooner said the word but that the heirde begun Driven from the mountaine to the shore appointed for to run, Whereas the daughter of the King was wonted to resort With other Ladies of the Court there for to play and sport. Betweene the state of Majestie and love is set such oddes, As that they can not dwell in one. The Sire and King of Goddes Whose hand is armd
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 4, line 563 (search)
, He utterly forsakes his towne the which he builded had, As though the fortune of the place so hardly him bestad, And not his owne. And fleeting long like pilgrims, at the last Upon the coast of Illirie his wife and he were cast. Where ny forpind with cares and yeares, while of the chaunces past Upon their house, and of their toyles and former travails tane They sadly talkt betweene themselves: Was my speare head the bane Of that same ougly Snake of Mars (quoth Cadmus) when I fled From Sidon? or did I his teeth in ploughed pasture spred? If for the death of him the Goddes so cruell vengeaunce take, Drawen out in length upon my wombe then traile I like a snake. He had no sooner sayde the worde but that he gan to glide Upon his belly like a Snake. And on his hardened side He felt the scales new budding out, the which was wholy fret With speccled droppes of blacke and gray as thicke as could be set. He falleth groveling on his breast, and both his shankes doe growe In one roun